Clarification for disc PS4 to PS5 upgrade

SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

The FAQ for the PS5 upgrades says disc PS4 players are not eligible for a free upgrade to the PS5 version, unlike most digital users. I clicked on the link for more information but it was not very helpful. All it tells you is how to upgrade your game from PS4 to PS5. There was a link to the list of PS4 games that work on PS5 so I thought there might be something there regarding DBD, but there wasn't. It feels like the FAQ is incomplete.

So what’s going to happen to us disc PS4 users? Will we be stuck having to play the PS4 version on PS5 until a PS5 disc is released? Will we even be able to play the disc at all on a PS5? Why can’t the disc version have a free upgrade like most digital copies? That’s a really stupid restriction, digital can get an upgrade but discs can’t.


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    That's pretty terrible. So everyone that got it free when it was on ps+ upgrades for free but those that spent money on the disc don't?

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Disks are getting the shaft next gen. They're going to aggressively try to phase them out.

    They make you pay more for digital copies despite being unable to trade or borrow, and not even shipping costs justify the prices anymore.

    I seen Asscreed Valalala for $10 less as a physical copy than digital. But next gen you're going to need to pay $100 more to get that option.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Well that’s going to suck. I’ve always preferred physical to digital because of the extras I get with physical special editions and I actually own the game. If something happens to my account then I don’t to have to worry about losing access to my games. I can just pop in the disc and there it is.

    I thought Valhalla had a free next gen upgrade even if you bought a physical standard edition. Did they change that last minute?

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Yeah I read that and I could’ve sworn the devs said you’d still get an upgrade with a disc copy. I guess something changed..?

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178
    edited November 2020

    I'm not sure how much control BHVR has over this, it could easily just be Sony holding them back. Do we even know if DbD is getting a disc version on the next gen?

    This definitely sucks, but I'm not sure it's BHVR's fault. As others have pointed out, it seems like discs are gonna be phased out in favor of digital. Big, collectors editions would probably just have codes.

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    Hopefully this isn’t the case, as I know that COD: Cold War includes the upgrade with both the digital and physical edition of the PS4 copy. Maybe it’s different with DBD because the disc was made prior to next gen announcements?

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    If you own a disk, you simply cannot upgrade. Anyone who owns the digital version of the game may be able to upgrade depending on where they live.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    I think something happened between Sony and BHVR. First PS4 DBD is excluded from the Hallowed Bounty giveaway (the one that had the grand prize of 1080 cells a week for a year) and now this.

    However, there is something that makes me think this is on BHVR and not Sony. There’s a bigger demand for the disc version of the PS5 (so big that most retailers were only getting a couple digital editions when restocking), but DBD doesn’t have the free upgrade for the disc version, only the digital. This decision is already a stupid one, but it’d be even stupider if Sony was the one who made it because the majority of their customers still want to use discs. Maybe BHVR’s numbers show that more PS4 players have it digitally rather than physically?

    I’ll still be able to play it, right? It’ll just be a downgraded version without things like haptic feedback? I’d prefer to not have to switch between consoles just to play DBD.

    EDIT: Also if I buy an additional copy of the game for PS5 (whether it be physical or digital) and play on the same account, I’ll still keep all my progress, right? I just want to make sure I won’t have to start all over again. The grind is too much.

    Post edited by SnakeSound222 on
  • TrialByFire476
    TrialByFire476 Member Posts: 100

    I am also confused because the link they put under the question went to the PlayStation support page about using a disc on the digital PS5.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,944

    I don't have all the answers, I believe the issue is if you have a Disc version of the PS4 you would need the disc version of the PS5 in order to be able to upgrade for free. AFAIK you can't upgrade for free from a disk version to a digital one.

    If you do buy an additional copy of the game on PS5 your progress should still be there as long as you are using the same account.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Don't underestimate the stupidity of Sony. I don't have a lot of answers, but I'd guess it's just because they can't give a disc version away for free. They're more expensive to make, and probably harder to keep track of? Idk about that.

    But yes, there is cross-progression from PS4 to PS5

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Thank you for your reply. I’m glad to hear from someone who has a closer connection to the devs than the rest of us.

    Do you know when we can expect a disc version for PS5 to come out? Or at least who knows the answer to that?

    Regarding trophies, is there any way that they can also be transferred? From what I’m reading DBD on PS5 is recognized as a separate game so trophies aren’t carried over. As a trophy hunter, it really hurts me because now I have earn all of them again (and some of them were pretty hard like Adept Nurse and Plague). I have most of the trophies in DBD so it would be a big setback.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Ok now I’m confused again. Look at the second sentence of the last paragraph.

    It sounds like Sony themselves is saying that PS4 disc copies can be upgraded to the PS5 digital edition but I have to put in my disc every time I want to play. Did something change with Sony or am I reading this wrong?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    There's several ps4 games I've seen that are doing free upgrades with the ps4 disc. Maneater is one of them and they're from Tripwire which according to wiki only has 87 employees so I don't think it's a Sony thing. Could be that the game just came out in May but they pushed back switch release to focus on making the Next Gen transfers go as smoothly as possible.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    Imagine pushing back content coming out to ensure a smooth as possible release to other consoles?

