Chains of Hate has a March 10th release on Metacritic
According to them, not next week but the week after? I hope they are wrong.
Weird that there's no comment on this. Normally a dlc releases 2 weeks after the PTB. This would put it at 3 weeks :(
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Consider me salty 🤓
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If the dev's are smart they are going to be releasing this DLC late, after they fix EVERYTHING they broke balance wise with the Toolbox changes, Perks, and Keeping items after a match 🤨. Like i'm pretty the last of their killer's are just sitting here waiting - staring at the DLC, and ready to uninstall the second it comes out with any of these Survivor Buffs.
Though they already mentioned they don't plan to release the updated Hangman's Trick - which was probably the only balanced thing that came out with this update, but of course; It's in the Killers favor and makes the game easier for them. Therefore it's gots to go! The killer isn't allowed to have fun in this game.
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Where was it said that Hangman's Trick will be changed?
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The ptb was hardly broken...
Most of the changes you mentioned as bad were good even for killers...
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Yeah finishing 3 gens and almost 4 before killers can walk across large maps is deffiently a good change for killers. Insta heals is back, been loving the DS plays from that. Wow I can literally control the killer's entire objective like a GOD by using 1 perk and an alex's toolbox, and wanna know the best part? I won't lose that purple when I escape.
But you know what. Better not let that Hangman's Trick through. It would give Killer a slightly better chance of doing well in a trial, and we all know if you can't bully the killer - then you are not having fun.
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I have to agree here. This is why I think I'll just start bringing Franklins, and slugging entire teams to let them bleed out. I really don't care about pips. This is more of a cleansing.
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wait, its not coming out tomorrow? i gotta spent my BP´s then lol... ive been saving them up, and for 3 days im not even playing anyxmore because i thought i would like to give the new killer a insta million of bp´s lol...
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Balanced doesn't mean you like it.
Post edited by Todgeweiht on5 -
Toolbox and sabo changes suck. But keeping items is actually a nerf cause they lose the add ons and you can 99 anyways. And the perks are all fine
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Litrally all these changes werent requested by survivors. Why do you have to be toxic? When the survivors didnt ask for any of this. Blame the devs not survivors
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Do you ever play survivor? The change to items makes no difference at all, you just get 1-2 extra charges from your item, I use to just 99 my item and id keep it if I escaped anyway, the only difference being you lose add-ons which is fair enough
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I play killer a lot, and I speak up a lot against the devs nerfing killers but this is it not one of those cases. Toolboxes do LESS when it comes to repairs, the sabo change can be adjusted for and a tool box only sabos 2-4 hooks max now and they come back quickly.
The keeping items is meh, doesn’t affect the game play because most people can get enough blood points to use whatever they want anyways. If anything it makes it harder because the addons gets deleted, I used to be able to use a 40 charge medkit, use it twice and still keep it with all addons after the game.
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Hangman's Trick is broken. The aura reading distance allows you to see survivors almost across the entire map. I think it should make survivors exposed while sabotaging a hook and a few seconds after. Along with giving a notification when someone starts sabotaging a hook.
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How toolbox changes suck?
Toolboxes are going to be 3 times weaker than before.
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Idk i havent played on the ptb. I just saw a post here saying that toolboxes were buffed
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The addons always have been easy to get from the bloodweb. It's getting the green and purple items that were hard (Because they would be less likely than the more likely nodes that far out number the number of purple and green nodes that could spawn). The "keeping items" is a huge buff, and losing your add-ons never mattered anyways.
It would take a person normally several bloodwebs to get a commedius toolbox, and in that time they would accumulate numerous wire spools, and socket swivels that spawn easier on the bloodweb.
The perks are not fine, I don't even know why you would think that unless you don't play this game in high ranks very often, or simply play survivor most of the time you don't understand the game from the other sides perspective.
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Im a red ranks killer main and the perks are fine.
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I play survivor regularly, daily. That's why I am so aware of what it's like on both sides. Do you ever play killer?
Did you even test the changes in the ptb with a team of people testing the changes? Because I did. So did several twitch streamers. So did several other people. Why are you so far behind on the news?
The buffs to the toolbox wasn't a 50/50 speed increase, and charge decrease. It was a huge increase to speed, and a smaller decrese to charges. So you get more progression from a generator from a full toolbox than you did before. That's worse for the issue of gen's going too fast in a game.
Losing add-ons doesn't matter when you would get 4-5 wire spool, and socket swivels before finding your next commedius on the bloodweb, or do you not know how the bloodwebs work either?
