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Is Deliverance worth it in solo?

The idea sounds nice. But then again, you can't be hooked before unhooking someone or it goes waste. You can't communicate with your team mates so they would let you go rescue the first unluckly survivor (you could say it in chat before the game but it's not the same, as plans can chance when you for example run into the killer at the wrong time. Also, not sure if crossplay communication even works).

When you get hooked, you can't communicate with others to tell them to sit on gens while you wait the killer go away and jump off. If you happen to be the last survivor without being hooked, Deliverance doesn't work anymore.

Is it really worth a perk slot without SWF? Do you use it and when it's good?


  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    I think you answered your own question, and even have proven your point.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I only play solo and i would say no it's not. As you said often it's just a waste of time because either you get hooked before doing unhooking, or you get it done but still don't really need it. It's not very often it makes all the difference for your escape, but you can say that about many perks of course.

  • Metalhead
    Metalhead Member Posts: 34

    If you run Kindred with it, then you stand a greater chance of being able to use it. In that case it may be worth it as it's a decent amount of survival points when you do it and it can sometimes be clutch during egc

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I am a solo survivor and never run it. I'm almost always found first. I'd have to completely change the way I play to get any use out of it.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,908

    I've been using it quite a bit in solo matches recently, because it's the only way I can guarantee to get unhooked. I'm pretty altruistic so it's normally me making saves on a team and it's definitely helped me out now more times than it hasn't.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    In solo i've had better luck running slippery meat with luck offerings. It is more luck based but you don't need to risk being hooked before you can unhook someone else. Even with kindred i usually see solo survivors roam around aimlessly not in chase or doing anything ignore me on the hook.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    There is no better way to guarantee getting found, downed and hooked first that running Deliverance.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Yes... if you want to get chased first.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    I tried it before using a build of Kindred, Deliverance, Soul Guard, and WGLF. It heavily encouraged me to save teammates for sweet, sweet BP, and in the event I get hooked and am camped, I still have a chance at escaping (granted I'm terrible so I usually go down regardless).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,200
    edited January 2021

    Deliverance is one of the best perks in the game, especially if you're already good in chase. Consider the current killer meta with Ruin and how massive it is to minimize time off gens. How often does every survivor leave their gen and slowly crouch walk for a save? What if you just Deliverance immediately and (hopefully) get them back on gens? That's the value of Deliverance.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    For any perk selection, I've learned to utilize the ones that help defend against my weaknesses (or weaknesses of the team). In my case, as a solo, I tend to get left on hooks for whatever reason. Can't explain it, people just don't save me, or they can't, or they let the hook progress go on for too long, etc... So, I run Deliverance on Kate when I play her, and yeah I have to make sure I get a save to get use from it, but that's not that hard. Having that glorious self-unhook in my back pocket, for me, I've found to be super helpful, and I've had a number of games where it's come in clutch during the EGC.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Unless you get unlucky and found first, but many Deliverance players I see are super stealthy until they secure a safe rescue. Why is that requirement there? It already has the drawback of being Broken and only working one time. Would it be too strong without the Safe Rescue?

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    It would be good that survivors see each other's perks in the lobby to make things like deliverance work (maybe press esc ingame and show the perks/items next to the survivors like in the endgame lobby too).

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Damn, this is so true my poor heart hurts... And i like Deliverance a lot.

    It's like the Killers know! 😂

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Deliverance can allow some nice plays even without coordination. It's like DS or UB in a sense that it would not be useful in every match, but in others makes you wonder "man, I wish I had Deliverance now".

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Paired with DS/UB and it's just plain unfair. It's honestly one of the most "suck it, killer" things you can do, it's also just not that useful outside of pseudo-BMing, so...

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It is another one of those Perks that can be useful in Solo, but is a downright POWERHOUSE in a SWF. In a team, you make sure you get the earliest possible, safe unhook and have it on tap. Then you go about your normal game, working hard with your team. If necessary you take a protection hit and lead the Killer as far out into the middle of nowhere and away from Generators still needing power as possible. Your Team will know they don't need to come get you. The Killer, particularly if it mid to late game might very well sit on you a bit, i.e. short range patrols, minimal camping. If the gates are powered he will almost certainly camp a bit and when the gates are opened and one or two come semi-close for him to be attracted, you get off an go. While I normally play Solo, I always run this Perk on those rare occasions I play with my friends in a SWF. It has won us a LOT of games.

  • struckyomama
    struckyomama Member Posts: 18

    lol. i hear ya.

    was lookin for what people thought who ran solo but with soul guard (contemplating buying cheryl for it) but ya...i def feel ya

    "oh i got this so im good for right now on this hoook......" deliverance......1 minute later (8/10 out of ten) death) lmao