Why is no one talking about this?

It's unfortunate it's going into a very mechanically boring and unrewarding killer because it is very nice.
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We don't talk about [REDACTED] anymore
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The skins are incredible that came out today, the Art Team does some absolutely incredible work 😍
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I love it! Now if only the balance team would fix Legion so I'd have a reason to buy the skin..
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Because using them would involve playing Legion. 😥
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Ik, right? I really just want that mask cuz Suzie is best girl. Honestly, if they just made it so that missed attacks in ff worked like they used to, it'd be way better. Though hitting wounded survivors while in ff doing nothing is really the hardest hit. Even if they lowered it's effectiveness while still still decreasing the timer, it'd be better. I've had so many injured survivors just stand there while I was in ff. It's a joke.
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Suzie is best girl.
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Clown been doing squats!
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Now look, there is a certain unnamed event in November that a lot of us are trying not to fail. This skin is gonna make that kinda hard.
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Remember susie is underage and that'll help your quest. Stay strong
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Wait. I thought she was 16. And I though it was Julie.
And I never said that I was doing the challenge. It's like "Dry July" in that I work in liquor retail. It's not happening.
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Why is it the Killer's that are beaten into uselessness seem to get the most interesting skins? (IE: Legion & Nurse)
I wanted to learn Nurse because she seemed fun.
Now? It's Blink, miss, fatigue, Blink is on cooldown, walk slower than a Survivor, Blink off cooldown 5 years later, blink, miss, fatigue, blink is on CD, walk slower than a Survivor...
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Not anymore. Julie left her twisting in the wind.
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I prefer Frank's skin but Julie's is nice too I guess
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Beautiful skin!
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Best girl Susie approves of both masks.
Seriously, awesome job art team, these are great outifts.
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This skin is beautiful but sadly Legion is boring and ######### as #########.
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Not only are they great skins, but we can actually use shards for them! Most of the good skins are always auric cells.
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Susie is best girl. Susie is best girl. Susie is best girl. Susie is best girl. Susie is best girl.... Sorry, what was I saying?
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The art team is always on point for sure... I wanted my friend to do cosplay of julie this year......... she unfortunately did not :(
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This thread is proof legion needs to be the highest priority in reworking, not spirit or doctor
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I usually dont have a problem getting 4ks in red ranks on legion. Its rare i get more than 2 survs escaping.
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Beautiful artwork on a killer that's brown rank capable only. It's a shame I can't spend my money on this.
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I'm so glad my main girl is getting a new skin. Legion deserves it. : P
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As a Rank 3 Legion main, I'd like to disagree with you.
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I love that they gave Legion, David, and Jane Dia de los Muertos cosmetics! They even glow I'm absolutely in love with these skins! 💀🥀
Post edited by Boosted_Dwight on0 -
My first reaction when I saw this skin:
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Legion had such potential and was so much fun. Especially with skins, I love almost all of them. They're so badass and some of the team's best work. You could get so much more money if you made them actually playable. No other killer besides new nurse is actually punished for using their power. At least nurse has threat when she's using her power. Legion literally becomes useless when they're using their power. Which is ironic considering they were nerfed cause yellow ranks were bored of mending. So what did they do? Make it easier for them to force everyone to mend. Good job balance team. You're really working hard for that position of worst balance team in existence.
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I don't even enjoy playing Legion and I bought that skin because it's so nice.
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I want to buy some of these cosmetics but I'm not sure about my account I'm not unlocking my last two trophies on another game and I might just have to move off the account because their broken and sony gives me lame technical advice and the company want really help either but I want this skin so bad.
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Honestly, I can't tell the difference...
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Yeah not gonna buy it, fix legion.
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Julie is thicc though but susie is still my beloved one! I am still waiting for a susie body pillow BHVR!!!