How about...



  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    @Grimzy said:

    @RSB said:

    @Chi said:
    How do you suggest survivors survive?

    Hmm, maybe stealth/juking, instead of pure retardness (pallet looping), and complaining how hard is it to pallet loop nowadays?

    Orrr..maybe you can get better at being a killer and catch them before they pallet loop your butt?

    With pallets every ten feet, how is that supposed to be accomplished?

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @RSB said:

    @Milo said:
    The only juking avaible is Dance With Me. Maybe Quick & Quiet but i doubt that's called more of a juke. MAYBE Urban Evasion with Iron Will if killer is stupid ;d

    I could juke killers before Dance With Me, now it is even more easy. Use DWM, Lithe, UE and IW, this is, in my opinion, the best pekr set for stealth/juking player. These days survivors almost only loop, do not even know how to be stealthy and juke, and they see it as their only "way to survive", which is literal bullshit. If I, mediocre at best survivor, can juke/stealth killer to the point, he sometimes does not see me entire game, and I still manage to do most of the gens alone, why others can't?

    Okay so can i have a lesson for losing a killer mid chase? I'd really appreciate it

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited August 2018

    Standard game mechanic = Exploit?

    Cause that's what an exploit is....

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @RSB said:

    Could you show me one post where I insulted someone? Or was that just a couple of words, that fit with your "argument"?

    @RSB said:

    You sound like you still go to the elementary school.

    Do you need more since that one was today just a few hours ago. Although I saw issues with the persons post I didn't insult them like that. I would've said at least Jr high I mean give them some credit. :p

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Peanits said:

    @Grimzy said:

    @RSB said:

    @Chi said:
    How do you suggest survivors survive?

    Hmm, maybe stealth/juking, instead of pure retardness (pallet looping), and complaining how hard is it to pallet loop nowadays?

    Orrr..maybe you can get better at being a killer and catch them before they pallet loop your butt?

    Now I'm going to stay as objective as possible here, but how do you suppose the average killer (not hillbilly or something with instant downs) catch somebody before they can get to a pallet? Even if you get a surprise attack on someone, with the speed boost they get from being hit, they'll have enough time to get to a pallet and they'll require a second hit to down them.

    If you could just decide to kill someone before they can even get to a pallet, that sounds like a miserable time and I wouldn't be interested in playing that side.

    Back on topic though, I believe that's the intent, sorta'. Not pallet looping specifically, because pallet looping already hard counters bloodlust (breaking one pallet resets it). But eventually get rid of the longer loops where it may be necessary and then get rid of bloodlust.

    I'd like it, frankly. It's not the most solid mechanic in its current state. If you ever actually need BL3 to catch someone, we're talking about 45 seconds of wasting your time running around just for one hit. More often than not when I see it come into play, it's because someone's outsmarting the killer and running tiles the right way (and the killer isn't forcing them to switch directions and run it the slower way), or using LOS blockers to mindgame and switch directions. When it goes off in those situations, it just feels like a participation award, like the game is giving them a free hit because they couldn't catch them otherwise.

    Personally I'd love to see something that actually punishes running around pallets over and over, rather than something that punishes you for not using pallets.

    I think if you run around the same pallet for 30 seconds or longer in one run it should just disappear, but that being said I also feel as if the clown is already a very effective counter to looping with the aftertonic piece and bamboozle at his disposal, so I’m at odds at times thinking if the person allows a loop to go on that long maybe they deserve it or maybe in some areas it truly can be an exploit that needs some sort of repercussion
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    Could you show me one post where I insulted someone? Or was that just a couple of words, that fit with your "argument"?

    @RSB said:

    You sound like you still go to the elementary school.

    Do you need more since that one was today just a few hours ago. Although I saw issues with the persons post I didn't insult them like that. I would've said at least Jr high I mean give them some credit. :p

    If that is an insult, then I really feel for you, when almost every word can "insult you" and make you sad. Can't believe how snowflake some people can be. Like a modern feminist.

    A man looked on a woman.
    Woman: STOP ######### ME

    A poster said, someone writes like a kid.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @RSB said:

    If that is an insult, then I really feel for you, when almost every word can "insult you" and make you sad. Can't believe how snowflake some people can be. Like a modern feminist.

    A man looked on a woman.
    Woman: STOP ######### ME

    A poster said, someone writes like a kid.

    Ah yes yet more failed insults, i gave you what you asked and instead of accepting it you went back to the insults. Straw Mans, Red Herrings and Ad Hominem attacks. When you can't debate you always resort to those. When you want to have a mature discussion without resorting to the above i'll be here waiting.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    If that is an insult, then I really feel for you, when almost every word can "insult you" and make you sad. Can't believe how snowflake some people can be. Like a modern feminist.

    A man looked on a woman.
    Woman: STOP ######### ME

    A poster said, someone writes like a kid.

    Ah yes yet more failed insults, i gave you what you asked and instead of accepting it you went back to the insults. Straw Mans, Red Herrings and Ad Hominem attacks. When you can't debate you always resort to those. When you want to have a mature discussion without resorting to the above i'll be here waiting.

