Why can people insta-sabotage hooks even without toolboxes now?

Traslogan Member Posts: 283
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Seriously, you hyper-monetize the game and then every patch spits in killer's faces. People can literally just insta-sabotage after 2 seconds so we can never get hooks anymore. Bring back original iron grasp if you're going to let people insta-destroy all of our god damn hooks so we can't do a thing. Every god damn game is just people running ahead of me so no matter what hook I choose, they just take 2s and remove it and even if I hit them they still get to remove it.

We can't hook anyone in End Game Collapse because you allow Decisive Strike to stack (because you seem to think an anti-tunneling perk should stack and work during end game collapse), gens are done in seconds now and you spawn everyone together 'randomly', you spawn people on our hexes, and now people can auto-sabotage our hooks.

There's a reason there's huge wait times, no one wants to play killer anymore. Honestly this patch can go do one, you might as well just tell us to go ######### ourselves for clicking play as killer. You're going out of your way to give us deterrence for playing killer, you're that desperate for us to try and get 3 mates to play the game so we can max out your over-monetized trash whilst you continue to cripple even basic gameplay elements for the killers.


  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Say it with me ... Goos-fra-ba.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    No ######### sherlock, but they brought sabotage times down so low that even with just the jake park perk you can do it in 2 seconds. We're literally banned from hooking now unless you go down right beside the basement, because even if we hit someone sabotaging they just get to continue for the rest of the 2s and break our only viable hook. It's literally as bad as DBD 1.0 all over again when all hooks could be infinitely sabotaged.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited April 2020

    I'm watching sweaty rank 1s camp the hooks so we can't wait it out, especially during EGC. They have someone waiting to heal if you slug and give chase, and if you don't give chase they'll just run for the hook again.

    For all intents and purposes it's no longer possible to play killer. They let survivors stack DS so you are banned from hooking during EGC since everyone will fire DS on you, you can't hook because they made sabotage so fast and so easy that people can just facecamp a hook to prevent you ever hooking someone, and there's just nothing but deterrence for killers. The devs really don't want people playing killer, they want your money so you can pick killers but it's just £6+ so you can watch people insta-remove hooks and camp it to prevent hooking.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited April 2020

    Do you play Killer at all? the timer is not in our favor. It lasts so long that if people unhook each other to ensure everyone has active DS, there's almost nowhere on any map they can't crawl to the exit gate from during the 60s timer.

    Camping the sabo is nice and all, except when the guy you downed just crawls away and now you go get him and the sabo returns, or you lose and the whole process begins again. We're literally just unable to get hooks now unless we're over the basement.

    Just about every single god damn patch makes things faster for survivors, and there's no killers left that can do things with the speed necessary to accommodate these changes. Sabotage is simply so fast now they could literally bring back v1.0 infinite-sabotage hooks and there'd be no difference.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Are you daft. Having a timer that gives them a time limit is in your favour compared to no timer on the survivors.

    If you can't outplay simple sabo, and think the timer is in the survivors favour, then I think you're not a very experienced killer and should practice before complaining.

    Also have you even been reading the patch notes lmao.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    You can't outplay sabos that get healed. Majority of all games are SWF (even devs have said so now iirc, and I'm pretty confident that most non-SWF games are low-ranks only and it's muddying the statistics).

    You down a survivor, his friend is nearby and just runs ahead of you to ensure he gets the sabotage. If you drop your downed survivor to go for the saboteur, he will sabotage and run away by the time you have dropped the body. If you hit him whilst holding the body, he can instantly resume and finish his near-instant sabotage anyway before you get a chance to hit again (So fast infact that without save the best for last, you basically won't hit him before he already started running away).

