Another balance post

I seriously think the devs have done a great job and this game as come a long way.

They get way to much hate, if you haven't played this game from day 1 you have no idea the mess this game started in.

You think the game is survivor sided now? You should of seen it back then, People seriously need to stop blaming swf for being too op and look at there own gameplay, record back and analize it see your mistakes and work on them, because trust me you are making a lot of mistakes if you are losing games consistently.

I play EU at rank 1 mainly spirit or billy against all kinds of teams and ye sometimes you feel like you have no chance cos the gens start flying but there is always counters to this playstyle, You just have to play a scummy playstyle which i understand is not what everyone wants to do,

But one thing i can agree on is that playing scummy playstyle is the only way to win all games. Not saying you have to play like this to win every game, But some games are un winnable if you don't play scummy playstyle, for example slugging/tunneling. proxy camping.

Not trying to be too big headed but i seriously 4k 90 percent of my games with average add ons and i don't see a huge problem in balance. The only thing i have noticed that is sometimes unbalanced for sure is the map rng that you can get against you. especially playing someone like Billy,

If the map rng is against you with insane tiles all mixed together and high tier survivors know how to run them properly. You're are defeintly gonna have a rough time, But even then these games are still winnable from my experience, You just have to counter them with pressure and don't make bad plays.

I know a lot of people are not gonna agree with this but trust me a lot of the time why you are losing these games are your own bad plays. Because even a slight missplay in this game can cause you to lose the game, I suggest to record your gameplay and when you get one of these games you feel was un winnable watch it back and work on your mistakes.

And one more thing never expect to win every game against every team even if you think you are the best player in the world, without having a scummy playstyle. You cannot do this if you play too survivors emotions and play with a "FAIR" playstyle. Also you are never gonna win every game no matter what anyway. I still never understood why people cant understand that, Since when has anyone in a game never lost ever. Cos people seem to think on dbd if you lose it's just cos the game is unbalanced when in reality we are humans and can't win everything, no matter how good you are.

