Wait, I just remembered, where is the community Claudette skin?

I thought they said it will come in the next rift (current one), I mean it should have been in the previous one, but it was delayed because of some issues, where is it?
I'd also like to know this.
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In case they decided to not release it for some reason, they should give us this Yui skin which was way better anyway.
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I can understand that many of you don’t like that skin, but I can’t understand why you have to act in such a immature way. This is a video game after all, and just because something was made that you don’t like, y’all act like the devs killed your parents.
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Get a life.
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What do you mean?
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He copied what I said in my last thread and thinks it’s funny to use it against me, even tho those are completely different topics.
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Now it makes sense, thanks!
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I know?? It was supposed to be in this rift. I wish the devs would tell us what’s happening with that skin.
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i want this skin so bad.
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It could be because of the character model updates, but that's just a speculation, if the Devs won't reach us we will probably never know...
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I don't have the exact reasoning as to why it's not in this rift, but can confirm it will be in a future rift.
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Good to know! Thank you!