    And the timer is never in your favour. Decisive Strike is the highest rated survivor perk for a reason: almost everyone uses it. Player 1 gets hooked during EGC, so player 2 unhooks, but both have DS, so if you hook player 2, player 1 will unhook unsafely so that now you have to let them slug for 60s or get stunned whilst they run all the way to the exit (or as good as), and during that massive 60s timer they will easily reach the gate unless EGC was almost over when they went down.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    I can't help you. Find a different game.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Got Literally no other choice. Devs have nerfed killers too far now. It's not even just difficult, it's simply no longer possible.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    why are there hooks every 2 feet ? Always within arms reach of hooking a survivor? I think that’s a good reason Survivors should be able to do it that fast 🤷‍♂️

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited April 2020

    If you've already walked to a hook, you no longer have the struggle timer necessary to reach another, even with iron grasp (which has been virtually obsolete since the original sabotage nerf years back). Now you have to slug people, whilst gens get done in a game where gen-rush is completely the norm, you won't rank up if you're not scoring a lot of hooks as killer, you won't even sustain your rank if you don't get more than like 5-6 on top of basically letting survivors be chased for 10 mins since shorter chases don't give you more score like descriptions claim. That slugged person will just max out their bar so someone can take a hit and heal them and now you've wasted 2 minutes on a chase, a ton of time slugging and trying to get someone to a hook (Assuming they don't just crawl away so the saboteur can once again infinitely sabotage en-masse), and there's no longer any gameplay for killers.

    There is simply nothing for killers to do except watch survivors get free bloodpoints for sabotaging the same hooks over and over preventing you doing a single thing. It's just like how they put an unsafe unhook system in to punish bad unhooking, but then they add perks to encourage doing the exact same thing. They changed how long we can hold survivors so we can't just walk halfway over the map, and then they made it so people can instantly sabotage things even if we hit them midway through their 2s-3s timer, so they've deadlocked the entire system, except of course survivors are farming sabotage spam whilst killer gets literally nothing done. You can't move to another player, they already have committed to taking Saboteur and following you around with multiple survivors to ensure there's already people to ruin your hooks instantly.

    And no you can't just go for the saboteur, people are stacking it like how they stack Decisive Strike. You down the saboteur, the 2nd one takes their place. It's another great example of survivor perks stacking in such a way that the killer is powerless.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I hover around rank 4 and play Shape / Nurse / Clown, but there's nothing that can break an SWF team that has brought 2 saboteurs that are focused entirely on preventing hooking and healing anyone who gets slugged whilst you fend off a saboteur. They've brought killers gameplay into a complete deadlock.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    De-rank. Make a smurf/alt account. Use an Oak offering to make more hooks. Play some Survivor and play for their Archives. Leave people on the ground of they wait near hooks. Run Hangman's Trick.

    Prove that you've done all you can or ask for advice BEFORE coming here to just complain, please. The Sabotage mechanic was completely reworked recently and hooks aren't gone for very long now, at the cost of it's done very quickly.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Git gud

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I don't think playing survivor is a counter to killer issues. Not an effective one, anyway.

    I just came back from being rank 12 from 2 rank reset months where I wasn't really playing.

    Already explained the issues I've run into when slugging as a counter.

    More hooks isn't the problem, they can sabotage those just as fast, and I can't reach them in time, nor is an Oak Offering consistently available.

    Hangman's Trick means nothing now, unless I'm 1m away from a survivor when they sabotage, they do it too fast, it's a waste of a perk slot.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It was more a thing of you have other options, outside of just playing Killer. Archives are also an interesting way to play with specific challenges requiring alternate ways to play.

    Hangman's Trick is also good for telling you which hooks to avoid.

    Sabo is also on a LENGTHY cooldown, so unless you have 3 people running it in an area, then there shouldn't be much if a problem. Infectious Fright is also good for scaring off Sabo players.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited April 2020

    When someone goes to sabo change direction and head towards the other nearest hook. It's really that easy.

    Plus it's not true that they can sabotage after being hit, unless they have a very good toolbox.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Ahh one of those ultra rare "Sabo is too OP"-Threads. So then tell me, why sabo isnt used at all after the patch? Oh yes, cause its still far too easy counterable.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited April 2020

    I don't read patch notes generally, I came here because I suddenly saw sabo being used again and it was ridiculously fast and they would just stay 5m ahead of me so that they'd get my hook. I tried hitting a guy who was sabotaging, he had a medkit, he proceeded to complete it after being smacked anyway as if it didn't even interrupt the timer. I checked the perk listings and a 60s cooldown for sabotaging means that if someone just gets whichever hook you try to go for, by the time you do any chase other than maybe a really effective nurse blink insta-down, they can do it again. With 2 people, as I've already seen, you just can't outpace it.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    You seem to be the type who wont listen to anyone and will not change their mind/adjust their gameplay with the suggestions but this is how it goes for me as killer:

    I RARELY even see people sabo, and if they do its the occasional 4 man swf (easy slugs, too altruistic lol) or a single person attempting it prob for a ritual/challenge.

