Why is meta basically the entire game

lightning_lif3 Member Posts: 14
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

Ok you have perks you like some you dislike but what about how you don't even try to find perks you like and dislike because this is the survivor escape table ( exhaustion perk objection perk toxic perk and maybe something you like ) .I thought the Oni would be a killer where you could use all his perks the after 3 ptb days Barbie Q nurses calling sloppy butcher. this is a joke like every body wants a nurf because something's over powered that same person watched a YouTube guide on how to survive or 4k. Like image this if the stoped making perks worse and limiting good ones.

what if the were all over powered killer and survivor perks people would use all of them the game wouldn't be finally I got ruin in my blood web. It would what perks should I use now it would add diversity and make counter play a lot more complex. like now I promise if you go into green ranks with distortion Which is not a commonly used perk it would counter Barbie Q. But no one uses it because it would take a perk away from the meta.

See if all perks were over powered then different perks would be getting used but that's up to the devs so someone please have something done it gets boring that a key aspect of the game is barely changing perks not even going to comment on add ons yet

Best Answer


  • lightning_lif3
    lightning_lif3 Member Posts: 14

    Sorry heat of the moment games getting really boring

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I understand. If I came off as abrasive, I'm sorry.

    I'll give you a response once you add paragraphs.😁

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2019

    Good perks are good perks are good perks. Some killers might have off-meta perks they synergize well with (like Stridor on Spirit, or Brutal on Clown) but for the most part that's just how meta works dude. Every game is like this.

    Take ANY fighting game. Look at the roster. Now pick either 6-8 characters or 20% of the roster, whichever is the smaller number. Those are going to be the meta picks you see in tournaments. MvC2 is a perfect example. The game has like 60 characters, only 6 or so are viable with another 4-6 being viable for assists/team comps. That's 10 characters out of 60 that are meta.

    Look at Overwatch. 31 characters, maybe 8 are viable in competition. Be generous and add another 2-3 based on team comp synergy or the mode.

    So it's really no surprise that out of 74 survivor perks/66 killer perks, that only about 8 each are actually viable at the highest level, with another 5 MAYBE being useful depending on the map or specific tactics. It's a natural part of any game, DBD is no exception. And if the devs buff/nerf perks guess what? There will still only be 10 viable options at the end of the day because those changes shift the meta to new tactics. There is no avoiding it.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    People use meta perks because they work. Everybody wants to win and nobody likes losing, so everybody runs the best perks they have available to them. Just how online games work.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Meta is an unfortunate side effect of gamers wanting to win at any cost regardless of what their enemies must face because of it. As long as there are more options to choose from than to use, and they have even slight differences in their impact on the game there will always be a meta.

    You can't stop people from using what's considered good for the game. All you can do is try and make the weaker things stronger without touching the already strong/used stuff so there is more diversity.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,530

    There's a lot more to it than it seems on paper. If you make all perks overpowered, then none are overpowered- sure. But that doesn't make them any more fun to use or go against. For example, sure, we could take Prove Thyself and make it buff repair speed more, and we could take Resilience and buff that to ~30%. People would use them, but is that good for the game? Do you really want people to repair generators incredibly fast? Going crazy with buffs will make those perks used more for sure, but it's not good for the game.

    As far as meta goes, there's always going to be some people out there who use whatever gives them the best chances of winning. To each their own, if that's your style, you do you. We'll do our best to make sure that there's no single perk that's too crazy, although we can't exactly change someone's mind if they're dead set on something being the best and wanting to use it.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    deceisive strike is the most used perk in the game, it rewards players for doing mistakes, jumping into locker has no counterplay except wasting time, unbreakable + DS especially doesnt have any counterplay