Free Auric Cells Post Update?

I'm certainly not going to complain about free in-game currency, especially not $10 USD equivalent being handed out but I notice that A LOT of people have been receiving somewhere around 1,000 free auric cells after the update upon opening the shop in-game. Not to be a pessimist but Behavior hasn't exactly been... the most charitable when it comes to auric cells as they are the only option for licensed skins/characters/killers. Was wondering how many other people received free auric cells after downloading the update and exactly how many. Personally I received 1,000 free auric cells with the notification that they were from a previous purchase; however, I had received any auric cells I've bought instantly after purchasing. Certainly not complaining but was wondering if these free auric cells were purposeful or not since there has been no word from Behavior.
I didn´t get any auric cells. So it might be a bug.
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Have you purchased any lately? Maybe its a new cash back feature?
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99% sure it's a bug.
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Console PS4
No auric cell giveaways here
Behaviour must live you extra special😌
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I saw someone say they were told not to spend them.. bhvr is still deciding what to do
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PS4 player here! Got the 1000 auric cells with the same message regarding previous purchase
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Oh crap, well that ship has long sailed. I seriously hope people do not get charged if they spend any cells received because of a bug.
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I got them too. I wouldn't use them until they make an official statement about it though. I had already purchased 4k auric cells for the event but I won't use the free one's I got just in case.
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PS4, I got them too. Will see if they take them away, hopefully not.
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I WOULD spend them. There is no way they would penalize people for this. There is no way to tell who knew it was a bug and who didn't. Countless people aere going to think this is a real reward. I say spend them. It would be absurd to penalize people who didn't even know.
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Me logging in at lightning speed in hopes of getting cells before BHVR fixes it
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I'm feeling its a special cash-back bonus. If it was a mistake I think it would already be posted here by devs...
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I am also on PS4 and i got cells. <3
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From what I've gathered I do NOT think this was intentional because the message upon receiving them was a bit sloppy and bug-like in it's delivery. Everybody who has received them knows exactly what I'm talking about. There would have most certainly been news about it either on their official social medias and/or the in-game news thread. No matter what considering that many people got them and many people did not, something tells me that Behavior made a gigantic 'oopsie' one way or another.
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Right now the only information that I have is that we are looking into this issue.
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Thank you for stepping in to the conversation! I'm going to go ahead and assume that this was not intentional. Please respond to this thread at your earliest convenience once you do find out more concrete information, I know a lot of people (including myself) who have already spent the auric cells are a bit scared if there will be repercussions. Thanks again mod mandy!
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Wonder whats gonna happen, will they take the cells back/the cosmetic that the cells were spent on back or give everyone else them too
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I am certainly glad I am not a developer for Behavior right now is all I have to say. I can't imagine who's head is going to be on the chopping block for (I'm assuming) thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars of in-game currency being dispersed for free right before a rift is released, which is literally their biggest selling point for the auric cells to begin with.
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We will have to wait and see. I can't imagine what's going on over zoom meeting right now between developers and higher ups.
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Does that mean the free Auric Cells are unintentional, or that not everyone is getting them is unintentional? Your post is a bit vague.
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May I ask if you purchased the last rift or have recently bought auric cells? I'm trying to figure out exactly what triggered the bug for some users. I'm sorry to hear that you did not get them though, I hope once they realize how unfair it may be to players who did not get them that they will make it right one way or another
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Issue? I wouldn't say issue more like a "happy accident" :)
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Seems to be related to the rift pass for tome 4. I purchased it, claimed all the tiers, and got the 1000 auric cells upon opening the store earlier but my friend who didn't buy the rift pass couldn't get it to trigger. Of course, a sample size of 2 isn't enough to determine the issue.
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No you're onto something here. This seems to be what all of my confirmations are leading to as well. People who have bought the last rift seem to be the ones receiving the cells.
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I hope so, too. I´m a steam player, bought my last shards for tome 3 iirc. Didn´t get any, and it feels pretty unfair that some players are gifted 1k AC while others aren´t.
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I bought the Tome 4 Rift pass and I didn't receive any Auric Cells when I opened the store just a few minutes ago.
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Interesting. I am sorry to hear that, I do not want to get your hopes up but I know some people had to reopen the game and visit the Shrine of Secrets for it to trigger. Again, my apologies if you still don't receive them and I do hope they make this right.
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On xbox. Purchased pass but Didnt complete.
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No aurics here either. Bought $20 worth before rift closed to buy out the rest of my pass as I was SO behind. Got a cosmetic then too.
Bought Franks blight costume with shards today.
No free aurics :\
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I bought the pass and completed it.
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Based on everyone's comments and talking to a bunch of people in the community who have and have not gotten them it doesn't seem to be a matter of purchasing the rift and/or completing it. It seems that most people who have triggered the bug have however purchased the most recent rift, but not everyone who bought it seems to have triggered the bug. Either it is up to something else entirely or the purchase of the last rift is at least one of the conditions that have to be met in order to trigger it, but it's not a guarantee. Will keep you guys posted if I found out more. I have a friend that just started playing DBD within the last month and hasn't bought any auric cells whatsoever so I will see if he has received them or not.
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If they decide against it they cant charge people, they will probably retire wathever you purchased with them and the Auric Cells left.
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Update: Friend who has just recently started playing DBD and did not purchase the previous rift did not receive any cells.
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I looked through all tabs on the store and received nothing. I’ve bought all four Rifts and recently I got PH’s Corrupted outfit (the one where his flesh is ripped).
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I haven’t gotten any.Maybe it was a glitch or bug or maybe only exclusive to a certain platform.
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Is there going to be an event in dbd mobile? I really want some characters but i cant pay to buy them.Please also freddy can only purchased bt auric cells.I cant afford him please make him accesible with stones
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@comanderbly this forum is not for DbD Mobile, but the Core game, for anything related to mobile you will need to check out their official channels - discord etc.