Is Legion a bad Killer or am I just that Terrible with them?

Eynox Member Posts: 86

I do fine with most killers, average 3-4 deaths per game. With legion I just don't enjoy the gameplay. I have tried it many different times with different builds, every game ends the same.

  1. Using my ability IS the fun part of the build, I do like the pursuit of chasing a survivor however, there's only one way out of the ability, a small penalty and then you need to slowly chase your survivor down at an excruciating movement speed. It feels like a walking chase and you very slowly catch them, very VERY slowly. In a perfect chase scenario it can take 20-60 seconds to catch someone after your Ability ends, and that's IF you do catch them, assuming they aren't looping you because then just forget it might as well forfeit 2+ gens.

I don't know I feel like I'm doing something wrong but even mechanically and game play wise, even the games I do win, it doesn't feel rewarding. The sluggish chase after you have no ability or any other benefits just... hurts.

Feels like I'm a Huntress chasing somehow down without hatchets, or imagine chasing someone as the Plague but you can only melee. It just feels... dull to say the least.

I think even if they changed the legion in a way even without significantly buffing her but just the playstyle to not feel like 20% of the game is fun and the other 80% is you chasing survivors without any threat I'd enjoy playing this killer a lot. Right now that 80% just makes me wanna DC and play any other killer.

Are there any intentions of changing legion or making it more playable in the future?

This are just my thoughts, which circles around to the first question, maybe I'm just playing her all wrong? How do you actually down someone with Legion? Since you can't use your power to do it.


  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    I feel like Frenzy is fun and feels great, it's just when your'e NOT in frenzy it feels really painful. Hmm IDK what it is, I just played a game as Oni, only killed 1 person but I had 500% more fun than with Legion. I want to like legion so much, love the theme of the killer I just cant figure it out. Maybe I need to do more research on how to make the downtime fun as well..

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited July 2020

    Legion is a killer who specializes in spreading damage and stalling with deep wounds.

    You should NEVER tunnel with legion they are terrible at that and if someone unhooks infront of you who is healthy Feral frenzy(FF) the unhooked survivor.

    Then go after the bad save survivor in FF to get a hit then chase them while still in FF to try to close the distance gained from the being hit sprint burst before canceling FF.

    Your power will let you get everyone low and it should be used to get the first hit to begin a chain.

    Legion's main issue is downing people but his stall and the ability to keep people injured for later chases means that his initial kill power is low but as more and more people stay injured or heal up either speeds up your chases or slows the game down dramatically respectively.

    Edit:If someone actively begins to mend in your face after a FF hit sometimes its best to cancel the FF if they are either the first or 2nd person hit in a 2 hit chain because them mending means they have made no distance letting you get a faster down.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2020

    There are various uses for Feral Frenzy. Mainly for finding out where every person on the team is and keeping them injured. Survivors that don't heal are easy pickings.

    Can also use it to quickly recover from a pallet drop or get an advantage in a bad loop. Just injure them if they're extra annoying, then find their friends.

    Stabbing in FF depends on how good you are at regular attacks. If you don't fool easily, you'll get those chain stabs. Lunging also works in FF to great effect.

    FF also allows you to use certain abilities to great effect. If you're running STBFL, you won't lose stacks from injuring the obsession with FF. Bamboozle also works with FF vaults.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I wont say they are the best killer out there, but their stall potential is actually quite impressive, plus, their ability to spread damage quickly allows them to synergize with some perks many other killers may find completely useless.

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    Thanks for the cool feedback comments. Surprised no one simply said "You're bad, get out" lol. Love this community. Special thanks to the tips posted above, will try them.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    I myself bought Legion recently and have been hesitant to try him out because everyone seems to be saying he's a bad killer. Could anyone perhaps recommend a good build?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    They're a legitimately terrible killer. As long as survivors are smart and stay a little bit spread out, it's 100% their game to lose. As long as you're not on the same gen together, just running away when someone gets deep wounds is enough that they flat out can't catch you and they waste so mcuh of their own time without even getting a down.

  • FreddysMixTape
    FreddysMixTape Member Posts: 78

    Personally I feel like Legion IS just a bad killer, arguably bottom 3 if not the worst in the game. But to address your actual concerns: you basically summed it up really well when it comes to chases with Legion, they have literally nothing in chase and are a pure m1 killer. There are some very niche things you can do like using a flashlight blind to instantly end your power and get a cheeky hit in for instance but its so niche and comes into play so rarely that like I said they basically have nothing.

