I am being harassed by a survivor on Twitter. Please help. If many mods can view this HELP!

I need to know first if farming is a banable offense?? I have seen many killers farming with survivors, a lot! Online, Yotube, Twitch you name it. I decided to farm with the survivors because I am NOT a killer main and just wanted my challenge done. This player who was kind of toxic, I was using the pig and he took offense to dying with the mask on and blaming me for letting him die and farming with others that were helping.
Lets be clear most DBD players do farming because of how complicated some challenges are.
Is there anyway I can tag or send a message to a mod regarding this situation? Because I feel very harassed. This person posted my YT channel, my psn, ID and I need help please.
Thank you
cant you just block someone on twitter?
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You'll probably have to take it up with Twitter.
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I am not on twitter, but always when I read about twitter, people talking about bullying or that a mob had started to take its torches and pitchforkes out.
That leads me to the question: Why do people still register there?
To the topic: Just block him if possible.
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Young people are oblivious to the perils of the "open and free" internet. How did this person get hold of your address to begin with?
Yeah, the cat is out of the bag. Block them. Do they know where you live? Your telephone number? I hope not
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I dont have him on Twitter. The thing is that posted my PSN id for people to hate on me basically and now im being harassed in PSN and my youtube channel. Its discouraging
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You will need to report these things on the platform you are being harassed on as they are the only ones with the power to stop it.
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But is farming with a survivor a banable offense? because I cant read anywhere and lets face it, at some point everyone has farmed at least one
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send proof because I'm not buying any of this.
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No they dont, they just shared my psn ID and my youtube channel so people could hate on me. I hhavent seen the post but someone commented about it on my page
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it isnt but even if it was that has nothing to do with you being harrassed.
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Farming is not a bannable offense. Working with the killer is only bannable when a survivor intentionally griefs his teammates and gives away their positions via coms.
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What do you mean by that?
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Thanks thats what I thought
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Not anything that could be done here, that’s Twitter job.
Plus, your block list does exist. Just ignore them at that point.
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Farming is not a reportable offense. Ignore the person, never reply and just block them on all platforms. Remove all your social media links on steam if you are worried about being harassed again.
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When i have a killer challenge. I dont even worrie about getting kills. I let all of them escape and i thank them for helping me with my dr. But if they doing this to you report them and block them. And move on. But farming is not bannable. But if im wrong plz let me know
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Lmao just block him idk why it’s too hard for people to understand and giving bullies power.
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From what I know farming is not an offence.
It's just that some people like talking crap, saying "i dont want to farm with you ######### loser , i want a real game" etc. (I got told something like that yesterday because I just wanted to finish a huntress achievement (throw 1k hatchets) so I just stood next to locker and threw hatchets around. It's similar to farming because you "don't play the game properly".
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Rest assured that farming is not a problem, as long as you aren't forcing people to participate in it if they didn't want to (that can be considered griefing).
As for the harassment on other platforms, that is something that will need to be handled by the respective platforms. I believe you can close your DMs on PSN and limit comments on YouTube - I would recommend doing that until it passes over. Sorry that you're dealing with this.
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All that is wrong. The in game report system even gives examples, such as teaming with killer and taking the game hostage etc. the guy on twitter can easily claim all of that and I have no idea where everyone is getting their info and logic from. And the op doesn’t have enough context, did he even want to partake? And why was he killed and 3 spared. To make it even everyone should be killed too
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From the sounds of it, they're pestering him with consistent and unwanted negative comments and insults. What would you call that, if not harassment?
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Please report to the platform that you are having issues on, we are not responsible for what happens on other platforms.
Farming itself is not bannable, however forcing players to farm with you and/or working with one or two survivors to the detriment of the other survivors in the game IS bannable and these reports are looked at on an individual basis.