Do you think hexes are still useful?

Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

What I mean is that totem spawns can be hilariously bad (looking at you hill totem) and we are getting counterforce soon in addition to a buffed small game and detective's hunch. I am currently contemplating whether it is even worth it to spend a million bp on hag to unlock ruin if the chances of it surviving longer than 2 minutes are slim. Just asking for your opinions.



  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Depends on the killer but mostly not worth it. At least not as a Plan A

    You can run Ruin with Pop so you have backup after totem is gone.

    And other Hex perks shouldnt be something you can rely on either, just a bonus to your build

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    At this point, the idea of using Hex totems is becoming nearly moot because of terrible spawns and Survivor perks.

    Unless they make Boon Totems work solely on Hex Totems, I don't think the viability of Hexes is going to last all that much longer.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Only hex perk I use is NOED...I would use devour but as soon as the exposed status shows up on the survivors screen that totem is toast. Also with all the totem perks survivors have (and another to be released soon) hexes, even noed will be useless.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    A million bp is a gross exaggeration, it takes much longer than that.

  • Zro
    Zro Member Posts: 56

    As great as some hexes are, I have the feeling that in eight out of ten matches the totems are found and destroyed within several minutes. Especially when they spawn right next to a gen. You can also put a flashing neon arrow on them, makes no difference.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386

    Some hex totems are in theory useful. But the fact that the hex totem being cleansed removes all effects the perk has makes them hard to justify when they are very easy to remove.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386

    Depends on the map. Indoor maps can have some really sneaky spawns that survivors may never find unless they are running a perk like Detective's Hunch.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,625

    If you get lucky. And it is like, one sneaky Totem spot while the others are just bad.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Yes, Ruin and Devour are extremely strong, as well as undying.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    The only hex that will continue to have use is haunted grounds

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

    I know that they are good but what's the point if they are gone so fast? As the others have pointed out the problem is not the strength of the hex perk but the fact that they are swiftly cleansed because they conveniently spawned right next to a gen

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832
    edited June 2021

    yes, they’re still useful. just very inconsistent (but ig thats just the way theyre designed, high risk high reward)

    the only good ones imo are ruin and devour. though i wouldnt run ruin without undying, but thats just me

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Some hexes should take two destructions by default.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

    Ah I see. But when corrupt is up is that not encouraging survivors to go totem hunting, meaning undying is probably dying quite early and ruin will follow soon? I am just curious because I don't have ruin so I lack the "hex" experience

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    I think totems are such a cool mechanic and feature I really hope Boon totems help boost them or protect them cause I agree they're great when you still have the totem up. I am running this weird build with Huntress. And in a weird way they work together. I'm constantly running all over the map with the notifications of totems and BBQ that Beast of Prey has me constantly on a survivors tail. And it's hard but I basically hard focus and will literally stop what I am doing as soon as I hear or see a totem being messed with.

    I have Rank 3's.....

    1. BBQ n Chilly. 3. Thrill of the Hunt

    2.Huntresses Lullaby 4. Beast of Prey

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited June 2021
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Personally, I stopped thinking Hexes were worth it a good while back. Like, probably before Ruin was re-worked.

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    Cause that's how strong most totems are. like 1/8 games it'll be cleansed immediately. But by the time ruin gets cleansed you'd have gotten your fair share of value.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    This is wildly inaccurate. Hexes are used in most top ranked killers builds, with some using them better than others. Hexes are also far more valuable than pop if you are bad in chase. Hexes are ALWAYS plan A, unless it is noed. I think you mean you should not rely on them staying up, which is a much different point and those that have them, depending on if you can afford to defend it, know this. Hexes are far more effective at higher level gameplay. Even the slowdown from losing it early can make it worth it. Though I think there should be a protection on hexes for 60s or so to start the match.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    Personally I don't like hex totems. Mostly they are gone within one or two chases and you don't get much value out of it. So I never equip them.

    But then again, I don't play on high ranks so I don't know if I need to use it there. In somewhat lower ranks I don't really need them.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited June 2021

    Only Ruin and Devour are so good that you have to get rid of it as a survivor. You will get some value out of them even if survivors just have to search for them and can't do gens (nearly nobody in my games runs Detectives or Small Game).

    But personally i just find it to be very disheartening to hear the sound of a broken hex totem after 40 seconds, that's why i'm running mostly Pop & Surge again.

    There are the occasional games where survivors spawn on top of it and then there are the games where survivors can't find it because it's Lery's or one of the swamp maps... if they can't find a Ruin or Devour those will probably carry you to your win. But most of the time they last like 2 minutes. If you could manage to pressure the survivors, get some hooks and defend some gens at the start then this is sometimes already enough to win. But i would only run it together with Surge or maybe Pop as a backup.

    EDIT: Haunted Grounds is also an "good" perk to defend your ruin - if you are able to use the 60 sec for some downs. And of course i forgot about NOED...

    Post edited by solidhex on
  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Not really some hexes like lullaby and third seal are useless

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    They can be. I think they're great for getting survivors off gens, tbh feel like that's more useful than what the actual effect is.

    Huntress Lullaby? Survivors see that hex pop up and they scatter looking for the totem instead of working on gens.

    Thrill of the Hunt? Survivor sees that, not only do you get their location and slow down totem cleanse while it's up but they then wonder if you're protecting dull totems because NOED and go looking for rest of totems.

    NOED either you have survivors off gens to prevent NOED or you down one and watch end game snowball.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407
  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    Ruin + pop is still the best gen defense perk combo imo. Ruin + undying usually isn't worth running anymore. Devour hope can be fun but usually gets broken before you get any value out of it. All other hex perks are varying degrees of... not great

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Untill they really fixed those spawns and don't let survivors spawn close to a hex totem, then they can still be useful.

