Do you enjoying playing Killer?

Hey, everyone.

I'm a kind of tilted playing Killer... The first rankeds I played that (Rank 12-20). I had fun cuz I feeled like I had some chances and now I'm on Rank 10 and get permapunished from Survivor for being a Killer. I don't really have fun on play the Killer. I'm Rank 1 Survivor and I don't know, how Killers should win without Mori or stupid Survivor. It feels like pretty unbalanced even after deleting some god loops. Survivor have to many chances to bully Killer, not even through perks... The biggest problem is that Survivor can do Gens was to fast and playing Killer without "Pop goes the Weasel" is so annoying cuz you hit the gen and need like 3s for that and then comes a Survivor and goes on it and tap it, this just takes 0.08s. There is not a single punishment. Even if u take "Overcharge" Survivor can make the Skillcheck while RUNNING!

What's your opinion? It's just a punishment to play Killer.



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079
    edited May 2020

    I would not play Killer if I would not enjoy it. So yes.

    And if someone plays Killer and is saying he does not enjoy it, he is either

    a) addicted to the game and should consider getting help


    b) a very kind person who wants Survivors to have games (unlikely).

    So I guess everyone who plays Killer enjoys it in general, even tho there are some frustrating games in between.

  • PrincessBubblegum
    PrincessBubblegum Member Posts: 27

    Thanks @Aven_Fallen

    I just have the feeling that Survivors are pretty unbalanced and thats kind of frustating while playing Killer. I like playing Killer but not on that way.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Yes, i do

    Even if I lose or win

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I do enjoy it. I just accept it that theres some games that are literally impossible to win, its rare but it happens. Otherwise if i lose i i typically know what mistake i madd that lead to the loss. More often than not i win, so yeah. Its enjoyable because its a challange. Thd best games are the ones where i just barrly win or barrly lose.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I wouldn't play as a killer if I didn't enjoy it

    Sure you get the SWAT SWF Teams every so often that kind of ruin the experience but that's just kind of expected in a competitive game that you'll once in a while run into groups who try WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard. I've learned a few tricks about murdering SWAT SWF Teams that has at least made it more enjoyable.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Killer is a deeply unfun often unfair bullyed by survivors situation

    I don't recommend this game anymore because of it and I feel bad for the dozen I sadly convinced because that.

    I still play and care because of how much I've invested and look forward to changes but only surviv role because it's easy and stress free . But I mean... look at the 20min que vs the instant killer que its really clear Noone enjoys killr anymore

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Basically I am not into playing games solo despite arcades/adventures, so I dont play killer much. Despite that killer is more enjoyable due too many bad killers ruining survivor experience quite frequently, where as killer I dont get toxic players that frequently. And even though I dont play much killer I dont have any problems playing against higher ranked players, which happens often due broken MM. But most survivors arent that good even if theyre labeled redrank (good for playing killer / bad for having them as surv mates).

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I enjoy it. My goal is to get everyone to P3. So playing killer will always give you more points.

    Survivor solo queue made me into a Killer Main. If it's not the bugs, it's usually my fault if I lose. Bonuspoints if I use a Killer who I don't play often for a daily.

    But there are rounds I don't enjoy, especially if I lose really hard. But they rarely happen. Other games where I deserve to lose, but still get a 4k because survivors get overaltruistic and insult me for taking advantage of it are on the same level.

    Protip for more enjoyment: Disable profile comments, close endgamechat and stop caring about the imaginary ruleset <3 As long as you are not toxic or exploiting, you are fine.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I enjoy killer against logical, decent players. You know, the ones that try to win but don't get toxic when you also do the same. Sure, bodyblock me with BT, just don't complain in the post game when I switch targets to you because... Well, why not. And when you go against a good team that understands that both sides get to play dirty, it's damn fun. Some of my absolute filthiest matches have been the ones all 5 of us laugh about in the post-game.

