Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

how many reports does it take for griefers to get removed? And is it biased towards survivors?

For the first question I'd like to know how many reports does it take for griefers to get any consequences, hopefully not many since one of the reasons I put this game down a long time ago was the griefing (was told theres new policy for it?). And the follow up is; by virtue of the survivors being 4 couldn't they potentially just report a killer and the killer gets 4 reports resulting in a quicker consequence? Would love to know since it feels like 30% of the time I'm reporting someone for tbagging at the exit or bodyblocking.


  • bodyblocking is griefing because I have no tools to thwart it and it is frustrating since it denies me a hook by virtue of the killer being too kind and not just shoving them out of the way. It's an exploit at worst griefing at best. You don't like being face camped so why should I have to deal with bodyblocking? Oh who am I kidding you're obivously a survivor main.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Body blocking is listed under Gameplay Abuse. Tea bagging at the Exit Gates instead of just leaving is holding the game hostage and falls under Unsportsmanlike. You already knew that, though.

  • Guess ghostface will be my last dlce purchase

    considering they usually wait until I chase them at entrance to the exit I'd say it's holding the game hostage. I've had a few games go down to the wire cause the survivor just wanted to 360 tbag me. why is it face camping get's retooled to almost never happen but I can get denied a hook because I can only hook in one spot and if someone stands there I cant? Might as well tattoo entitled survivor on your forehead cause when this game doesn't give you a bottle it's a disaster but if a killer is griefed it's just gameplay.

    Regardless you're derailing the topic.

    yet I stated I don't have that perk since it randomly occurs at 35 keep seething survivor main.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Dunno why I would think a game that's focused heavily on making it as easy as possible for the Survivors would consider the Survivors doing anything to prohibit the Killer from completing literally his only objective bannable. My fault. Carry on.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I dont think you understand the report categories properly...

    "Body blocking" is reportable if someone is blocked into a corner and unable to move. If someone is in front of the hook you can just smack them out of the way. Saying "the survivor is making it difficult for me to hook a survivor and should be banned for it" is like saying when a killer stops a survivor doing a gen they should be banned for it. Do you get what I'm trying to say? If you can still interact with the players youre not being "body blocked".

    As per your "survivors waiting at the exit gate are holding the game hostage" thats not true. You can smack them out and get extra points by doing it! I know a lot a survivors that do this, especially if you feel bad for the killer or think he played poorly. Also, with the EGC its impossible to hold the game hostage anymore (unless the survivors are hiding in lockers and not working on any gens but even that is arguable).

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Info assimilated. Nothing the Survivors do is an offense. The report system was made solely to punish Killers. That's a big 10-4.

    Can't wait til I get off so I can use up these Moris.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,750

    As many have already stated...Body blocking a hook is intended gameplay and is not reportable.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I understand why it may feel like that, but that's neither a true nor a fair comment to make.

    Here is a list of things survivors can be reported/banned for:

    • Hacking in-game exclusives, items or skins
    • Modifying their save files
    • Using third-party software to modify their in-game abilities, for example "speedhacks"
    • Threats, harrassment or abuse in the chat
    • Working with the killer to grief their teammates
    • Exploiting bugs or design errors (such as glitching on top of certain objects in maps which render them unhittable), advertising said bugs, or holding the game hostage using them
  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    The things you are reporting are, sadly, not reportable. It is perfectly fine to be hurt by these actions, t-bagging is nothing but toxic whereas bodyblocking is a good strat to make sure their team doesn't go down at the end or it's good to make sure their team can wiggle off the killer's shoulder.

    Griefing is more along the lines of ... well I dunno because it's very vague and BHVR doesn't explain. It's really hard to report survivors especially for griefing because the only way they can ruin your game experience are not reportable offenses. It's much easier to get a killer banned for griefing because they can take actions that make it so you can't even play the game, thus ruining your experience (such as facecamping, which I've heard is still not reportable which makes no sense).

    I had a friend report someone for Mori Spamming a friend of mine and BHVR got back to them "Thank you for your concern but no action will be taken against this player." So pretty much, toxicity is 100% allowed and clearly, it's encouraged (regardless of how many times BHVR says they do not encourage it).

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    So there's really nothing base gameplay related they can do aside from working with the killer. Seems heavily biased to me. Basically they can only be reported for using cheats which is something everyone in all games are reported and banned for.

    Maybe I should start playing as Survivors? Nah, Generator Repair Simulator sounds as boring as the Drawer Search Simulator in Friday the 13th.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    There really isn’t much killers can get reported for either. Body blocking someone in a corner to cause neither you or that person to be able to do anything until they DC is reportable.

    Other things like Mori cancel spam or Doctor three gen to drag out the game are super annoying but not really bannable.

  • Eesane
    Eesane Member Posts: 27

    I don't understand this whole post. I've have actually been body blocked into a corner by survivor as a survivor and by killer as survivor at various different times. You can't move. A spirit actually body blocked me for 3 minutes into a corner then hit me when they had noed.

    Body blocking the hook, you just hit them; it's free pressure, if they want to continue to body block after getting hit then you get a free down.

    also most survivors suck at actually body blocking the prompt to hook people if they're spinning around it.

    Teabagging is in any game. Also the EGC stops them from just standing there for 20 minutes teabagging you. Chase them out, hit them. Are they healing someone that you downed in the exit gate? HIT THEM. Most survivors don't any anything to do with the killer when they're injured.

    This game isn't about letting you get kills, you work them or you can be lazy and bring no one escapes death but with the latest tome being released people are cleansing totems like no tomorrow.

    You know what also isn't reportable/bannable? Camping, tunneling, moring off of hook, slugging, forever freddy. Also if you're playing ghostface/pig you can teabag them back. 🤯

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Bodyblocking which holds someone in a corner for an extended period of time preventing them from moving or participating in the game is bannable.

    Getting between the killer and a hook, or the killer and a survivor they want to hit is part of the game, and is NOT reportable.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Tell me more about this Doctor 3 Gen. I'm intrigued!

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Welcome to the party. Many others have already explained how Survive By Daylight works. Feel free to watch me get body blocked all game on Mixer right now.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Oh you have me mistaken with someone else, I'm not the one person who watches mixer.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258
  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    How often is this happening to you? You can almost always still make a hook even when they try body Blocking, unless the hook is pretty far away and multiple people are getting in your way.

    Part of me feels like they’re acting like they’ll body block and then running and you’re actually chasing them down with someone in your shoulder.

    I have players, at red ranks, trying to body block and all it ends up being is a free hit for the killer. Unless it’s a coordinated SWF team or all the survivors are together during EGC this generally isn’t a good strategy.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Please stop wasting the Devs time with stupid reports for t-bagging. Just go hit them and make them leave. This is why the devs can't get to the real reports of things that actually matter.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,549
    edited December 2019

    I even sent tickets with video proofs, both me as killer and survivor, I've just checked the two profiles and they didn't get banned, or at least steam doesn't show it

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,531

    Body blocking the hook as a survivor is not griefing, TBagging is not griefing - neither of these things are reportable, please make yourself more aware of the game rules before making false reports.

    I'm going to lock this thread because of the amount rude comments that I've just had to delete from it - reminder to stay civil to people when having a discussion, k, thnx!

This discussion has been closed.