We demand refund for this "DLC"

This " DLC" is trash and nothing work ( killer and survivor). So they right things is to refund everyone who buy it ( only currency they use ). Then after you fix it you releases it and ask again for money.
I have been lucky not to buy it and I really hope most of the community do the same. This can't go more the devs this time literally trying to sold us a PTB.
No matter what side you are preferring you must support this because no one know what unfinished PTB they will try to sold us.
Sorry for my bad English.
So why did you buy it when released when you KNEW it would be buggy? I never buy anything right away.
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I said it in the second paragraph but maybe you don't understand because I wrote it poorly. I didn't buy. This post is to support those who don't read about the "DLC" and to show they Devs that they can't sold us trash and wait to buy it.
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Sorry but they actually listed most of the bugs and issues. Everyone can and should inform themselves before they buy something, and this wasn’t exactly unexpected.
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So then we should let the Devs off the hook for this one o try to punish those bad behavior of the company?
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No. But maybe you should not give them money for something like this. That would actually change how they would deliver chapters. you can’t throw money down their throats and expect them to change completely.
and I am pretty sure it’s not really the devs fault but the higher ups in the company.
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Note that there are indeed "known" issues so they already know about some and are working on fixing them, I bought the DLC so I could go ahead and level the characters. It's simple, if you want to buy it, go ahead... if not, whatever, wait until the bugs are fixed (and I want that cute reindeer skin for Elodie :p)
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100% agree.
If they see they can still get high revenue with this unfinished chapter and get away with it, it may be the beginning of a new era of half assed DLCs one after another.
No one should buy this chapter until everything is fixed.
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Uh, you could have just not bought the chapter. Be a smart consumer next time.
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does one of Elodie’s perks not work?
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Actuall all of them have known issues listed in the patch notes..
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I just think people enjoy raging; I think some of them enjoy it more than playing the game. They warned us it was bugged. They listed the known bugs. Anyone who paid for it did so with full disclosure and just wanted access to the Twins and/or the new Survivor. I'm sure they ALSO know the bugs will be fixed in due time. They simply want a head start on practice now, and unlocking those things they want for their other Killers and Survivors. I don't think you are giving the people who made the purchase early enough credit. Me, I think most of them knew and understood exactly what they were getting.
So, if you didn't buy it, but just want to rage about an issue that may not even matter, go right ahead. Just don't blow smoke up our collective butts and tell us it is because you "care" or feel righteous indignation about it for someone else. You don't. You just want to bellyache. If there are bugs, report them. I played a game as the Trapper earlier today on the Ormond and a trap spawned where I could see it, half in a wall, but could not interact with it. I didn't rage about it; I reported it and got on with my life.
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Yeah, I was actually defending BHVR here when everyone cried about the DLC coming incomplete. But I expected that at least the issues that were already known before the PTB started should have gotten fixed.
Chapter should have been delayed. But they at least listed the know issues so you can decide to not buy it if you are not okay with it..
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It's working, I've killed everyone my past few games as Twins and playing against Twins as survivor has been fun. My only complaint so far is that Victor gets stuck every other time I pull him out
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For real, it gets stuck CONSTANTLY.
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The bugs exist regardless if you buy the DLC or not. Everyone plays the same game.
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Any refunds are processed by the application that you bought through ie Steam, so anyone who requires a refund needs to contact their own platform. In game store purchases are not refundable.
The patch notes clearly listed the known issues that were present in this DLC, and these patch notes were visible prior to the release.