    So you can't wait forever, because I'm not used to lead normal discussions with snowflake white knights, who seek for insults everywhere, instead of providing arguments for discussion, they scream "HAHA! i WON'T TALK TO YOU, BECAUSE WORD "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" INSULTS ME! HAHAHA!", and try to look better, than they actually are.

    inb4 "mimimimimimi insulting me again ;-; " - keep that for yourself.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @RSB said:

    So you can't wait forever, because I'm not used to lead normal discussions with snowflake white knights, who seek for insults everywhere, instead of providing arguments for discussion, they scream "HAHA! i WON'T TALK TO YOU, BECAUSE WORD "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" INSULTS ME! HAHAHA!", and try to look better, than they actually are.

    inb4 "mimimimimimi insulting me again ;-; " - keep that for yourself.

    Yep you just proved my point everytime you post, Ad hominem, Straw Mans, Red Herrings. It's your way of avoiding having any discussions then you try the usual deflection insults as if that makes you look any better. If you'd bother to actually go read my posting history you'd see quite a lot of actual discussions and ideas being done.

    But then you would have to admit you can't debate me anymore without resorting to the elementary insults tactics responses again. I expect nothing will change when it comes to you and your posts since when given a chance you go right back to what you always do.

    Your modus operandi - When you can’t win a debate, there is always smear

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    So you can't wait forever, because I'm not used to lead normal discussions with snowflake white knights, who seek for insults everywhere, instead of providing arguments for discussion, they scream "HAHA! i WON'T TALK TO YOU, BECAUSE WORD "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" INSULTS ME! HAHAHA!", and try to look better, than they actually are.

    inb4 "mimimimimimi insulting me again ;-; " - keep that for yourself.

    Yep you just proved my point everytime you post, Ad hominem, Straw Mans, Red Herrings. It's your way of avoiding having any discussions then you try the usual deflection insults as if that makes you look any better. If you'd bother to actually go read my posting history you'd see quite a lot of actual discussions and ideas being done.

    But then you would have to admit you can't debate me anymore without resorting to the elementary insults tactics responses again. I expect nothing will change when it comes to you and your posts since when given a chance you go right back to what you always do.

    Your modus operandi - When you can’t win a debate, there is always smear

    "mimimimimimi" is @RSB 's favourite quote

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    So you can't wait forever, because I'm not used to lead normal discussions with snowflake white knights, who seek for insults everywhere, instead of providing arguments for discussion, they scream "HAHA! i WON'T TALK TO YOU, BECAUSE WORD "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" INSULTS ME! HAHAHA!", and try to look better, than they actually are.

    inb4 "mimimimimimi insulting me again ;-; " - keep that for yourself.

    Yep you just proved my point everytime you post, Ad hominem, Straw Mans, Red Herrings. It's your way of avoiding having any discussions then you try the usual deflection insults as if that makes you look any better. If you'd bother to actually go read my posting history you'd see quite a lot of actual discussions and ideas being done.

    But then you would have to admit you can't debate me anymore without resorting to the elementary insults tactics responses again. I expect nothing will change when it comes to you and your posts since when given a chance you go right back to what you always do.

    Your modus operandi - When you can’t win a debate, there is always smear

    ...Why is there always some literacy genius in the discussions I go into?

    I can't complain. It is fun to watch an argument be shut down with an intelligent answer for once.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited August 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    So you can't wait forever, because I'm not used to lead normal discussions with snowflake white knights, who seek for insults everywhere, instead of providing arguments for discussion, they scream "HAHA! i WON'T TALK TO YOU, BECAUSE WORD "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" INSULTS ME! HAHAHA!", and try to look better, than they actually are.

    inb4 "mimimimimimi insulting me again ;-; " - keep that for yourself.

    Yep you just proved my point everytime you post, Ad hominem, Straw Mans, Red Herrings. It's your way of avoiding having any discussions then you try the usual deflection insults as if that makes you look any better. If you'd bother to actually go read my posting history you'd see quite a lot of actual discussions and ideas being done.

    But then you would have to admit you can't debate me anymore without resorting to the elementary insults tactics responses again. I expect nothing will change when it comes to you and your posts since when given a chance you go right back to what you always do.

    Your modus operandi - When you can’t win a debate, there is always smear

    Kay, we can agree that I'm a bad guy, you are white knight, you are happy, I'm happy, because I get rid of you, the sun is shining and butterflies flying. I do not have time, nor desire to talk with you, as you are just a poser. I can discuss with others, but with your person - no. And take your filthy minion with you.

    Conider it as my last response.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @RSB said:

    Kay, we can agree that I'm a bad guy, you are white knight, you are happy, I'm happy, because I get rid of you, the sun is shining and butterflies flying. I do not have time, nor desire to talk with you, as you are just a poser. I can discuss with others, but with your person - no. And take your filthy minion with you.

    Conider it as my last response.