    But there are a ton of people out there that completely ruin it by expecting to get away with dirty plays with no repercussion, and they ruin it for me bug time. Bragging about a locker-DS and complaining about the following tunnel is like bragging about Insidious Facecamp Bubba and complaining that the gens got done in 5 minutes.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    I usually go back and fourth as a killer sometimes I go back to Claudette if I’m struggling as killer.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Only certain killers like Myers. He is my main when I do play killer and I have a blast with him.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    I've actually adjusted the way I play killer. I used to be so sweaty that I got so frustrated and switched to playing survivor on!y. Now I p!ay for bps and the challenge of the chase. Setting aside the 4k and focusing on just having fun has made playing killer again a viable option.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    There are somethings that irritate me when I do play Killer like the little wiggle that survivors do that messes with the auto aim. Other than that I kind of enjoy it.

  • Martesa55
    Martesa55 Member Posts: 208

    So these days I became a killer main. Before the rank reset I was leaving a hell because I was rank 13 and I was playing with rank 1 survivors. I hadn't upgrade the killer because I prefered survivors. My advice is to practice and play with good perks and add ons. Since I did that I started playing much better

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I play killer to have a different gameplay from survivor. IF i enjoy it depends completly on matchmaking. If i get a fair match, even if i lose, i enjoy it.

    If i am ranked against a skilled swf squad where i am chanceless from the beginning, no, its frustrating, to the point where i started dcing. (funny though, i only started dcing since the dc penaltys are around. It actually helps me to not being able to get into the next game and so something else instead). Note that i am just a mediocre killer, and far from rank 1, yet its not uncommon to be paired against red rank swfs.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited May 2020

    I feel killers are stuck in a rut, where killers have been kept on bare minimum life support when it comes to adapting to the ever-increasing skill of survivors (And 4 survivors getting better always compounds harder than a killer getting better at the game), on top of the fact the devs will never begin having the discussion on the issues SWF bring for killers and how that leads to severe cheating, an argument which is always covered in people trying to derail it by arguing that so long as not all SWF use comms then we can ignore the ones that do.

    On top of this, Killer metas are purged proactively. Nurse being the anti-SWF red-rank killer? Nerfed in a 'rework'. Hex Ruin being used to slow down gen-rush and making low-mobility killers viable? nerfed. Killers are just giving up and not playing unless they can afford a mori now, or they just went toxic and play insidious basement bubba or something. There is an active deterrence to trying to optimize being a killer now, because we know it'll just be patched out if we find something that works well again.

    Finally, we have Killers being annoyed at lack of equivalent action. Whilst our metas get purged, survivor abuse meta runs rife. SWF teams can still stack Decisive Strike to prevent you getting any sacrifices in the EGC, defeating the entire purpose of the perk, but it never gets touched and DS is allowed to be active on multiple survivors at once and be abused heavily. Any killer that cares about their rank gets severely punished for this kind of thing existing since we lose moderate pip progress each time DS is used on us.

    I main Shape, with a bit of Nurse/Wraith/Clown on the side, and I honestly just feel like it's tedious and boring now. We simply don't have any meaningful counter to 2-3 gens being done in our first chase, even if that chase is really short. We are never rewarded for efficiency, and most of our ultra-rares are built around meme games that reduce our score by shortening chases and injuries inflicted and thus making it tougher to rank up.

    As a killer I can get a game within 10-20 seconds at almost any time of day now on PC, there is simply always tons of survivors waiting for a killer, and then as survivor the wait times only get longer and longer overall, so I doubt I'm alone in feeling like the killer environment is in a really bad place.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Now I do. I play on Xbox and was red rank killer and was very tired of stressful games so I wanted to derank somehow. I started to play Nurse, the only killer I avoided and my god I deranked, was so bad for six days. Then things started to turn around and now..yeah I'm pretty good 😁 Seriously I have a hard time switching back to other killers. All the running around, the pallets, walls etc.

