The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Do you prefer hiding or looping?

Question to DbD community.

As a killer, would you rather play against survivors who hide and difficult to find or survivors who are good at looping?

Note: you cannot be good at hiding and looping at the same time. Looping takes time to learn and while hiding you aren't progressing towards it.


  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I enjoy looping more than hiding as it feels more interactive and fun rather than hiding from the killer’s sights.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Both is good. That's why I run SB. So I can do the one when I inevitability fail at the other. And you can absolutely do both, I don't understand this idea of 'one or the other'. Most people play this game for thousands of hours. They CAN do both, because the got bored and learned both. I certainly can.

    As a killer, though, it's entirely map dependent. Stealthy survivors on Saloon or Yamaoka? Just kill me. Please. PLEASE. Loopers on... Well, about half the maps on the roster? Sure, I love eating pallets. Gimme. Splinter them into my mouth. Do a single basic loop and stun me immediately. I love mindgaming post-drop long-wall jungle gyms. Totally okay.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    As a survivor, I play half-immersion, half-aggression: Hide when I have to, but not to the point where it would put pressure on my other teammates. I mostly run around and am not afraid to get in chases with the killer, since SOMEONE has to be chased at some point if you want generators to be completed efficiently. I use perks like Fixated or Iron Will (if injured) to waste the killer's time when they come to check my gen after they saw me working on it with BBQ, and I can usually waste around 30-45 seconds of their time when they arrive at my location, since they saw me with BBQ and are certain that I'm around the area. Also, when it comes to seeing someone get chased, I prefer to lay low as well (unless they're on death hook), since the killer will generally slug if they know that someone is nearby and now you're in trouble as well!

    As a killer, I would much rather play against good loopers, since a mixed playstyle (to me) is indicitive of a good survivor. I really don't like Spine Chill + Urban Evaders, as they tend to help their team very little, unhooking people and hiding when the killer is on their way (this happens more in the red/purple ranks than it should), or hiding in lockers when BBQ goes off (unless you're 1 of 2 remaining survivors of course, then I do the same!). When I play against survivors who stomp me because they're good at looping or mind games, all I can think is that I would love to have teammates like that in my games, so it fills me with hope for my own solo queue survivor experiences!

    Also, I would like to say that I've noticed something.... in my games, people who play male survivors tend to be much better at the game than people who play female survivors! I guess because many people who play female survivors prefer them because they are smaller and can hide more easily, while male survivors are big, bulky and generally quite conspicuous.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I hate going against scared hiding survivors - I really do. Throw all clicky click tbagging loopers at me I don't care as chases are fun and exciting.

    Running around the map for so long that you think about the wear and tear of your controller/keyboard is not fun. It feels like a waste of time.

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    I think you can be good in both things. But you will take other perks for a stealth build. I prefer looping over stealth. It's more action 😊.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Since i am a decent looper, i prefer hiding :) I like running Diversion, Iron Will, Sprint Burst and as the 4th slot something helpful, usually urban evasion/fixated or Inner strength/Spine Chill/ Left Behind

    I love hiding in a bush as the last survivor, seeing the hatch with left behind, throw a pebble in the opposite direction and sprint burst at the hatch :p

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2020

    I often have matches where one or two survivors are just nowhere in sight. Like this one game I had yesterday. Since I couldn't find half the team anywhere, I chased their teammates instead. And though I sincerely tried to look for someone else to chase, at some point wasting time searching for survivors just means throwing the game. So, I killed the two survivors I kept running into. Then, I eventually found one survivor just as they were getting into a locker and found the other urban evading around the map. These types of survivors are why I now run Whispers. I don't want to play hide and seek. And I don't want to be forced to tunnel. I want to actually interact with my opponents, and that means the entire team.

    As a survivor, I also dislike when survivors are overly stealthy. It usually means they don't get found, and therefore don't get hooked. This puts their other teammates in danger because, if they can't find the stealthy one, the killer will just target who they can find. It's better to have all survivors take a turn on the hook, rather than have a game where two are on death hook a few minutes into the match.

