Possible Anti Hook Suicide Idea



  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    I'm not sure if it really would. It doesn't take much to keep up a survivor. Items can be found in matches and add-ons aren't necessary. As far as perks go, you can unlock new teachables with 1,000,000 points and a teachable perk from the shrine. After that, it just takes a day of playing normally to unlock those on your main survivor and then the gloves are off, they could go right back to having no points. You might discourage them from doing it a few days every three months or so when new content releases, but the rest of the time it wouldn't be a huge deterrent.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    op is suggesting you lose bloodpoints if you don't make 25000 bp

    that is crazy conssidering the normal survivor makes like 15000 bp a match

  • QuickStiQz
    QuickStiQz Member Posts: 194
    edited April 2020

    I want there to be something that punishes suicides, but I don’t think this could work because what if someone is actually trying to escape because they’re new or maybe its the end of the game and trying to escape is their only hope?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    What’s with everyone’s hard-on for finding ways to punish players for leaving a game?

    DC bans are fine enough, it’s a video game good lord

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188
    edited April 2020

    if someone leaves the game or hook suicides everyone else except the killer gets a BP boost. The only reason i dont think the killer should get it is because they get way more BP as is. I just think it'll make the match less stressful knowing that it's still worth the bloodpoints.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I support combating early hook suicides, but this is a flawed execution.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    The killing ourselves on hook wouldnt be an issue if they made Kindred universal for all survivors. As a solo player shits rough when your team is SWF.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd rather hook suicides than DC'ing. If you don't people killing themselves on hook then play in a swf.

    If your playing solo survivor and your team is useless its it's ok. If they aren't doing gens, self-caring in corners and just hiding the whole game then I understand people killing themselves on hook since there isn't any point continuing on.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    idk man, lets just look at this objectively.

    Lets say you are playing with some randos, one goes down fast and thinks it was bs and wants out.

    They get hooked and start making themselves die on the hook, other survivors can see that by the aura and can then very quickly determine what they are doing so they can just keep working on gens or whatever they were doing.

    Now in your scenario, the survivor would not make themselves die, a survivor comes to unhook them and what dod you think that survivor that wanted out of hte game will do? carry on playing just fine? nope, they will just throw the game entirely or just afk stand there underneath the hook waiting to die, arguable that will derail the match further for the remaining survivors.

    I mean I get the problem but I dont think forcing them to stay in the match the way you suggest is a good idea or would be healthy for the game in general.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    If killer doesn't kill anyone whole match his BP are reduced to 0, one of their DLC killers is taken away from them and has to be bought once again and to be able to play the game they have to play 99 matches as SoloQ Survivor.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    How about this. Instead of punishing the suicide just make it impossible. Instead of having 3 escape attempts that bring you closer to dying you get 1 shot at a kobe for free with no time reduction. Possibly slightly increase your chance or not, either is fine with me. Then remove button mash struggle and replace it with "hold button to give up". This way people still have a shot at a kobe, you still got a minute to get those sweet unhook points and in hatch situations you can still give up to help your friend but it would also give the killer some time to find said friend if you're on first hook.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Many people do not care for bloodpoints (hence hook suicides even if BP offerings were played) so this wouldn't really solve anything.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    This suggestion makes absolutely no sense. Trying to free yourself from the hook is an option made available in the game with a high chance of killing you faster. Sometimes players are going to try to free themselves from the hook for a variety of reasons. A possible reason is a killer is proximity camping them and driving the other players away so their only chance of getting off the hook is the 4% self unhook chance. It's not really fair to penalize a player's bloodpoints because a killer was dedicated to removing that player from the game.

    Will players concede defeat and kill themselves on the hook because the option is there? Yes they will. However, a killer can concede defeat as well by standing in a corner until the gens are completed then go open a door themselves. Is it as fast as a survivor killing themselves on hook? No, but the option is there.

    If the devs ever decide that players shouldn't be able to kill themselves on the hook all they'd need to do is remove the self unhook option from the game since that's effectively what this suggestion does anyway.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont think they'd care tbh, like @Peanits already said.

    i think we should instead help out the others that have stayed behind by giving them some bonuses.

    i came up with an idea to add some more BP score events to the hook, for both killer and survivor to help them out with various situations:


    1) "Endure" - 1000 Altruism points. this is gained uppon going from the summoning phase into the struggle phase without speeding the process up (self unhook attempts). this is ment to encourage the survivor to stay and waste the killers time, when the killer is not leaving the hook area.

    2) "Abandoned" - 2500 Survival points. this is granted to you when you went from the summoning phase to the sacrificial phase on your very first hook without speeding up the process (self unhook attempts / not struggeling). this is ment to - again - encourage the Survivor to stay on the hook in case the killer is camping them.

    3) "Left Behind" - 2500 Altruism points. this is obtained, when the hooked survivor kills himself on the hook (self unhook attempts + not struggeling). to give the remaining Survivors a little something for losing a teammate early (the DC "reward" should also be boosted to 2.5k points).


    1) "False Hope" 200 Sacrifice points. This is given to the Killer, whenever a Survivor fails a self unhook attempt. again, its a nice little bonus when someone kills themselves on the hook. since this can give the killer 100 more points than a fresh hook, some hook suiciders might think twice about killing themselves on the hook, as they wouldnt want to reward the killer.

    2) "Futile Struggle" 600 Sacrifice points. This is awarded, when the Survivor fails to fight the entity in the struggle phase. its ment to give the killer not only the 500 hook points they missed out on, but also 100 bonus points. just to disencourage the survivor to do it, as they'd actively reward the killer in that case.

    all of the above mentioned are given additionally to all other point score actions.

    these are mainly ment to rewrad those staying in the game in case of a camp scenario, but the bonuses applied to both sides are also given when someone suicides on the hook immediately, so i thought it might fit into the topic.