New Type of Cheaters
Lately i see more and more cheaters in my game. Its really annoying to record this everytime. Its a cheat which looks like this : those people raise their ping and you cant pick them up when you chase them you see them running just straight and feel like something is blocking you during the chase. Then these cheaters bump…
Cheaters Issue
Lately i see more and more cheaters in my game. Its really annoying to record this everytime. Its a cheat which looks like this : those people raise their ping and you cant pick them up when you chase them you see them running just straight and feel like something is blocking you during the chase. Then these cheaters bump…
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Not receiving more BPS through 104% offering
I got 28k BPS in that game and there are 2 offerings with 104% and all i get is 37k ? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1254764400142360830/288321D0433C55A49259243AFD057ADE14521C8C/