where does the LGBT part come into this chapter?
I'm just confused about how the Nurse was related to the whole thing.
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OOOH, that explains it. Thanks.
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Because if sexual orientation is something to be avoided in lore due to being unrelated to gameplay, then the Nurse should've been complained about as soon as she was released and we could've avoided this whole thing. Now it's too little too late.
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I honestly don't get how that was confusing. One person complained about sexual orientation, I pointed out that it's been here since the Nurse was released.
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I apologize, I'm just a bit tired today and my brain isn't working as intended.
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what part mention they were gonna release an LGBT character in ALL-kill on this tweet?
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My confusion is immense and I have no idea what is even going on anymore
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It does not, and it's ok.
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In no part at all, they've only ever mentioned it generally and never given any such indication regarding All-Kill
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but trapper gay in my eyes
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yes but oOP question was.
so He either meant ALL-kill or Resident evil
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some people were expecting All-Kill to have LGBTQ+ representation because of the colors used in the hype build-up (and the statement from last year that there will be LGBTQ+ rep in the future)
turns out All-Kill was just about KPop after all. No big deal.
but now people who don’t care about LGBTQ+ rep or people who think sexuality (other than heterosexuality) doesn’t have a place in a video game are offended. Or something. That part confuses me as well.
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Shouldn't matter in the first place. This isn't a sexual game. It's a murder game.
I don't wanna know who the characters are attracted to. I want to murder them or escape from murder as them. That's it.
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Nurse, Felix, Oni, Frank+Julie, Wraith, Ace.
also with that Argumentation every background lore of every character would be irrelevant. So why not add LGBTQ+?
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All chapters are made in advance, as they've stated multiple times. It'd be odd to assume they'd just immediately change content and concepts from previously fleshed out chapters just to make someone gay. It WILL be in a chapter in the future, just be patient.
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OP confused community speculation with dev confirmation. They meant All-Kill.
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but how is the lore of the nurse "relevant for gameplay"? Gameplay being the key-word.
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It’s not. That the whole point. We still have the lore in-game. Nobody complained.
so why use that argument against LGBTQ+ inclusion when it was already not an argument with heterosexual inclusion?
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Yeah, they definitely have everything done for every chapter over a year in advance. It does take a year to write 2 paragraphs of lore, definitely. That's realistic.
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My bad, the discussion got very general
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It's BHVR. They take 7 years to do anything. If anything, at least the concepts we done a year in advance, so maybe we'll get something soon, or maybe it'll be in a Rift.
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It'd make sense for the lore to be written in advance of the character's assets and whatnot. Why delay the lore, especially when the writing team doesn't work on assets?
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The trickster is a metrosexual. For those who don’t know a metrosexual is a heterosexual man/woman who dresses like they’re homosexual & can be mistaken for one.
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They never said that chapter 19 would be lgbt related.
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*if you believe that homosexuals dress in a certain way.
Some people like being flamboyant. That's not an orientation.
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We are better off not having any lore that inserts the sexual orientation of any character in this game. Games should be entertaining. All this will do is cause drama within the game community. There's already plenty of that to be had
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So.. delete Nurse, Felix, David, Legion(Frank and Julie), Oni, Wraith and Ace? Or rewrite their lore?
don’t know.. seems a little bit excessive just to please those that want LGBTQ+ exclusion..
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Idk about you guys but Trickster is def a power bottom.
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Myers is asexual, the first and original LGBT killer
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I really don't think making a LGBTQ+ character would be the best, not only does that imply every character so far is straight, it's not the best to make a character be LGBTQ+ just to have a character like that. Any character could be LGBTQ+, no character has a specified sexuality, and even the ones with hetero relationships could still be argued to be bisexual. Honestly, if you want a character to be LGBTQ+, just say the character is. The devs in the past have said that they want the survivors to feel like we could be them, and so make them how you want. They also have said they don't care about sexualities because in the realm of the entity. Them making a character specifically LGBTQ+ would just be disrespectful at this point and makes it seem like they are marketable. They are people too, they aren't different than anybody, any character could be them, you are the decider.
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None of those characters have been SPECIFICALLY stated as being hetero. They could very well be pansexual or bisexual. Just because it says "Felix had a wife" or "Nurse had a husband" , it doesnt mean they are straight. There are plenty of sexualities and leaving them ambiguous is the best imo, let the fans decide what they want, making characters as defined as sexualities can cause trouble and make people mad.
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No one asked for a lore entry such as „this dude was super gay and made gay stuff with his gay boyfriend all gay day long“
people are mostly asking for treating LGBTQ+ the same way that heterosexual relationships have been treated. I never said those chars are straight. But we have multiple heterosexual relationships mentioned - why exclude anything non-heterosexual?
bust the mere mention of one same sex relationship is enough
and the devs have stated they want to be inclusive and want to create such characters. They acknowledged that the previous mentioned relationships were actually contradicting their initial statement.
and (that’s just my assumption) with the ever expanding lore in backstories and archives, they would have included any (sexual) relationships even if they didn’t include heterosexual ones before. Relationships and self-identity are pretty big topics in a persons life and it would seem very unnatural to never have any mention of any romantical relationship with the amount of lore we already have.
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True, I was giving a possible explanation on why the trickster has that fashion sense of fashion because some people think of it as he’s lgbt.
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People just made it up.
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You're aware they have this stuff planned VERY FAR in advance, right?
Besides, it doesn't matter what the lore says of any character. MY David is straight. MY Claudette is asexual. MY Felix is gay. I really don't see the issue in having your own personal take. I don't see why it needs to be half-assedly written into some mediocre (and that's exactly what DBD's lore is) backstory for validation. I say this as a bisexual man with a male partner.
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Name one reason why explicitly heterosexual lore is fine, but explicitly LGBT lore is not, that doesn't depend on homophobia being a thing.
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This literally has nothing to do with my post. You're also insinuating I'm saying something I'm not. Take your strawman and wave it in someone else's face, kiddo.
I don't care about the lore, and that's my entire point. The lore is actual garbage.
Why anyone puts so much personal investment into a shoddily written lore is beyond me.
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Unfortunately so many companies do this because there are so many people within the LGBT community lobbying for more and more representation in every medium. It’s a double edged sword.
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I'm not insinuating anything, I'm asking you a question. You can substitute the lore for your headcanon/fan fiction, but that doesn't make the actual lore go away. Explicitly heterosexual lore is still there, plain as day. So why is explicitly heterosexual lore not deserving of all these complaints, but explicitly LGBT lore is?
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I said you're allowed to have your own opinion, but here you are calling people out on the forums one-by-one. I'm not upset about you saying the lore is bad, I'm just upset about the fact that all you do here is get aggressive at everyone. Is it your only purpose on these forums?
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When you see a bunch of posts on this topic:
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