CONCEPT for COVID-19 Awareness: Facemask Cosemtics for all Survivors

Last night, I went through all the cosmetics in the DBD store and bought up Facemask cosmetics for all characters that had them. I'm committing to wearing facemasks on my characters, and making positive comments about COVID-19 safe practices, going forward. But there's only 4 characters or so that have such cosmetics.
Dear BHVR, I want to suggest: Could your art folks whip up a facemask cosmetic for every survivor? And use them to promote sensible COVID-19 precautions?
Some possibilities: Would you sell these cosmetics and put the proceeds to COVID-19 research? Kinda like you did with Charity Case in 2017? Or would you give out the cosmetics for free and give players a bloodpoint bonus for equipping them? Use it not as a money-collecting operation, but a gesture of goodwill that aligns with the CDC's recommendation for using facemasks... So many directions to take it.
What do you think?
Ill tell you from experience a walmart bag would be better it makes no sense closing everything down then inciting panic telling everybody to bombard stores to hoard food and toilet paper every day
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I don't know, just playing the game implies that you're quarantined (at least for that moment) so improving the reasons to stay playing could be more helpful. i could be wrong but it's a cheaper and easier option than make skins for characters.
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It's not the worst idea, but I think practically everybody is already pretty aware of covid, at least as aware as public knowledge lets us be.
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I think this is kind of a cute idea, since we are all at home playing the game anyways.
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I say they should implement social distancing. Killers can only play as huntress for long shots, and survivors can't double up on gens. Six feet apart at all times.
All joking aside I have a face mask on my guy in Animal Crossing.
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It could be a fundraiser? Pop out quick masks for everyone and release it for 10.00 or whatever, all proceeds to some charity?
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Only acceptable if Plague gets a mask to wear that she has to pull down when she wants to vomit attack.
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*Laughs in Feng Min, Yui and Nea*
When other survivors try to get on their level
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Funny how we've had worse (way worse) pandemics in the past yet everyone loses their minds over an over glorified cold/flu that hasn't directly killed anyone. Most covid19 deaths are of people who are elderly and/or already have existing diseases/conditions. On social media/news, everyone's dying and infected, yet when I travel around town no one is infected, yet my public health center or whatever it's called says there's "multiple confirmed cases". Everything is fine once you stop letting social media influencing your thoughts. I don't know anyone who's infected, nobody I know is infected. My friends across the country don't know anyone who's infected, everything is running smoothly except for some panicked business owners and government centers/facilities closing down. Literally all people have to do is keep their immune systems strong by actually eating healthy and staying active. People wonder why the QOL of the western world is so low when the majority of foods they eat are GMO's, processed pre-packaged foods like hot pockets, chips, biscuits, burgers, etc. Not to mention fast food runs and microwaves. Oh but let's label some underwhelming cold with a fancy name and blame it for people's sudden lack of health. And the whole social distancing and isolation practices are detrimental to human nature. We're supposed to be out in the sun frequently and socialize with people, as we're a sociable species (though some of us are different, of course. I myself prefer to be alone most of the time). Without sufficient time in the sun and active workouts, we're just asking for our bodies to rust overtime. Now top that off with processed junk foods on the regular and you're nerfing your immune system.
Common sense is truly going extinct.
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So the entire country should go bankrupt people should lose their jobs and businesses owners should have to permanently close down its ridiculous more people die from the flu every year we didn't do this for sars h1n1 Ebola and people aren't distancing their crowding every store thats open all the kids in my neighborhood are outside playing with each others factories with hundreds of workers in one building are still running the lockdown accomplishes nothing
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We shouldn't prioritize business over peoples' lifes.
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Sorry but this is factually incorrect, whilst it's true that most of the people who have died have had previous health issues - this is no longer the case and young, healthy people are also dying of this. It's hardly an over glorified cold/flu when thousands of people are dying every single day of this virus. Please try to have more respect when speaking about something that is killing people around the world!
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So when flu season hits we should shutdown to it kills more people and it kills the elderly to so everybody can be poor and homeless with nothing to eat but safe from the virus
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And this ties into part of why I'd like to see BHVR do something with this. Whatever they do with this idea, it could promote a little more education or info along the way, possibly teaching someone like RobMeister how bad this thing really is.
Not trying to pick a fight with you, Rob, but this thing has shut down a nursing home near me, there are multiple dead, almost everyone there is infected, the nursing home head is in hiding, and the Nat'l Guard came in because they were in utter chaos and almost out of oxygen. The 90-odd souls in that home are demented and unable to walk and no one you know, but they certainly deserve the dignity of 1st-world healthcare and not dying under 3rd-world conditions. I'm glad things are good where you are, and I hope they stay that way, but I can't say I'm having the same experience over here.
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Whilst I appreciate the sentiments behind your suggestion @Octothorpe I very much doubt there would be time to get these made and implemented in the game - please don't forget that everyone is working from home as well right now, so whilst it is "business as usual" it does mean that things have to be prioritised. But I appreciate your feedback and your concerns.