    Nurse is amazing, and fun to play. Killer is fun again.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I've been enjoying it since 2016 and still am. Even with all the frustrations it has, if they become too much, I'll just take a short break and come back later.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Ive been playing with her more on xbox as well. Shes a lot of fun once you start to get the hang of her. I wonder if you were that nurse i played against yesterday 🤔

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    It does take a lot of time to get used to the stress of killer. I would usually try to mix in both. So, one game of survivor, then killer just to give myself a break. You have to go into the match will the mentality that if you don't win that round it's not as bad as you think. Sometimes too much is stacked against you. I would also advise turning off the chat, at least for killer since that never seems to do anyone any good. Good luck out there! :)

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    If you want to play as a killer, you must be a person who loves pressure, not be a friend to anyone, not mercy, make strategies to choose areas of glued generators and most importantly manage the crashes, that is, if a survivor already has two hooks you must look for him to kill him avoid the survivors who have not yet hung. How to see playing as a killer means using your brain more because playing as a survivor is a child's game of you only worry about doing skill tests and throwing pallets with 15 seconds that you last to the killer is enough for your friends to make gens ...

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I played 10-12 games yesterday so maybe 😀 Yes very frustrating to start to learn her especially to do so when already in high ranks, but so fun and rewarding after you spend all that time on her.

  • Inaruslynx
    Inaruslynx Member Posts: 14

    I am not enjoying it. I've been at this for 1-2 weeks and I'm facing red tier survivors with my Freddy and get curb stomped. Like ######### am I suppose to do against these people and then I get punished? F this #########. Now I see why I quit way back when.

    I'm about to go full troll and facecamp the ######### out of some people with Insidious. I don't even care about the loss of point because I'm already only getting 5-10k. Why should I suffer in this ######### by myself? Maybe some moron will come by and try to save them and I can get more than 1 stack on my BBQ and Chili.

    I blame this game more and more because it's stupid. From it's bugs to catering to Survivors. I literally feel like I'm smashing my face into my keyboard.

    At first it was fun because I was learning with other people that felt like they were similar to me, but now I search for a match for ~5 mins to just face god survivors. And God help any brown tiers that face my yellow tier ass because they are getting destroyed.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Killers are too obsessed with ranking up or getting a 4k or whatever. This is coming from the perspective of somebody who plays both sides, but killer is far more preferential.

    Survivor to me just feels like a slog to play because I play solo except for the rare SWF game, and that's only with a few friends who only game with me once in a while and don't play much games at all anyway, so it's not like it comes anywhere close to the "SWF SWAT" teams. Being exclusively solo practically, it feels like at least half of my games I have either my team mates trying to kill me by farming me off hook or something, or a "sweaty" killer boasting their usual ebony mori and high cost addons trying to mori people off first hook and whatnot. I like the idea of survivor, and I actually thought I would enjoy it more because it's typical to want to be the "power role" and I thought being a helpless little survivor being chased by a killer sounded thrilling, but as you can see my opinions have changed greatly. I just can't get the survivor experience I thought I would coming into the game, at least when I have team mates that are doing things that make me question whether I should report them for it or not.

    With killer, I at least get to feel like I'm in control of the game. Even if it's difficult, I can pretty much always feel like there's something I can do to stop the "enemy," and I don't have to rely on team mates (or more accurately, worry about them getting in my way) to achieve that goal. That's mostly why I enjoy playing killer. Plus, there's the obvious factor of each killer actually feeling unique to play, rather than the survivors who are relatively the same.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Not really. But I have already talk in the past enough about the why's.

    I just play my 0-2 matches/month and read sometimes the ingame news and/or forums if something has changed.

    Until they do finally a patch that also makes me happy, I will continue with only a low amount of games per month^^.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Speaking as a player and not as a developer, yes, I still enjoy Killer. I prefer it to playing Survivor by quite a bit.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That's the way most players should play honestly.Forget trying to get as many kills as possible (There aren't any rank rewards anyway) and focus on getting points and improving your killer gameplay.It will also help you to deal with frustrating matches as well.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I still enjoy killer, but it's definitely a frustrating experience.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    If you give up at winning, you can have pretty fun game as killer~

    However, that doesn't mean you don't want to win at all. Just don't expect to win when playing killer.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I like it, just because you are always doing something. You are constantly making decisions about where to go next, what to do, or are inside a chase.