    When it does happen, it miiight work the first time if I don't already know they're near (I'll always attack anyone near someone i just downed, to either scare em away or get a hit, ez pressure.) But after that, using the big brain, I now know sabo is in play. Look for all hooks around you while heading to one, preparing to book it to another if needed. If you don't think you'll make it, just drop em and chase the sabo. Someone is down, needing to be picked up and you're chasing a survivor applying fine amount of pressure.

    The only next issue comes to ending that next chase ig.

    Sabo is still a joke.

  • Speavy
    Speavy Member Posts: 58

    So why was hangman tricks destroyed if you guys have done this to sabo? Just curious because hangman was not a broken perk but nor a useless one, but how it is now its straight garbage. IF it gave the survivours an Exposed effect when touching the hook was in the perk now that would make it into an anti sabo perk, which its started as, not broken since if no one touches the hook, no exposed, if you touch it far from killer not that negative, but if you try to do that in his face and he is ready to smack you, thats the counter play part. You still can doit if not in hand reach but gives enough time to the killer to route to another hook.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Would love to know your rank as I think that would make your responses make sense. Right now it just seems like you are a low rank who is getting upset over a video game.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Lol.. Literally no one sabotages hooks anymore. Stop trying to make this a big issue. No one uses toolboxes for saboing and rarely anyone ever runs saboteur because it has a massive cooldown and rarely works.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Sabo is better, it's hard to make it both useful to survivors (solo included) without it being overpowered. Hangman's trick isn't completely useless either although not really for its intended purpose because you have no idea if your survivors are going to use sabo at all, it mostly just gives you bonus info at survivors that are near hooks for whatever reason. Could use a slight range increase although not to ptb levels.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So look out for another hook (there are probalby many other in sight, cause as survivor i can literally see 5 hooks right next to each other all the time) or drop them, easy countered. The hook recovers by the same time the survivor needs to recover to 95% ... 30s. No problem at all.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Every patch spits in the Killer's face? Have you been here the last year? Have you seen the PTB? Jesus-H-Christ you sound like the biggest cry baby rn.

    I have yet to have ANYONE successfully sabo a hook in front of the killer in any match I have been in. I haven't personally seen this done even one time. I would LOVE to see the hooks go back to their original mechanic. I would much rather be able to 99 a hook and have a much longer respawn time. It sounds like you got bullied by a sabo-savvy SWF team, perhaps? Triggered you? It happens. But this is definitely not a rampant issue.

    DS is not an anti-tunneling perk. Its just a perk, and one of its primary uses is to stave off tunneling. Many perks are multi-functional or situational. Get over it.

    Gens suffer an efficiency penalty the more people who are on them and are actively getting slowed down in the next patch. For every time I spawn directly on a hex totem, there is a totem that stays up the entire match and is impossible to find. In fact, in a semi-recent patch totem locations were changed to be even more difficult to locate (not a spit in Killer's faces, eh?).

    There have always been long killer queues, in my experience. If you are so disadvantaged as a killer, go play solo survivor. Have fun. 🖐️

  • qquestion
    qquestion Member Posts: 86

    I like this sabo and I’m not that good at the game or always play the wrong ranks but even sabo didn’t do too much when I played killer. I did some of the things these guys are saying and they didnt have to tell me.

    Now old sabo, I think killers hated that or at least when I ran it because I use to 99 hooks, then finish it off when the killer tried to hook. They go for the next nearest hook. Boom, 99, one tap it’s broke.

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    Unless you have 2 people going to the nearest hooks, you should be able to alter your course to a new hook. If you go to swing at them, you mess that tactic up. Dropping survivors is an option if you think you can't make it to a hook. Downs don't always equal hooks, but it's all about situational awareness. If we are discussing rank 1 swf, nothing applies and you should just enjoy a nice cup of tea.

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    Survivors sabotaging hooks= survivors not doing gens. If 3 survivors are swarming a hook, you have the advantage in this situation. Keep that in mind. If this is happening in the EGC, I don't really think you were going to win anyways.

    If new saboing bothers you this much, I recommend you run Hangman's, Mad grit, Agitation, and Iron grasp.