When will you allow me to opt out of PC crossplay or refund?

Kinda sick of bad connection games where the latency is so bad basic killers hit through full dropped pallets, the latency killing you on second hook even while struggling not to mention hackers which are impossible to report on console, had a pc Myers going at 300speed with insta kills...how fun. I don’t want to play with PC and I should be forced to wait an hour with crossplay off. Fix it or refund on everything I have spent on this game
Then... turn off crossplay?
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You always have the option to switch crossplay off, however, you will then be matched with other users on your platform that also have crossplay switched off, so yes your queue times could well increase.
Refunds are between you and the platform you purchased the game on, it would be up to you to contact that platform directly depending on their returns policy.
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So you’re saying don’t bother playing the game, I’m not waiting stupid lobby times to have a single match, so either I have to play unfun and broken games because you added in pc crossplay and don’t allow a report feature of hackers which I never wanted or don’t bother playing... got ya seems fair
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That's not what she's saying at all. If you want fast lobbies, then play with crossplay.. if you want console only lobbies, turn it off and wait for longer lobbies because you're restricting yourself. We're all dealing with the same issues that BHVR is trying to fix, so it's not just you.
As far as hackers are concerned, you can use the in-game report feature along with the following:
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Well I don’t mind playing with PS4 as they can’t hack, turning crossplay off and playing the only times I can I’m sitting at 1hour odd lobby times which can easily get a DC, suicides on hooks, keys 4mans etc. Which ruin the fun. As for crossplay with pc the latency is stupid and the increase in hackers is stupid and they aren’t even trying to hide the fact they’re doing it, Myers moving faster that blight with speed addons... and the reports on Xbox are awful. You click a button and that’s it, you can’t see the profile or get the id
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How many hackers do you even encounter to classify it as a serious issue?
Since crossplay was added i've seen maybe 2 hackers in total.And i play this game a LOT
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I personally have my crossplay feature checked and grayed out so I cannot opt out of it, literally cannot do it.
It kind of sucks to have an option for crossplay even appearing on my screen when I can't decide what I want.
And before someone asks me, yes I tried looking at the options in a party and by myself. It's got nothing to do with others.
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I have over 2k hours on PC and I've never seen a hacker. I find it amazing that people complain about them when they're so rare.
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This seems a bit overdramatic to me. I play on PC, xbox, and windows and the vast majority of people I play with and against at just about any rank are console players. I also don't have the technical problems the OP has, maybe he should check his network settings. I have seen a hacker lately though, just 1, and it's been the only 1 I've seen in months.
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Just try it from main menu ( before chosing if you want to play as a survivor or as a killer )