What do you think?

So the other day I was playing by myself, yes I am a solo survivor and I play both sides. I noticed this guy was streaming with his friend and they were both a SWF and I decided to watch his stream as I was playing the same match he was in. The game loads in and we're against a Trapper. The streamer was playing Meg and he spent the whole game trying to find the ruin, but he couldn't find it. The trapper knocks him down and he decides to DC from the game and rage on his stream saying "I'm not going to play this [BAD WORD] game if I search through the whole map and can't find the [BAD WORD] totem." Seems like he was an entitled survivor main, and used his poor searching skills as an excuse to DC because he failed to find the hex totem. As he said, he searched the "whole" map to find it and couldn't find it.

P.S, the ruin got cleansed about 5 minutes after he dced.

The reason I'm writing this is because of the fact he was playing Meg, and Meg-Mains are known for having a toxic and selfish reputation, maybe examples like this are the reason why that stereotype regarding Meg's character is so popular? Let me know your thoughts.

