What’s the issue with Coldwind Farm?
What used to be my favorite map, which I admit was VERY survivor sided, is now my LEAST favorite map as it has unbearable tiles. The RNG is spawning no safe jungle gyms, not including cow tree. Instead the spawned jungle gyms have the strange L tile with a pallet (super unsafe and easy to get mindgamed) with a vault. The…
Thrill of the Hunt buff is abusable
The day before the update I had already faced a Demogorgan who was running Thrill of the Hunt, Devour Hope, Pentimento, and Undying. After the first hex totem was cleansed (took me forever because he just teleports to the totem), he was able to place penti. This game style is just annoying and with the new buff to TOTH,…
Why were the tights on Feng’s Poor Connection skirt removed?
the tights were awesome, why were they removed? Now it’s just a miniskirt
Why doesn’t Huntress have the same hit box as Deathslinger?
I love playing as and against huntresses, she’s my favorite killer to go against. However, I understand some people’s frustration when her hitboxes just shouldn’t hit. With that being said, why do Deathslingers shots have to be accurate but Huntress does not? I’ve seen clips of people being 100% behind a wall (feet and…
Not able to drop pallets
as soon as the killer walks through the pallet, I am unable to drop them. Also I keep getting stuck in the pallets until the killer breaks.
Yesterday I had an issue while trying to repair a gen on the top stairs of RPD. It’s a 3-person gen but one side wouldn’t let you repair it.
Issues with flashlights
has anyone else noticed issues with flashlights? It’ll be pointed directly at the killer and it doesn’t blind or sometimes doesn’t make a sound. I’ve heard other people have this issue as well
Not gaining blood points
I’ve noticed in most of my matches I’m not accruing blood points.
Has anyone noticed the bloody shorts for Feng Min are gone now?
I had them equipped and today I logged in to see them gone from my inventory. Was this intentional or accidental?