What does DBD need in 2020?

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Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes. The game is a mess right now.
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I felt the most emotion reading this choice so I chose it
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crossplay because it will honestly benifit the community, but since the game is common when it comes to bugs I wouldn't expect it to be coming out this year, I'd definetly recommend if the developers where working on it to be at a constant state of testing it, because Idk but there's a suspicion in me that it will be a buggy mess.
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Rank Rewards
This and anything that gives me incentive to keep playing. Objectives. Something to look forward to. The Archives were a good start, so are the rituals, but I feel something else would help a lot. And rank rewards would be a great path to follow.
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Crossplay so that lobbies for all players won't take forever as there would be more people playing. Plus being able to play with friends who play on different platforms! I'm hoping for crossplay one day :3
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bugfixes +1
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The benefit is pretty big, but I know there'll be negatives.
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Rank Rewards
Not only rewards, also more difficulty to get in red ranks (*Renembers that Urban evasion + Self-care Clauddete)
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I trust that the dev's will fix and add a lot of things.
I would like to see match making get reverted. Watch Ohtofu's video on YouTube on why it's so important for the health of the game. He just posted it a day or so ago.
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Game health and bug fixes, optimization, that is a must.
Anything can come next, I'd love new content but I also would like to play it without worrying of lag, frame drops, etc.
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I would love to see some balance changes and bug fixes.
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Less grind.
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What bugs are you running into? Outside long lobby times and idiots dcing, I never see bugs.
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the game is ridiculously grindy and this should be fixed
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Sound is messed up. Half of the killers have bugs that near enough half of their potential. The new map is bugged as well. I don't know where to start.
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Rank Rewards
Rank rewards would be nice.
Maybe a bloodpoint reward for whatever rank you reach? Could throw iridescent shards in there too as a bonus if you reach the higher ranks.
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One word, Balance.
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Quality of life improvement, balances, and fix the glitches.
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Another game mode
not sure if it fits here, but I need a practice mode with AIs. nothing too elaborate, a way to have survivors spawning and running on a straight line, or having a killer follow you as if you were in chase, as a way to test perks, or simply practice chasing by trying to make distance with the killer, or getting better at some killers things (throwing hatchets on a moving target, purge, chainsaw... ). Would be nice to not have to try on randoms a killer you never tried or always having to ask a friend to spend his time in private matches with you!
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Rank Rewards
We already have Jason
His name is Trapper
And Identity V, which if I am correct BHvR helped with, has rank rewards
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Cross play so lobbys wont take soo long to find a match.
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Cross play as well as cross progression, this is crucial. Console optimising so it isn’t hugely dispiriting for them. Fixing the bugs. Another game mode. I think this is the only thing that will save its player base at this point.
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Crossplay as well as cross save!
i dont wanna spend that much time i spent on pc again on another console (even though i want to play on the switch but dont want to play and grind everything again!)
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It needs to actually be balanced ffs
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I'm going for other, because I'd really like to see more map reworks as I think this could solve many issues.
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Balance changes.
The pace of balance changes is just pathetic.
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I'd rather have proper balancing and fixes than anything else. I can deal with bad maps if the perks and items are balanced.
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More customization ! Customizing the basement, having hooks different from each others, having horror posters on walls ? What about the chest ?
On the survivor side, what about one more clothes slot for belts or others ?
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hit boxes needs to be fix. Maps needs to be redesigned. Bugs needs to be fix.
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Crossplay would be great and all but its not gonna happen soon.
They don't need to make more money off of items.
Ranking rewards not really if you are rank 1 you don't really need bp or anything else. But cosmetics would be nice.
Another gamemode definitely bc it gets boring.
FIX DEAD HARD, then fix matchmaking and ranking.
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Fix bugs and BUFF KILLERS!!!
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Here is my list what has to be done.
1 Fix Hitboxes and server issues. Its super frastrating getting hit at a windows or pallets when you are way out of rang. The killer hitting air and doing dmg is absurd.
2 FIX HITBOXES and SERVER ISSUES. This point cant be overstated.
3 Hitboxes! You get the idea...
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Killer AI..
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More competent Devs who can solve all the problems the game has in its current state.
These ones only create new ones instead of fixing the exisiting ones...
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To be consistently functional, like a normal game.
I don't understand how BHVR has gotten away with this for so long? Any other dev would have their game trashed on if it ran like DBD did.
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Changes to the ranking system in general would be great, not just rewards. It's too easy to get to rank 1 if you're just playing a lot with friends for example, that's why there are a lot of not-so-good players in red ranks, but also sometimes very, very good players in purple or even green ranks
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Flashbangs for survivors please, start with 2 and are replenishable after each hook and upon the final gen being completed either a grenade or a heat speaking missile would be nice.
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Massive, MASSIVE map reworks and a few balance changes
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(Also buffing bad perks, but having BASIC game mechanics is way more important)
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To balance the goddamn game. It's rather survivor-sided.
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No more licensed killer, more original killers with creative power and perks.
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Jason, if not him then Roy Burns, if not him then do an original guy with Jason's mask like Ghostface
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map balance changes
legion rework, clown rework/changes
other killer changes
perk balancing
bug fixing
color blindness setting
I dont need or want more content to further this ######### show
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Actual proper balance changes.
No point in adding fancy new toppings to the game when the core is rotten.
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Rank Rewards
I change my vote to this lol
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Another game mode
Base gamemode has gotten boring after 4 years
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Another game mode
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Rank Rewards
but most importantly, more freaking double bp events!
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Bug fixes, lots of map balancing, killer buffs, low use killer perks and survivor perks need a buff and just something fresh for the game as it’s getting stale.