    1.You keep on proving my point still

    1. I never said you were a bad guy .

    2. I never said I was a White Knight either.

    3. You don't get rid of me in the least, the only ones who have the power to do that are the mods.

    4. Yet you insult me and others on here regularly and when called out on it resort to more of the same. When you fail to win with insults you resort to deflections and then try the ostrich maneuver. Then you finish it off with more insults.

    5. You finish with more insults directed at someone that not only disagrees with you but pointedly did so.

    So in ending I'll continue like others have learned now to expect nothing but insults, deflections etc. When I see you do so I'll continue to call you out on it just the same as I do anyone else regardless of which side they're on. When I think you've got a valid point i'll say so and agree with you.

    I've been dealing with posters like you for well over 30 years now so your attempts at insults etc won't work on me.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    Kay, we can agree that I'm a bad guy, you are white knight, you are happy, I'm happy, because I get rid of you, the sun is shining and butterflies flying. I do not have time, nor desire to talk with you, as you are just a poser. I can discuss with others, but with your person - no. And take your filthy minion with you.

    Conider it as my last response.

    1.You keep on proving my point still

    1. I never said you were a bad guy .

    2. I never said I was a White Knight either.

    3. You don't get rid of me in the least, the only ones who have the power to do that are the mods.

    4. Yet you insult me and others on here regularly and when called out on it resort to more of the same. When you fail to win with insults you resort to deflections and then try the ostrich maneuver. Then you finish it off with more insults.

    5. You finish with more insults directed at someone that not only disagrees with you but pointedly did so.

    So in ending I'll continue like others have learned now to expect nothing but insults, deflections etc. When I see you do so I'll continue to call you out on it just the same as I do anyone else regardless of which side they're on. When I think you've got a valid point i'll say so and agree with you.

    I've been dealing with posters like you for well over 30 years now so your attempts at insults etc won't work on me.

    May I add something?

    Number 7: You decided that just because someone agreed with someone you don't agree with they are automatically minions of the person you disagree with.

    I'm not agreeing with anything, @RSB . The only thing I'm agreeing upon is the fact that Powerbats shot you down with a response worth more than my bank balance. It's incredibly rare to witness such a sight, that being an intelligent Dead By Daylight player (or a player of any competitive game with PvP content) and it was fun to watch him intelligently gather a counter-argument in a semi-respectable and non-insulting manner (mostly). Insulting someone is not a counter-argument and means nothing.

    And Powerbats called you out on having 'counter-arguments' which only had substance due to insulting the opposite party rather than attempting to actually challenge his opinions or thoughts. I'm no minion of Powerbats, I don't suck his marbles all of the time. We might disagree on a few things. But I shan't ignore when he straight up sacrifices someone who's only defence was a tea-bag at the exit gates when versing a secretly Tombstone using Myers.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    @JammyJewels said:

    @powerbats said:

    @RSB said:

    Kay, we can agree that I'm a bad guy, you are white knight, you are happy, I'm happy, because I get rid of you, the sun is shining and butterflies flying. I do not have time, nor desire to talk with you, as you are just a poser. I can discuss with others, but with your person - no. And take your filthy minion with you.

    Conider it as my last response.

    1.You keep on proving my point still

    1. I never said you were a bad guy .

    2. I never said I was a White Knight either.

    3. You don't get rid of me in the least, the only ones who have the power to do that are the mods.

    4. Yet you insult me and others on here regularly and when called out on it resort to more of the same. When you fail to win with insults you resort to deflections and then try the ostrich maneuver. Then you finish it off with more insults.

    5. You finish with more insults directed at someone that not only disagrees with you but pointedly did so.

    So in ending I'll continue like others have learned now to expect nothing but insults, deflections etc. When I see you do so I'll continue to call you out on it just the same as I do anyone else regardless of which side they're on. When I think you've got a valid point i'll say so and agree with you.

    I've been dealing with posters like you for well over 30 years now so your attempts at insults etc won't work on me.

    May I add something?

    Number 7: You decided that just because someone agreed with someone you don't agree with they are automatically minions of the person you disagree with.

    I'm not agreeing with anything, @RSB . The only thing I'm agreeing upon is the fact that Powerbats shot you down with a response worth more than my bank balance. It's incredibly rare to witness such a sight, that being an intelligent Dead By Daylight player (or a player of any competitive game with PvP content) and it was fun to watch him intelligently gather a counter-argument in a semi-respectable and non-insulting manner (mostly). Insulting someone is not a counter-argument and means nothing.

    And Powerbats called you out on having 'counter-arguments' which only had substance due to insulting the opposite party rather than attempting to actually challenge his opinions or thoughts. I'm no minion of Powerbats, I don't suck his marbles all of the time. We might disagree on a few things. But I shan't ignore when he straight up sacrifices someone whose only defence was a tea-bag at the exit gates when versing a secretly Tombstone using Myers.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,546

    Locking this down, because once again it is just turning into insults and personal attacks instead of sticking with the actual topic of the thread.

This discussion has been closed.