    Interesting concept...

  • It seems I'm able to get the PS5 version even though I played with a disc on PS4. I was given the option to download it on PS5.

    I honestly can't remember if I bought it again digitally at one point, or maybe when it was free for Plus subscribers. I don't see why I would've bought it again. All I remember is playing with the disc on PS4.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Switch people were pissed but from what I've seen it was a good move. Haven't seen complaints about any issues going from current to next gen. People already moved on to harassing about when DLC will be released. 😂

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    Yeah I know about other games doing free upgrades with the disc, but BHVR’s FAQ said that you couldn’t get a free upgrade through the disc, yet Sony’s description and now other experiences are saying that you can. Two official sources saying two different things.

    Also Tripwire only has 87 employees? I thought they were bigger.

    Can you switch between the PS4 and PS5 versions without losing anything? The reason I’m asking is because I have most of the trophies on the PS4 version and don’t want to lose them.

  • Lestat
    Lestat Member Posts: 7

    I have the Nightmare edition on PS4, retail version, but on PS5 i can't access at all add on incuded in that version, there is a way to transfer that content to PS5 version?

  • Sewer_Mage
    Sewer_Mage Member Posts: 4

    Can I just say I have the disc PS4 version and was able to upgrade to the PS5 version for free, including upgrading all of my bought DLC's so I think there was a lot of missinformation with this post. Disc games can be upgraded, unless a developper says no

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    When you have the PS4 disc in your PS5, go to the DBD icon, scroll down to its game hub, and if there is not a prominent square icon to the right of your screen offering you a free upgrade, then it’s possible to get an upgrade for free. If you can upgrade, you’ll still need to use the PS4 disc every time you want to play (always push options on the DBD icon to check it will load the PS5 version, not the PS4 version).

    Otherwise if it’s missing, then no free upgrade.

    The base digital copy is on sale on the PSN store. If you buy just that, all your PS4 DLC you’ve ever purchased does transfer over to your PS5 copy.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited January 2021

    Yeah that's what I did, this thread was from before my PS5 had been delivered. The FAQ was saying that there was no free upgrade with the disc but Sony was saying that there was (and their additional information link didn't help). Thankfully Sony turned out to be right. The devs updated the FAQ to say that it would upgrade.

    That's exactly what the devs said though. Back then, their FAQ was saying that you couldn't upgrade the disc version for free and the additional information page that they linked to didn't help (the FAQ has now been updated). Sony then updated the DBD page in the PS Store to say that you could upgrade the disc for free (the opposite of what BHVR said). I had one company saying one thing and the other saying the opposite. Sony turned out to be right and the disc could be upgraded.

    I also wanted to know why the disc was supposed to ineligible for upgrade and if we'd eventually get one in the future.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    The reason physical copies of goods get more frequent discounts is because retailers have already paid for those products, and if they have excess or the stuff has stopped selling as well they want tot ry and get rid of it and bring new stuff in. Digital they never have that issue, especially when the console manufacturer owns the marketplace.

    The main benefit to phsyical besides more frequent dscounts, is being able to trade, borrow, and sell your copies of the games, tv, movies etc while also ensuring they are not going to be taken away from you by the vendor, copywrong holder or through any other means other than straight up theft, wear and tear or a disaster of some sort if not simply losing it like on a big move. The hardware they run on can wear down though, like with VCRs, but there are ways to get the old movies that never got dvd or bluray releases into digital formats and then have them filtered and fluffed up a bit as well. Games can be ripped and played through emulators eventually.

    There are some games removed on consoles I heard where even those that purchased them could no longer download them and were not refunded for those purchases and that they could only play them if they already had them installed (on limited space compared to legions of drives on pc) or were able to jimmy them onto their drives in ways that could brick those consoles firmware or get their serials banned (imagine having to install custom firmware to install a 'pirate' version of something you paid for). One good thing about Steam is Valve has agreements that when games are pulled those that paid for them can always download, install, and play them (as long as they don't need to link to servers but you can at least fire the game up like stargate resistance even though it's servers are looong dead) until the Steam service itself shuts down for any reason permanently.

    To the OP, btw, Put the Disc Inside of the Console when you wanna play the games works the same with the versions on disc and the upgraded versions of them installed from the downloads on the marketplace. Also, on PS5 I noticed when i installed the PS5 version of Borderlands 3 and then deleted the PS4 version of it but left the disc inside the console it would keep automatically installing the PS4 version of the game off the disc every time I'd boot up the console. So try and remember to eject the discs when you're done if you delete the PS4 versions of games and only run the PS5 versions if you see that happen to you. I haven't played Borderlands 3 since late november or early december so they may have changed that in the system software or it may be a thing it only did to some people idk. But it's good to do that if you don't like hearing it checking the disc periodically too lol.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited January 2021

    I thought the PS5 trying to download the PS4 version after I deleted it was a bug. Now that I think about it, I deleted the PS4 version of Mortal Kombat 11 and it hasn’t tried to download again, so DBD should work the same way. It is annoying having to delete the download for the PS4 version every time I turn the PS5 on.

    And I already got the free disc upgrade, this is just an old thread from before the PS5 launched.