    If this lack of chase tools is what ruins your fun the most and you REALLY want to play this character I'd advice just running a bunch of chase perks. Stuff like Spirit Fury + Enduring, Nemesis + Play With Your Food, Bamboozle, Brutal, etc. are all good choices. Blood Echo just in general is also a great perk on them that can help you deal with exhaustion perks and force people into healing a bit more often at times.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    The Legion is an effective killer. He's like a vicious little wasp who stings his victim, forcing them to nurse their wounds.

    Feral Frenzy is a fantastic tool in finding that one elusive survivor. Rather like Doctor, It's very hard to hide from Legion.

    Add tier 3 Sloppy Butcher and Thanaophobia to delay the healing process, and spice it up with some suitable add-ons.

    Nurse's Call and Discordance will assist with locating survivors. Obviously the increased healing times will increase the likelihood of auras being revealed by Nurse's Call. Discordance will help you get more potential targets with Feral Frenzy, along with adding generator security.

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    I suppose my question is.. yes you can injure everyone, but actually downing survivors is such a pain. If you're in a chase... you have no advantages other than just following them.

    I've noticed the same trend with every chase I've been in where I'm actually going for a down. I catch up to the survivor way too slow, and if they drop a pallet, then I have to catch up to them again. If I were to have let's say all four injured, it doesn't matter if I have to spend almost 45 seconds - 1 minute to down any of them. by that time they've all either healed or done a gen.

    I feel like there needs to be something else to spice up the chase when you're going to down someone, all of the killers have something except legion. I get so mad playing her but I keep playing her because I enjoy the "concept or idea" but gameplay Idk I just can't

  • WatchBloodRain
    WatchBloodRain Member Posts: 175

    I'm not a legion main by any means but I use nurses calling on them, they mend and start healing, I get the drop on them, might be something you wanna try

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Your frustration is justified, Legions rework basically rendered his power into a non lethal punishment.

    One day hopefully his power is looked into again, majority can see the blinding, and 4 second stun + 20 second recovery is a bit much on a non lethal power.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited July 2020

    I always did very good with Legion in red ranks, not that I play Legion a lot but feels underrated. Also as survivor the Legion games is often pretty hard, and of course a pain in the big A with all the mending.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    There's a reason you always find him at the bottom of every killer tier list. He has the wounding capability, but once it comes to lethality he's a very basic m1 killer with 0 additions.

    You won't apply pressure if you're not getting downs, especially considering nobody bothers healing against a legion.

  • dontbethatguy
    dontbethatguy Member Posts: 8

    My friends complain legion is an op killer but I completely disagree with them. I'm still a noob but it seems to me like legion is all about slowing the game progress down which in my opinion makes him more challenging to play. Especially if you don't have any good add ons for FF. I know alot of people who complain that he is "unbeatable" but from my experience playing him that is far from true.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    He’s not great. Survivors splitting up and large maps hurts him.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    When I face legion if I’m not the last survivor to get stabbed, I’ll mend immediately after getting it. It’s such a pointless power

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    When you judge any killer, you jugde killers power. Does it help to end chases quick? If the answer is - yes, the killer is not bad. Does Legions power help to end chases? No. It only help to injure survivors quick, but it is not lethal power, you cant down survivors with it. Legion is weak.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    When you join a game and immediately think: oh good, it's this killer. Then he is trash. Nobody encounters Spirit and thinks: Yeah, i love to go against spirit!

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    If its better to let the killer hit you instead of wasting pallets, its probably a bad design

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Mending isn't a healing action apparently. Nurses won't proc.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Actually in this case that isnt true at all. He cant down you with FF, so saving that pallet for when hes actually trying to down you is a good thing.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Legion is the current worst killer

    A close second is Clown and Demo.

    The top of the bottom tier is Deathslinger.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    "If its better to let the killer hit you instead of wasting pallets, its probably a bad design"

    thats literally what i said

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,935
    edited July 2020

    I'd probably pick anyone else except Legion, Clown and Trapper. Legion is the best out of those 3 but they are still pretty weak and can be stressful to play.

    They are fun though and get a lot of Bloodpoints.

    Clown is pure frustration.

    Trapper is the kind of Killer which will lose 3 Gens to setup Stuff which will get disarmed 5 Seconds later and therefore become a Machete Man who can M1 with 2 Gens left.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah but im disagreeing its a bad design by highlighting that theres still strategy there.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Yes, Legion is pretty bad, they're probably in bottom 5 killers if not even worse than that.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Is Nurse still the worst at securing kills btw ? She was kinda competing with Clown when it came to that.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    She's very hard to learn. So in your first few games, yes she's probably the toughest to get kills with. Over time, as you become more skilled, Nurse starts becoming very powerful indeed. :)

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216

    Legion is one of my three main Killers. I average 3-4 kills with them. Does this mean they are a good Killer. Not really. I only got an average of 0-1 kill with (pre-rework) Hillbilly, but I don't see anyone call him weak. It's all a matter of skill. And I'm just decent at Legion.