    Tbh I don't see them gonna use small game or detective hunch a lot, sure when they just get buffed you will see them more but after that they disappear again just like they always did

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,043

    I still think they are pretty useful despite their inherent risk/reward nature. I ran Ruin/Devour for a long while on most of my Killers, and even if they got broken, it took time away from them repairing generators. That being said, I let the other 2-3 perks be the main ones I relied on, and if the Hex perks stay active, that's a nice little bonus! NoED is one of the few I don't run, only because I rarely got use out of it (either killed everyone before gen completion, or they all left the match ASAP)

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    The issue with totems is the fact that most are under-powered for being totems:

    Every hex defence perk is weak:

    Thrill was never viable at any point in the game's history...Even with old Ruin.

    Retribution does too little for be a proper deterrent/punishment to hexes being destroyed.

    Undying... Just run Haunted Ground its nearly identical at actually protecting ruin as undying but also makes survivors exposed.

    Or simply have irrelevant effects:

    Third seal only really works on solos.

    Crowd control just doesn't last long enough.

    Blood favor actively helps the survivor team most of the time.

    Huntress Lullaby only really works on doctor or against rank 20s.

    The only relevant hexes are ones that give exposed to survivors: NOED, Haunted ground, and Devour hope

    Or is a strong regression hex: Ruin.

    Mind you this is all BEFORE the new anti hex perks are considered.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Maybe, i can't really reasonably predict that.

    But a guess on my part: Aside from the initial alluring aspect of these changes on the live build, they won't be popular for long because muh meta Perks.

    Why find Totems that might not even be Hex Totems when you can unhook anyone whenever you want and give them Endurance, or pick yourself up if they slug you hard?

    Just like how Hex Perks can be unreliable for a number of reasons, equipping an anti-Hex Perk might turn out to not be of any use at all.

    I've barely ever seen Detective's Hunch in my games, let alone a full-on anti-Hex build.

    Again, aside from the initial popularity of the additions and changes, i really don't think it'll stick.

    Now maybe that's just me unconsciously making myself not be worried because 💖Hex: Devour Hope💖, but whatever.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    No. Counterforce would have been a good idea before undying because it really does let you cleanse all 5 totems by yourself extremely easily. Now hexes are on their last legs.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    They're nice on the rare occasion you get that good spawn but ultimately I've never seen them as worth the slot. With all the times I have spawned next to or have seen it across from a gen, I consider them gimmicks or meme level.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    Sadly no unless you run pop as a back up for ruin and the other totem perk are not really worth it they are found too fast and the downside is too huge if you lose the perk for so little as a reward

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    yeah with counterforce people are probably going to replace it with surge or something when it comes to gen regression perks.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    I think they should still have secondary effects or maybe just weaken it's original effects like devour hope wont let let you mori anymore, but you still walk 3% faster, or blood favor still blocks one pallet next to you after downing a survivor instead of any basic attack and multiple pallets.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Most are trash tbh only ones that are played often are Noed, ruin, undying and sometimes devour. After counter force gets added no totems will exist.

  • Krunga
    Krunga Member Posts: 159

    Ruin should be a non-hex perk and Devour Hope should only become a Hex on the 3rd token.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Devs are adding more option to counter totems (small game buff and the incoming counterforce) but the totem placement still the same on the majority of the's not rare to spawn on totems.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Okay, but that’s the gamble of hex perks? Even a mediocre player can win a game if ruin/devour stays up.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

    Of course I know that a hex is not meant to last all game. My concern is that totem spawns are often questionable and we are getting more anti totem perks (counterforce) so I fear that soon a hex will be gone 30 seconds into the match without having done anything

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

    Okay I worded that quite poorly. What I fear is that it will soon be "normal" for hexes to be cleansed before you even start your first chase

  • Bubblan
    Bubblan Member Posts: 21

    Wdym hex:totem spawn are bad?

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    To me hexes are wasted perks slots.

    9 games on 10 my hexes are downed the first 2 minutes so thats not interessting

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Very much so, a minute of Ruin is worth far more than 2 minutes of Corrupt.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Yup that happens way to many times.

    They just need to make sure survivor don't spawn near a hex or next to a totem at all.

    But i guess that is something that will never ever happen, or they would have done so during those 5 years

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 935

    Hexes are still very strong, and if anything BHVR has worked to hide totems better and better - on most of the new and some of the reworked maps, totems are more than well-hidden enough. While my go-to combo for gen control on most killers is Corrupt plus Pop, Ruin plus Undying is still absolutely an S-tier combo as well (and can obviously be used alongside the former too). Undying might have been overnerfed a slight bit (having aura reads trigger on Hexes still would be nice), but it's still comfortably one of the best killer perks in the game. It literally means you have two Ruins, just that their effects don't stack but on the flipside you get that dull totem aura reading. Devour Hope, NOED and Haunted Ground are also worthwhile perks that can have a huge impact on the game (although I think Haunted Grounds should be buffed, the second Hex totem should remain active after the first one is cleansed, ready to trigger another 60 seconds of Exposed upon being cleansed).

    That said, most of the other Hex perks do not have a notable-enough impact on the game to even be Hexes to begin with. Huntress Lullaby, Retribution and Blood Favour are downright awful, Crowd Control and Third Seal have niche usage and some potential but are still in need of buffs too. Thrill is a special case, it's not a particularly strong perk but any buffs to it - similarly to Undying (and especially of course given the possiblity of using both) - have to be made with keeping in mind the strength of the Hex perks it is supporting. If nothing else at the very least it could have better secondary effects that don't make it harder to get rid of totems, but perhaps grant other benefits based on how many totems are standing, such as a 5% increase in pallet breaking and vault speeds for every totem.