Re: Your worst map and why?
Right now i am not a fan of the Onmund Map as killer because the gen and hook auras are too weak and hard to see.. But otherwise i hate Swamp the most. Its just a huge map.. this is both for playing …1 -
Re: Please reduce cannibal main screen chainsaw sound.
I agree completely.. its beyond annoying. It used to be gone completely...1 -
Re: Camping and tunneling after unhook baffles me...
@Warlock_2020 I totally agree with you there.. @raptorsfromspace I agree completely that genrushing is out of hand in this game, btw.. but i dont feel like it equals camping.. if you Camp a survivor …3 -
Re: Poll: Choose ONE change you want in DBD the most!
I went with nerf genrush.. i feel its a major problem that killers have to rely on ruin in every game to even have a chance..2 -
Camping and tunneling after unhook baffles me...
Greetings fellow fog travellers :) I play almost 50/50 killer and survivor. As a killer i never tunnel or camp.. for me its not about pips, but about getting lots of bloodpoints (for all players), an…1