Are people seriously getting angry about crushing victor?

Its NOT a baby! YOU gave it that name. It is an evil monster, not baby Yoda, and it's concerning that some grown adults are angry about killing a monster in a fictional video game.
I'm trying to be nice about this, I get people have trauma around losing a kid, but it is a game and maybe some people should avoid it until the hype dies around the twins because we all know after a while it'll go back to the usual killers in matches until the next chapter.
Heck, I hate puke because I had an eating disorder, but plague is something that helped me get over that. Still hate puke in real life though, but plagues spew looks fake, just like Victor looks like an ugly Gollum.
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I swear if the animation is changed when going to the live build i'll be so upset
I just wanna send him to orbit
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People are seriously getting mad about 'crushing' a demonic little monster that a lot of people confuse with a baby?
By that logic, I could get mad at BHVR for adding Plague because she glorifies bulimia but I don't see anyone complaining about that.
17 -
It's insane what people will find these days to go up in arms about. It's a miniture gremlin that just crawled out of a womans breast for christ sake. If I saw that IRL the last thing I'd be concerned with was how I'd offend someone kicking it! It's trying to claw your damn eyes out!
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Oh god I hope not. The first time I did it he ragdolled across the ground and it was the funniest thing I've seen in a game for a long time.
It caught me of gaurd because the description says 'crushed' so a swift kick too the face made me cackle like a madman.
The animation is hilarious from his point of view too.
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When I saw it I had to take a lap, it was unnaturally funny and I didn't even expect it
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That's pretty much the same as my personal opinion as well.
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people crying over a 18 plus game that has a child molestor in the game and you kill helpless survivors
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Yeah, but they have no problem with Freddy being in the game.
Pretty much the most despicable back story.
Its just a game
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I’d want to stomp it even more if I was baby yoda. ######### hate that little #########
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Also it's not a baby it's a grown man ,if anything it's a gnome. I think the core issue is it has Chucky potential.
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This. It's an adult man that was born as a deformed conjoined twin, and is now a monster; not a baby.
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He's definitely not a Baby but still a young child since in their lore he died a while before charlotte became a teen.
I'm not going to tell people how to feel. Just like how some were upset when Clown, Plague and Freddy were introduced, If kicking a child in game upsets some that's their feelings and they are valid.
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I remember as a kid going into my local video rental store and looking in the horror section at the different movie case covers. I was too young to rent them so they fascinated me.
I remember seeing the picture on one of the cases that looked a lot like the 'baby' in this game. I can't remember the name of the movie as i never saw it. I did look some up and found these pictures
The gate
Both of these resemble the 'child' twin. As far as the Gate goes, I did see this one and IIRC they were demons from hell.
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Rated R: Hide the kids.
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If someone has PTSD from something I can't blame them for getting upset over something fictional. I can't imagine having some sort of PTSD and something in my favorite video game being added triggering it, a game that possibly was helpful stress relief for me, and my only option is to no longer play because if I DC I'll be penalized and banned from playing anyway.
I personally enjoy the new killer from what I've seen. Reminds me of one of my favorite X-Files episodes, if only they had the Enigma to eat Victor to stop him.
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But she doesn't eat anything. It's a miracle that she has anything to release
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Outrage culture is real.
It's not even a baby since they are TWINS.... physically impossible to be twins and 1 still a baby. it's a little gremlin looking thing.
people need to just stop getting angry for the sake of getting angry. I really hope it stays AS IS
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He's not a monster. He's still human. Even though he's in the same age as his sister, the option of kicking him and throwing to the ground reminds some people a lot about harmful abuse against children. That's why people are so butthurt about it. I would be careful about adding this to the game, as DBD can be banned in some countries for that.
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We already crossed that bridge with reboot Freddy.
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Hey, you don't know what the killers do while we aren't playing. For all we know plague likes pizza.
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It's a game with horror elements and he is not a baby, even if he looks like one. Nowadays people are always complaining about something. I can't wait to be able to crush him over and over.
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One thing is to say that X did abuse and the other literally SHOW it.
It's also fascinating that the ones being abusers are survivors and not the killer. What an irony, bravo, devs
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Freddy wants to know your location
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The entire game revolves around people being abused, so...
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One thing is conventional showing of violence (otherwise we'd get a lot of gore and we get splashes of blood at best) and the other is LITERALLY showing how the baby is getting killed with all details (let's call things their names, instead of saying "nah, nah, he's not a baby, he's the same age as his grown up sister, so it's okay". He looks like a baby, so he is a baby).
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It's not a baby, though.
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He isn't a baby, but he is roughly football shaped.
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Hence my comment in another thread about the Fox NFL theme. :P
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Charlie Brown chapter when?
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OK lets leave the arguments and personal attacks out of it please - if you can't discuss something civilly without attacking each other, please don't discuss it at all.
NOBODY is advocating for child abuse, that's something I want to make quite clear right now - for those that read the posts that I just deleted.
VICTOR is not a baby.
This is a video game about killers chasing survivors, hanging them on meat hooks, mori'ing them - eating livers in one particular one, it should hardly surprise anyone that there are horror elements to the game.
10 -
If it looks like a baby then it is a baby [QUOTE]
You're either trolling or extremely ignorant and that is possibly a disrespectful thing to say without doing your research.
Have you ever heard of deformities? Ever heard of Noonan syndrome? You know, the genetic condition where normal parts of the body don't develop?
Yeah, maybe do research because if something looks like something, then it must be that shouldn't it? Oh, that person looks nice, they must be a nice person right? Wrong, looks are deceptive.
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These all are excuses, in the end of the day victor is looking like a baby.
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I would reiterate my previous argument but you deem them as 'excuses' and this is obvious bait, so I'm not wasting my time.
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Good on ya
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So who are you to tell people what something looks like to them? If it was just one or two people that thought that, then maybe you have a point, but that's not the case. Quite a few people are complaining about it.
Actually telling someone what they should believe something looks like is just about one of the most disrespectful things you could do, and to add to that calling them ignorant as well.
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Trust me dude you have not seen what the other guy has posted, it was deleted by mandytalk.
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don't act like every single one of your words were totally fine
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ok yes man
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Jesus christ, you just don't stop do you?
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I will not stop until you stop slandering me
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Well sadly, due to people not heeding my previous warning that's clearly on this thread and refraining from personal attacks. I'm closing this discussion as the topic is not being discussed and it's dissolving into purely personal attacks on one another.