    You just need to learn how to play them. People tend not to heal against Legion, so you need to be able to punish them. If you know how to run loops as Killer and mind-game pallets, you've got half the job done already. You're a 115 movement Killer that's smaller than most 115 movement Killers (you say they move slowly, but they're one of the fast Killers), allowing you to more effectively hide yourself for those mindgames. If they decide to start healing, punish them by Frenzy stabbing them. Also, if you can, get Surge. It's seriously underrated.

    If you're taking 20-60 seconds to catch up, you're playing wrong. That goes for any Killer. You should cancel your power right on top of Survivors (don't hit them when they're already affected by Deep Wounds, you'll just make them run faster from you). Bringing cooldown add-ons can help, even though they're barely noticeable.

    Legion is not an easy Killer to play, and I don't think the Intermediate difficulty rating the game gives them is accurate either. Again, I may have a slight bias because Legion is one of my mains, but people seriously underestimate what Legion is capable of. Just ask the four Survivors who were on my hooks (all shortly after each other) before a single gen was finished. Or the legacy Nea and her clicky clicky pink bunny Min friend and their second chance perks who died to my mori-less sub-optimal add-on, playing for fun build with 2 gens left. I won't claim they're extremely strong, because that relies a lot on skill, but they're not as bad as people say.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I think Legion is extremely annoying to vs no matter the players' skill level. I find him more annoying than even old Doc/Ruin every time I get hit with his stupid ability I sign and role my eyes. I want him to be reworked, he is extremely weak and also annoying to top it off, a lot like old Doc.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I think Legion is underrated and pretty solid if played well.

    Most Legions don't try to force the survivor out of key areas, block key windows with fatigue, sprint ahead of the survivor to beat them to/fatigue at a pallet, etc.

    He definitely has a few nuances that few people really know about/explore.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2020

    Are they playable? Yeah, I 4k a lot at rank 1.

    Are they good? No, not at all. They are really bad. They compete for the worst killer in the game spot. If the survivors are actually good you'll probably lose. Fortunately I suppose the average survivor isn't very good.

    He needs a lot of improvements to his base kit.

    Reduce the fatigue coming out of his power by 1 second, remove the power bar penalty on basic M1's, make his FF be faster and longer for each consecutive hit he gets (rewarding him for playing well), and finally add Oblivious to the Deep Wounds effect from his hits to add more skill ceiling with mind games.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    Also I agree with @Blueberry that at least the power bar penalty for normal hits should be removed. Why does it even exist?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i do good with my susie.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I discovered a new (well for me it was new) tactic against legion regarding pallets. Drop the pallet and if you don't stun them and their either in FF or begin it just after the pallet drop just wait for them to vault then dot he same vault immediately after (swapping places), they'll often try and hit you, miss and hit the pallet lol. If they hit you then you've got a free speed burst without scratch marks to get out of their line of sight and escape.

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    Months' later I'm still really trying hard with the Legion, I love the character and want to play them. I sometimes do well now.. but the games I do get a 4 kill.. they last like 15- 20 mins LOL just takes a while...

    I wish there were a way to

    1. Help Legion Secure kills faster speeding up the games, because now even when I do well with him games just.. take a long time and drag out
  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Legion is ok, their map mobility is pretty high and they can slow the game down with their Frenzy (even if a survivor doesn’t heal to full health they have to at least mend for 12 seconds after what was probably a 5 second chase by Legion so it’s a net gain for the killer.) They’re not top tier mainly because once everybody is injured they are mostly a basic attack 115% killer without an ability in a chase. They can definitely win games though just on the strength of their map mobility and tracking, they’re not “trash”.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I don’t understand why people think demo is bottom tier. I think it’s just cause ppl don’t use him effectively. He’s insanely good in chase, learn how to use his power and master it and you’ll be downing survivors extremely fast and forcing pallets out of them. Just cause his anti loop isn’t as simple and easy to use as deathslingers or clowns doesn’t make him bad. His portals are also very effective when you are able to set them up and put them in good positions. Especially when you use them frequently, you can really scare and confused survivors. He’s definitely not an amazing killer but he’s not bottom tier.