Knight Changes Feedback
The new changes to Knight make him absolutely clunky to play, and to play against (if you know what you're doing). Because you aren't allowed to work with your guards, you're incentivized to go for long range snipes, and a max range snipe with the Assassin is damn near guaranteed(easily doable with Discordance or…
New Knight Bug 8.0.1
The Carnifex Guard is really slowed down(about 80% slow) during patrols and hunts, making the power useless. Replicating the bug, just summon the Carnifex guard, all other guards work ''normally''. Match played on Nostromo Wreckage, addons were Map of the Realm and Call to Arms. Perks were Franklin's Demise, Hoarder, Weave…
Bite the Bullet bug
Bite the Bullet isn't suppressing healing sounds, as of this new update. I was playing as Jeff.
Game stuck at startup before the intro
After the DBD logo,and before the Alien intro cinematic, the game just seizes up in a black screen. Reinstalling did nothing, updating drivers did nothing. Problem started today. Tried reinstalling EAC, didn't work. Tried disabling Steam's overlay, also nothing. Also added EAC executable, DBD's executable and the separate…
Multiple Knight Bugs
The guards will not got thru recently dropped pallets(mid Hunt) they will re-route and not go through the pallets as intended and will get stuck on windows sometimes. Problems started on 6.6.0(Tools of Torment) patch. Problems persisted in 6.6.1. Problems persisted on 6.7.2, along with the Knight being stunned after…
Graphical bug with Skully's Hydraulic Blade skin
Warped graphics on the arm of the Skull Merchant when attacking. How to reproduce: Just lunge and look down while using the skin. I wasn't using the full skin, just the weapon and mask, along with the chestpiece ''Seaside Hunt''.
Knight bug(s)
The guards will not got thru recently dropped pallets(mid Hunt), and will get stuck on windows sometimes. Problem started on 6.6.0 patch. Problem persists in 6.6.1. Problem STILL persists on 6.7.2, along with the Knight being stunned after quickly deploying a guard near a survivor dropping pallet to quickly break…