    Post edited by gemjas on
  • Famicx
    Famicx Member Posts: 55

    this would be my answer too. I get bored when I can't find survivors because they're good at hiding and I'm not running whispers in that match. Dependig on the killer I'm playing it would maybe give me an advantage if they need longer to do gens but I feel like you should learn to counter loops and mindgame asap as killer because it benefits you in the long run.

    As as Survivor (which I play more because I play with a friend) I hide when it's the better option but I'd say I'm decent at both.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I prefer survivors who tries to loop because that's the fun of the game, cat-rat game! I have almost 2k in DBD and everytime I see someone on my matchs that try to avoid me all the time, I'll just kill them first fast as possible, because in the end-game they will not move their ass from their hiding spots never and will make my and probably other peoples games even longer than needed.

    DbD is all about the Killer/Survivor interaction with each other, so what's the fun in hiding and avoiding the Killer the whole match?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    As a killer, I prefer survivors who loop. Because unlike this post suggests, hiding does actually require some skill. Especially against killers with some time under their belt, who play both sides and know where survivors without any skill in hiding would go. You can also be adept at both looping and hiding - which is to loop until an LOS point and successfully hide while the killer is in active pursuit. Which again, takes some degree of skill and setup against a killer who has decent knowledge of the game/maps/survivor side of the equation.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    It totally depends on my mood, my teammates, and if I have any specific challenges. Do I have a get chased challenge? Hello, Killer, I'm coming to find you, let's have some fun. Am I feeling particularly chaotic stupid that day? Hello, Killer, let me run into you and get smacked. Are my teammates not actually getting gens done if I'm being chased? Goodbye, Killer, hello, Iron Will, time to sneaky sneaky and do gens.

    I find both parts exciting for a balanced game, but how much I do for each really depends on other factors.

    Also I'm still bad at looping even though I try lmfao.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,552

    The thrill of the killer running past your hiding spot will always beat looping for me

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I prefer hiding. Anyone can loop the killer. Losing them completely takes skill. When I loop a killer I don't feel like I am playing well. I feel like I am using a broken mechanic.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I like doing both honestly.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    I'll give you a hint, one thing is fun and the other doesn't help you and your mates get on objectives while the killer is bussy

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I prefer going against good loopers than good hiders because at least against good loopers, something is, you know, actually happening.

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    When I first saw this game, and when I bought it, I was a huge fan of the hide and seek genre. An online horror game that featured that genre? Perfect. But where I've 'evolved' in a way as a survivor, I feel like I'm better at looping then I am at hiding. So currently I prefer looping.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Both, though I know you don't wanna hear it, lol. If I get downed early, I'll def be hiding more. If my teammates are downed early, I'll try to take aggro off them. If possible, after I'm injured I want to break line of sight and heal up with Inner Strength or a teammate which will def help with prolonging my next loop, but that means I have to hide a bit until I meet that heal. A good balance can make a game last much longer.

    Chases are exciting but there's a certain satisfaction in being able to sneak right under a killer's nose. Starting to enjoy Distortion with how many folks run BBQ & Chilli.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    None taken. From my understanding. Looping is when the killer finds you and you lead him on a wild goose chase. Using pallets and vaults. Taking as much time as possible so everyone else can do gens.

    Hiding is not being found or somehow losing the killer during a chase. Am i missing something?

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    I'd rather face good loopers than I would super immersive survivors. I absolutely despise looking around for survivors for like 3 minutes.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Looping is more fun for both sides. I didn't come to dbd to hide until I die, I came to experience the thrill of the chase, either trying to avoid the wrath of a killer or to use my power to kill a survivor.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    edited May 2020

    I rather looping on both sides than hiding. Players hiding as killer is the worst, because they usually do these things.

    1. Camp pallets
    2. Throw pallets instantly
    3. Never try anything spicy (360s, Window Techs, "Dumb Techs"
    4. Difficult and annoying to try and find
    5. And are constantly scared.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    As both I prefer looping.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Proper looping is more than just brainlessly dropping pallets and hopping over windows.