If you fail to have even a basic knowledge to the game, why are you responding in the first place? Do you even play this game?
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If I had to hazard a guess I would think that the game update will come out at the same time as the last level of this tome in the archives. It makes sense to either do it all at once or one the day before the other again like last time. (This happened with 3.5 and level one of tome two)
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if that can mean before March 10th i would be glad to take this rumor with a grain of salt
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I play killer a lot, and speak up against the devs nerfing killers, and this is one of those cases. Toolboxes do MORE when it comes to repairs. They greatly increased the speed a toolbox repairs, and didn't decrease the charges the same amount - so you now get more progression from a toolbox than you did before. This has been tested numerous times by numerous people, including a lot of streamers.
Keeping items is extremely bad. You get one commodius toolbox every 4-5 wire spools, and I don't know how you have been doing your bloodwebs, but I can go through a couple to a few bloodweb pages after each match (assuming your doing level 50 pages of a P3 character). Obviously less pages if you played a survivor match, and more when you play a killer match.
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I could see that working just as well. It's a good idea. Though I don't find the aura reading too powerful, it's a great counter to the stealth meta which is just as bad as gen rushing in my opinion.
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Then clearly you havn't faced me in PTB, and clearly you havn't faced my team in the PTB.
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They werent buffed.
Speed was increased, (for example from +15% to +25% or from +75% to +100%) but charges were reduced almost four times.
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Can you share one of these links, comparing time pre PTB and on PTB because the overall progress bonus should be less
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Where did they make that announcement, about Hangman's Trick? Could you link me to it?
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There was a russian website that also said march 10, i hope that date is wrong tho, march 3 would be perfect on my schedule.
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That's just Iron Maiden but for sabotaging. Like Iron Maiden, that would probably be trash because it's a perk that would trigger maybe once and then never again. And like the current Hangman's Trick, it requires you to completely guess in the lobby on whether someone intends to sabotage a hook or not.
No perk that only cares about sabotaging can be good because it hinges entirely on predicting a scenario that just won't come up very often (even with these new changes). It MUST still function as a more all-purpose perk in order for it to have a chance at being usable.
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I don't have a link, but I heard that a dev popped into a streamer's chat, and that happened to be something that was mentioned by said dev.
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The next level of the Tome is coming out on March 10th, so they could have just assumed the new killer would come out then too.
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So, March 11th at 10 in the morning. Got it.
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I think its in the 3rd of march
Post edited by onip3 on1 -
I'm in Australia. The "official releases" are always technically the day after due to time zones.
It is a joke. Chill plz.
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Peanits is joking lol
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I figured since I'm not banned, but still. When you've been locked twice because people don't like it when you fight back against them, you get a little defensive.
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Toolboxes are now faster, but with much reduced charge. As I'm at home I don't have the exact details in front of me. But for example a Commodious with the two speed addons on Live will repair a gen in 57 sec, and can do 2 or 2.something gens. So it can save at least 46 seconds over two gens. The new Commodious with Spool and socket + Streetwise can do it in 56 sec. You gain one second. BUT it will only do the one gen.
Generally, Toolboxes now do a smaller chunk of a gen, but considerably faster than they used to. So they're meant for tactical use on the last bit of a gen rather than ambient extra speed for a long time. The net time saved has been reduced overall.
I've seen the horror stories about these boxes with BNP, but that's a BNP problem and has not changed with the introduction of the new boxes.
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You keep items right now if you escape. With add-ons. All that has changed is you can use the last 1-2 charges instead of saving them and all add-ons are lost without running Ace in the Hole.
Let me repeat that. Right now on live servers you already keep items when you escape. The change is a net nerf, not a buff.
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Commodius goes from 120 charges to 30. They did not more than quadruple repair speed. It is a net nerf.
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180 to 32.
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Appreciate the correction. I never use items, so I was running off the vague memory from watching footage from the PTB a week ago.
Still, makes it an even larger disparity.
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What the hell are you talking about?
did you even read my reply? Do you even understand English? Nothing you even mentioned correlates to what I even said!
I'm not talking about the speed or any of that, I'm talking about that you mentioned you get to keep your items as long as you escape even if you use all your charges, which is nonsense because as I said, I'll repeat it again for you, most survivors 99 their item anyway and as long as you escape you keep it, I'm not sure what's so hard to understand.
Yes I do play killer I get to rank 1 in both survivor and killer every season.