    Survivor usually has too much downtime for me to want to play it for a long time.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    As a masochist, yes I very much enjoy playing killer.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's better than m1 simulator. I like being on edge all game, dbd shouldn't be a relaxing experience.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    I enjoy it. I'm best at Nurse but I can play every killer at a decent level outside of Huntress. Killers definitely have the tools they need to win most of the time. Rank 10 is a rough spot for killers starting out. It's when the game gets really hard for less experienced killers. Stick with it if you enjoy it.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I go through phases where I enjoy killer more than survivor and vice versa. Sometimes I get anxious when playing killer (usually the first match) but I enjoy it.

    Some matches are more enjoyable than others but you win some and you lose some ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    Theres days where i do enjoy playing as killer and then there are weeks i despise it due to SWF and the same old meta perks which can say get really boring :/

    One of the reason why i still play and stream it is i get to play my favourite horror villan freddy kruger but that can only last for so long the stresses the killer games can cause is not fun or healthy and survivor is just so dull to play unless (the irony) its with friends

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    I get more frusterated playing survivor than killer so yes I do lol it is all preference at the end.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Yes, it is significantly better than survivor. I get lots more BP. I can decide if I want to take the foot off the pedal or if I want to give in and open the door. I can't be tunneled out with less than 10k BP. Heck, I can't remember the last time I hot less than 20k BP. Even those rough SWF matches that annoy me a ton are great for BP.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    I enjoy playing killer but I can't do it too long without getting too stressed to continue. Hopefully they can do something to make killer a little stressful without making it unbalanced.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Yes. Recently I started playing Huntress due to rift since I never took the time to actually play her before and I'm having a blast learning her. Yes there are some games where nothing clicks and I miss every hatchet throw, but I don't get frustrated at all lol. I learn from those matches quite a lot and appreciate the survivors who give me a hard time with the hatch throws because I learn a lot from missing. I tend to use the "weak" killers like Clown or Trapper and still do fine at red ranks. I play by own terms and that's what keeps me going in playing killer. <3

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I think some of the issue is folks perception of a "win". If you go in expecting a 4k every time, it is going to be disappointing but really if you have a high score, win, got silver or better emblems, win, killed 2 survs, win. Had a positive post game chat regardless of in game stats, win. If I leave with ruthless killer or above at the end I consider it a win.

    Survivor same strory, did you pop 2 gens, get all the totems, engage in some good chases, save a team mate? There are a lot of metrics to look at to feel good about a match. Not just escape or not.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I very much enjoy playing Killer.

    It can get frustrating yes, but the majority of my games are rather chill.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    Depends tbh, i use to be a killer main at game start then ended up doing 50/50 but 3 years later i do more survivor just because its far more chill and fun more often, winning doesnt bother me but i dont wanna be bullied or feel punished even though i played really well and nearly flawless. the biggest issue i have with killer is going against full meta rank 1 swf that all know tiles, loops etc. just because of how hard it is to play against it and how much they will taunt you for it, especially if youre like me and play the weaker killers and end up on some pretty survivor sided maps. all in all killer can be fun and usually is but id say 20% its a full swf team that i have to accept i cant do much, 40%chance to get hate messages even if playing fair (actually had a nice message today though, has been months since iv had so much as a friendly gg). overall only issue is tryhard swf

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069


  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    True. But when i play killer, i expect to lose with 4 escapes, so i have nothing more to lose :)

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    I enjoy playing killer way more than playing solo survivor honestly. Being engaged the entire game, looking for survivors and chasing them, is way more entertaining than holding M1 on a generator a good portion of the game.

    Not just that, it feels more rewarding knowing there was no one carrying me or dragging me down, and that it was me making those plays to get those kills.

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    I started enjoying killer once I stopped caring about killing people because if survivors are optimal, you are not going to kill anybody. I just want to go there, try some cool shots with huntress or some hard chainsaws with billy. That's all I care about

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Like it a lot.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Hell no LOL😂🤣

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I sometimes do, but it's so easy for SWF groups to completely bully a killer sometimes - especially when they choose to exploit the matchmaking - that you just feel like a bystander to their pipping to red rank.

    Seriously, knowing that a rank 3 survivor is going to pip against a rank 20 killer is kinda sad. All because they chose to run a 4-stack of 3 red ranks and one rank 20.