11.79% survival rate (New stats released)
I disagree. Stats are not reliable and only sow division in the community. BHVR should keep them private and not allow the community to see them. It only promotes fighting tbh.
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I play killer (not main, somewhat neutral) and I’ve experienced similar statistics, so I agree there is validity to this on various levels. Same on the survivor side, ESPECIALLY Solo queue.
Love all the killer mains instantaneously flocking to debunk anything that makes them look like the strong players that they are.
If these statistics were proven accurate they still would find necessity in talking them out of existence altogether. idek why
Where are any survivor mains, or just survivor players in general in these forums?
...or any forums?
do actual forums with majority of survivor players even exist anywhere?
I’d like to know the statistics on that, tbh
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the issue was the stats didn't add up and were verified by Peanits to being the archives challenges and only counting while you have an applicable challenge.
I mean look at the generators completed stat which implies less then ~.16 of a single generator is done every game.
Its not hard to notice when numbers don't add up.
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I got a feeling they intentionally released these stats without context. Maybe they wanted to see how much BS we can be made believe before peanits cleared it up, idk :D
Despite him having them put into context, there are still responds in this thread that disregard that. Omfg I can´t believe some of these people, for real.
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Yeah, I see that, absolutely true...
I also believe that while the ratio of Sacrifices to Escapes would be much closer to one another, there would still be higher numbers for the former, in Killers sacrificing the survivors.
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Until the show Groups Vs Solo queue, I don't care about these numbers. I'd also like to see the difference above and below Rank 10 TBH.
These numbers without more details don't help any side of the argument.
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Please, tell me again how the game isn't one sided?
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Please, tell me that you read one page before this one in the thread the developers clarification that those numbers are not the actual kills/survivals from all matches and they are NOT an accurate account of the kill/escape rate in the game?
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I wonder if they counted DCs as Sacrifices. I'd bet half of those were from DCs alone lmao.
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I love this place so much 😂 How can anyone read those statistics and instantly dismiss them as meaningless?
Wait, I know, because it puts to bed all the bullshit the really terrible killers try to say about gaming experience. It's shows that a minority of survivors win! It proves beyond doubt that gen rush, depip squads and ultra nerded out SWF teams are too in the minority, as the 3 groups need to populate the 11% of all survivors that survive, while also remembering that another groups, just good players, also need to be put into those stats.
Put simply, killers lose 1 in 10 games and in those games, they experience 1 in 4 of those groups, meaning that out of 40 games, they might lose 4 by the hand of one of those groups.
Gotta admit, it's very close to the kind of stats I get as a killer, but I still boast to not being gen rushed and I have been hit by a DS twice all year, unbreakable happens, but I don't care as it's still just an injured survivor to get another scoring event from.
On the plus side, maybe bhvr can look at all the nerfs they made to the survivors over the last year and look to rebalance them. Then they can go about fixing the actual problem with the game, the strength of SWF running the "watch the terrible killer stop playing" perks.
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NERF PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Please read what peanits said. Its at the top of page 5.
These are archive challenge statistics not Kill Rate for their respective challenges done aka escapes don't count unless they are doing an escape challenge.
Also please read and realize the statistics also say ~.16 generators get done per game.
Its not hard to see when numbers don't add up.
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LMAO I see swf die more often than solo queue. Solos have no reason to stay once the exit is powered and I've seen them leave right away. Swf stick around and either all die or all escape.
What surprised me most is that 9/10 survivors die but killer still complain about a survivor bias. It's pretty laughable actually and obviously proves the killers who complain are just bad at the game.
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You say that but what I interpreted as that killers just complain all the time because obviously if 9/10 survivors are dying then the survivors aren't OP and the people complaining are just bad.
Remember killing 2/4 survivors is a killer win. So having only a 11.79% survival rate is extremely low. Just consider that the casualty rate of WW1 was only 12.3%. You have more chance of surviving a war than surviving dbd.
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This is kind of beating a dead horse, but you did read peanits' explanation/clarification in this very thread that those numbers are NOT a kill/escape rate?
Does anyone read first through an entire thread before chiming in? Apparently, doing so may be more rare than surviving any given DBD trial, lol.
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"Just popping by to mention that these only show sacrifices and escapes that contributed towards the completion of Tome challenges over the past year. This is not kill rate/escape rate and should not be treated as such."
I highlighted the part of his comment that flatout says it only counts ones that contributed towards the completion of tome challenges aka escape challenges/Unbreakable challenges escapes that cause the challenge to progress count.
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I waited to see if most of the people would say "this ain't right" while in the same breath say "survivor is so gg ez, you can have tiny brain and live survivors so op" lmao the typical "killer mains" in full force to say this is wrong XD meanwhile only a few of us know what needs to go on for a more balanced game, the main thing actual killer mains should have a problem with is 4 man swf there should always be atleast 1 random as it's an absolute wild card that could be detrimental to a team or actually be good. There's a few other things that need adjusting but there's no point in talking about it as they will never change anything super serious despite alot of feedback
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No it's not haha, because that's ######### everyone over for doing what they are meant to do. Leaving a teammate on a hook for second state is not what your meant to do and at that point your being a cock, especially if at least one other teammate isn't either (assuming the 3rd is in a chase). If the team doesn't work together to help you why would you work together to help the team? I play casual matches with friends and stay away from solo queue because of awful players that just don't bother saving until 2nd state. If there is no reason for you to be left on 2nd state why should you accept it when it happens
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Entitled killers lmao and they say survivors are entitled for running ds
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As most people are completely disregarding what both Rizzo & Peanits have said with regards to the Archive/Rift/Challenge information, I'm going to close this as it's getting argumentative for no reason.