    It requires anticipation, accurate movements, bloodlust control, quick reaction times, pallet respect testing while in a chase, map knowledge, combining of structures, jukes to eventually lose the killer etc.

    If I chase someone and I realize that person's just dropping everything without even trying to get the most out of pallets I immediately know I will win the match by following said person through all relevant tiles. A good looper will test me on just about every pallet, fake window vaults and try to keep strong pallets even to the point where they will rather take a hit than drop shack pallet at 5 gens to name a sample.

    Good loopers will also try and max out every near-by window before dropping a pallet which requires serious distance control especially when bloodlust is a thing.

    Long story short: There's a reason most survivors get downed in around 30 seconds (give or take) even on red ranks. Looping is not as easy as some people think.

    Hiding on the other hand... Well, just run Urban Evasion, Fixated, Spine Chill and Iron Will and hide whenever the cat lights up.

    To be fair I will also ask you: Am I missing something in terms of hiding?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I think I miss read the topic. When it said hiding or looping I assumed during a chase. I meant it's very difficult to lose the killer once you are found as compared to looping.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    As killer I'd like when survivors hide, cuz I am a doctor main.

    As survivor I like to loop but especially certain killers like hillbilly, it gives you a lot of bloodpoints and let your teammates do the gens so it is easy game

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747


    I'd rather lose a game but looping than escape just doing gens while my teammates have all the fun. Hiding and repairing are the most boring parts of the game.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I think hiding since nothing feels better than to outsmart your opponent in a game. You dont feel like you outsmarted anyone of you loop correctly, you just were faster

    But when you catch someone who though they were one step ahead of you it just feels so much better

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I rather hide than loop.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    This game is all about survivor - killer interactions. But they don’t really make people feel like doing that when they :

    1) Make maps smaller

    2) Take out loops /Reduce number of pallets (I think on certain maps there’s just such a lack of productive pallets)

    i mean come on. if you’re going to only give us a handful can they at least be good ones? I feel like I should never see a pallet that has just a car next to it or some random debris that doesn’t go farther than a few steps so killers Can just walk around 😂 Useless.

    3) when they keep Ebony Mori’s in the game. Take out keys if you want to, but I want more opportunities to play around with the killer. Thats just not fun 🤷‍♂️

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    Honestly I have huge respect for survivors that can evade my gaze at every turn and vanish without a trace at a moments notice. There is an art to stealth and I simply do not understand the dbd hate for it. Being able to waste a killers time without putting yourself in harms way is just as much a show of skill and a battle of wits as any chase, typically more so. I can hold a certain respect for a good looper but it's always the ones I never see working in the shadows popping gens and making saves that I always am more impressed with. They are the ones with true finess. When I can't even catch someone with surveillance, when they can twist my own tools against me in misdirection, now that's a work of art.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Actually losing the killer in a chase definitely takes skill as it requires some juking. I can agree there.

    I thought you seriously tried to tell me those Urban Evasion survivors that crouch in the corner of a map are more skillful than loopers haha

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    I prefer hiding, only problem is that the game clearly is balanced around the fact looping is the way to go, some killer got anti hide stuff (hi doctor) and looping waste the killer more time than hiding in 90% cases.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I prefer hiding since I'm bad at looping. But that doesn't mean I will hide when my teammates need help. As long as the randoms I am with are competent, I will body block, run in front of the Killer in order to prevent them from tunneling, sabotage hooks if I have a tool box, unhook even if it means I will die.

    If they're a bunch of potatoes, I become one with the bush and will search out the hatch.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    Depends on the match really.

    You have to change your playstyle with certain killers.

    Like I wouldn’t hide against a Hillbilly when I know he can block and Insta down. For example.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I would rather fail at finding a player 110% of the time

    Then watch them all use superpowers to Scooby-Doo chase me around cars and windows

    Less loops. More hiding spots

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I'd rather deal with loopers, at least then the game has some action. When survivors just hide you spend 20 minutes looking for them and it's boring AF.

    Also LOL what @ you can't be good at hiding and looping?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I didn't JUST pick up Claudette because of her teachables..........

    And Pig's black leather outfit is not a kink thing............