You think its Ruin's fault new players arent having fun? No this is! (matchmaking discussion)

This is a match i just played with Freddy. Im on rank 4 atm since i didnt play much since rank reset. But im sure as hell not supposed to play against rank 20, 16, or even 14. Sure this is mostly because they were a 4man and the rank 6 dragged them into the match. But to be honest i feel bad for them. just because someone has a friend who is on a high rank doesnt mean they play good.

The ranking system is allready bad and even if i play against 4 rank 1 players the chance is very high that they are all potatos.

This annoys me because i play both roles frequently (a bit more survivor, mostly with a friend of mine).

I know the pain of losing because the team doesnt do anything while u get chased for 4 minutes or teammates going down in 10 seconds. But this is not the killers fault. Its the matchmaking. Its so easy to get to rank 1 since its not even really posible to derank except u ######### on hook instantly.

Ruin was a perk needed to have a chance against really good survivor (the ones that are supposed to be there) and of course new players will have a hard time facing it. But you dont remove a band aid fix when u didnt fix the main problem.

I know peanits stated that the devs also changed ruin to see how the game plays without it and i respect that. But to be honest i think thats not gonna work since ruin was not the problem. Matchmaking is. The ruin change will make it close to impossible to have a nice match on rank 1 as a killer thats not top tier (e.g. clown, pig) even though most survivors on rank 1 are bad. But holding m1 doesnt need skill. Even if the killer plays well and gets downs fast he will still lose since most maps are to big to aply pressure. top tier killers like freddy or billy will most likly not get hurt that much since they have tools to cross the map fast.

E.g Temple of Purgation is 12000 square meters. Killers with 115% speed need 40 seconds to get from one side to the other. This is half a gen every time just to cross the map and chase a new survivor. You dont need to be a math prof to calculate that this is map is a instant lose with a killer that does not have movement ability. Maps like coal tower should be the way to go (in terms of size, 8k square meters).

i kinda got of topic but i just wanted to give an example of how random dbd can be with some maps even being a direct "your gonna lose card".

This mean when u take ruin out of the equation nothing will change except gen speed will rise. i even think the kill rate on red ranks will stay the same since most killer players will now refuse to use low tier killers and will start to use noed and overpowerd addons to compensate for not having enough time.

In the end this will make the game unfun for both roles. For killers because matches are only 3 minutes long. And for survivors since they are gonna get punished with moris and noed in the end. But all this is overshadowed by bad red rank players. They ruin (haha) the equation by playing bad on red ranks and screwing over the devs stats. The devs will believe that nothing has changed and so they will not change a thing.

I think the devs should start to overhault the ranked system again since i and probably most other players think that the emblem system is badly designed and doesnt represent skill at all. (for both sides. but much more survivors. and i think most good survivors will agree with me there).

E.g. gens are done in 3 minutes. Both killer and survivors wont get a uprank even though the survivors "won" the match. I myself even managed to get a derank as survivor after we got all gens done and escaped. The emblem system doesnt understand that in some matches its not possible to unhook or heal someone because no one got hooked before all gens are finished. or things like thats its not humanly possible to pressure all gens long enough to get gatekeeper.

Tl;dr : The gen time is not fixable and its not possible to monitor stats after the ruin nerf since the bad matchmaking is gonna screw the stats over anyways. Red ranks are flooded with bad players thanks to:

the emblem system which doesnt represent skills, the rank reset changes (which also ruin q times for new players) and to much rng like map size or randomnes of tile spawns.

This means stats are unreliable since the rank 1 doesnt represent the good players and the kill death ratio is screwd because bad player get to rank 1 and die against half way good killers.

Tl;dr 2: its the matchmakings fault not the players, not the perks.

if you read till here. thanks and i hope you understande the not structured text.


  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I keep multiple screenshots on this issue everytime I see a rainbow of rank to lay at the feet of those who think matchmaking is fine. There should never be a reason for such a blatant discrepancy unless either the system is flawed, or survivors are gaming the system.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130
  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Were they definitely a SWF? Or just guessing?

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    You can sorta tell because one guy is really eager to bait you to loops or protect specific survivors so I go out of the way to ignire them and slaughter the others asap

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    You guys mentioned a bug about the game reading killer ranks differently before the holidays if I remember correctly. Do you think that is the problem which causes these kinds of games?

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2020

    Yes the matchmaking situation is becoming quite crazy, here i post a screenshot of a match as a survivor and one as a killer...we got quite mixed up...

  • Cassandra_Alexandra
    Cassandra_Alexandra Member Posts: 254

    I'm rank 8 atm and consistently get killers ranked 13-17. I understand why so many of them are tunneling and/or camping. Actually I've had a lot of matches lately where the killer quit midway.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    and it happend again. but this time it wasnt swf. atleast they told me that......

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    thanks for the reply. Yes it would turn people off of the game but the main issue is not the momentary bug (i know u didnt read all of it. which is understandable). in short: i think the matchaking needs a overhault. it needs to take into account if a survivor team is to good to even get hit. this prefents the team from getting emblems other than chaser and lightbringer. same goes for killers that have no map pressure tool and get templle of purgation (which is basicaly unwinable because of the map size).

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    I have some new friends to the game and the only real turn off for them is them facing red rank killers because they want to play with me and matchmaking times being 10 min on ps4. Are matchmaking times something being looked into? Really kills the game for new people.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    My swf friend is playing killer often. He plays at rank 13 and consistently is matched with full rank 3-6 survivors. Cant count his screenshots anymore. Its almost every single game.