Question: Have Match Load Times Seemed Longer To You At All?

Hey everyone,
I ask because it feels like an eternity before I get into matches on both the Survivor & Killer side, even without consoles which can lead to longer load time because of their age, is anyone else experiencing this?
Sometimes they're so long that I think the match will end because someone DC'd during load in.
Yes. As Killer and Survivor, both solo queue and swf. Played with some buddies last night and we were commenting on how long it was taking to actually load in with a similar thought to yours that it felt like someone may have dc'd during the load in.
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If anything, I’ve had faster load times recently. I should add that I’m in western Europe, which you are too, iirc? Odd.
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Yep, experiencing the same issue
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I'm UK so the same.
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Yeah. Killer lobbies used to be almost instant due to the sheer imbalance of players.
But given that survivor queue times aren't any better, I'm assuming that this is a fairly novel issue and not the result of more killers being in the game.
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Depends on the time you are playing, idk if we have only one server in EU or there's more like EUW and EU east, but in easter EU survivors queues are instant between 12pm-7pm and after that til 2-3 in the morning killer queues are instant. In between those intervals the queues are a bit longer.
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I'm not talking about loading into a lobby I'm talking about actually getting into the match takes a lot longer to load, i realise my post didn't reflect that
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Yes. Full loading bar, but no loading in into the actual game. This happened before on some occasions, most likely because someone has a weak PC or Console, which makes it longer for those who are already loaded.
But this is now happening every game, so it is most likely on BHVRs end and not related to any hardware.
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I have this issue too. Maybe bug
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Mine have been faster overall, especially on the survivor side. Killer - I may wait a few minutes, but it's rare if it goes on for longer than 5 minutes.
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Loading times seem longers to me too. As you said, sometimes, it's so long that I think someone disconnected, but eventually the match starts.
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Are you talking about getting matches or loading into matches, like when the loading bar shows after everyone has readied up?
I'm specifically talking about loading into the match after people have readied, not waiting for people to be in a lobby, sorry for any confusion.
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Yes, I’ve noticed the same. They used to be pretty fast, then a bit slower with console crossplay, but they’re really slow now. It definitely takes longer to load than it used to and I’ve done the same as you, assumed someone dced and the match was gonna cancel but then we all load in.
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I've definitely also noticed this. There's usually quite a lengthy delay between the loading screen bar completely filling and the game actual transitioning to the trial grounds.
The odd part is other games that I play which traditionally incurred really long load times (like GTA V and Wreckfest) have actually improved in this regard, so I'm skeptical that it's the result of my console being old.
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A little bit, sometimes I feel like the match has been cancelled but then it loads normally
Def seems slightly worse than before
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I'm getting lobbies fairly quick but then actually loading into the match feels like it's taking such a long time. My swf teammate and I keep thinking someone is quitting during loading with how long it's taking but then we actually load in to the match.
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Do you have any idea roughly when this started?
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I would say since 4.7.1 (BugFix) but I hadn't played much since 4.7.0 (Mid Chapter) so it could have started then, hopefully someone else could clarify.
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thank you, I did notice that my load times were longer than normal on the weekend, I don't remember seeing it before then which is why I was checking the timeframe roughly.
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Yea, they have become somewhat longer than usual, for both killer and survivor
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I would say since the 4.7.1 patch as well.
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I think around 4.7.1 patch. I'm on ps4 with crossplay off, not sure if that matters.
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thank you, that actually answered my next question with regards to platforms but i saw your post and I remembered you were PS4 so I was going to ask you about crossplay.
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Yeah, the load times are definitely taking longer than normal from what I've seen.
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I'm on PC, and yes, they've increased tremendously with crossplay on. It's sometimes taking 2 minutes to load into games. The load times are very quick if it's crossplay off.
Specs: SSD, 32gb ddr4 3200 ram, Ryzen 7 1800x cpu, Nvidia 1080 gpu. In short, I doubt it's my PC causing the long load
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Do you not have a graphics card?
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Yeah actually. Now I may be a filthy consol monkey but I agree. The load times have always been long but they feel longer lately. It doesn't really matter the time tho they just seem longer.
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Whoops. It's a 1080
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Yep. PC running off of an SSD.
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I was gunna say lol, won't load very fast off a CPU.
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I've noticed as well in the past week so I'm inclined to either point my finger at 4.7.1 or rank reset. I play PC crossplay on with an SSD.
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Yea same, loading into the actual match is insane sometimes.
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Yup. I literally spend a ton of time playing Ace Attorney in the time it takes for a match to load.
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Yea i'm about ready to play darksouls as i load in lmao.
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I feel like this has been an issue since 4.7.0
Like the load times feel about as long as when someone disconnects during the loading screen.
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Certainly been frustrating.
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Oh, sorry! I must have misread.
In terms of that, yeah it has taken q bit longer. Not so much that it's an issue, but enough to make me wonder if it froze first time. Maybe it's because of the new graphical updates? I'm not too sure on the reasons why.
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I have noticed it was longer but as a person playing another game at the same time (because im not going to twiddle my thumbs with the survivor queue times), I didnt think about it too much.
Considering I just purchased a recently released PCIE 4.0 SSD, im assuming something is making console load times long (or everyone's in general).
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Oh then definitely yeah, my bad for not understanding you, sorry
I think it's a problem with the consoles? I'm on PC and if i have crossplay on and playing with console players, the load is definitely longer, but if i disable it, it's back to normal
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Yes, ever since the coldwind update the loading time into the match takes too long. Sometimes I even suspect someone had DCed due to the time it takes to load, but then the match loads with all players. Servers are ass
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I've had surprisingly fast load times, sometimes I could press the button and less then 20 seconds I'm in a game other times it's a minute, but still really fast rn, I think a lot more people are playing killer rn
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This is not what I'm talking about I'm talking about everyone being in a long, the countdown has finished and then the loading screen into the match taking forever
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Yes, load times seem really bad all of the sudden. I played a bit yesterday and there were a lot of times where it was taking so long that I was thinking someone must have DC'd, but then the game started as usual after over a minute of waiting. I was having internet issues at the time though, so I thought it was just me until I was watching a streamer later and was actually able to count that it took nearly three minutes for one of their matches to load. Things are definitely off.
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I've noticed crossplay on PC load times have been quite long but custom games with me and my friends have still been very snappy though we're all on SSDs