Corrupt Intervention is too strong
This perk is so annoying, every killer who can't play properly brings it to make survivors loose time doing nothing interesting. Someone will be found quickly since everyone would move towards the killer, that prevents any sort of stealth or ability from survivors to have any chance to escape
The perk does too much for a killer and it requires zero skill, it should be toned down and have less seconds. Too many killers bring it, it should ring a bell
Corrupt intervention should be basekit. Change my mind.
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You're on a mission to rile up as much people as possible with these last 3 posts huh? Nice Bait
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I wasn't on the forum for a few days, I have things to say by that time, you know?
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Sluzzy is that you?
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Is that some sort of popular DBD content creator I'm not aware of? They probably say right words about the game since several people mentioned them.
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nah... sluzzy is a better troll than this
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That's true. Sluzzy posts make me laugh at least.
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No, it's not too strong.
You and your team can still be stealthy, in fact if you really wanted, you could hide for its duration and do totems or open chests so the killer does not benefit from it. Also it's only there for a short duration at the start of the match - once it's gone it provides no further benefits.
The main thing it is good for is getting the killer into a chase quickly, without them loosing gen pressure, and potentially 3-gening a team. It all depends on how the killer and, to some extend, how the survivors play when it is ran. It may end up bringing no benefit to the killer or it may cause them to 4K. It varies.
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What's up with killer mains calling solid points survivors make trolling? Such an entitlement to call other opinions trolling
Even if you genuinely think it's trolling can you explain me what's wrong with the post? Killers take it all the time, that certainly means that the perk is stronger than usual, it doesn't even matter who the killer is.
And the fact that a perk requires zero skill to be used is another main point why it should be changed. MoM was nerfed because of the same reason.
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There are too many perks that help with defeating stealth players, also it can greatly help the killers who need a setup. The counter isn't really valid, in my opinion.
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I guess the moral of the story is to not take you seriously.
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Nancy mains love Corrupt Intervention.
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Sluzzy is a troll poster who makes discussions purely to incite arguments.
As for your main post, Corrupt Intervention is run so much because it balances out awful spawns that allow survivors to get gens done very quickly, and allows trap killers like Trapper and Hag or even Oni and Myers a chance to actually play the game. It fixes a problem that should not exist in the first place.
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while I appreciate your hustle to replace sluzzy as the top troll of the forums your bait is severely lacking in finesse and subtlety; still a 5/10 because at least you tried
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Sometimes it really is weird when 4 survivors spawn on 4 different generators, I agree. The perk overkills the ability to fix though but the luck can be pretty unfair sometimes if the killer is playing fair and doesn't camp, tunnel or bring NOED. Maybe I wouldn't mind a similar weaker game mechanic in general but right after the developers get rid of other overpowered or simply broken aspects of the game
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Killers who need to setup are some the ones who kind of need the help from Corrupt Intervention. They lose gen pressure so quickly just to bring their power into play, making Corrupt Intervention a fair and viable option.
Also I believe that even stealth players should also know who to run a killer in case they get found because if they do get found, it's going to be their fault if they go down (usually). I personally don't think it's viable to completely rely on stealth or running a killer, you have to be able to do both. If you can outrun the killer for the duration of Corrupt Intervention, then great, same goes if you can hide the entire time. Corrupt Intervention is not too strong in my opinion, it is fine how it is.
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good bait
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he said revert the DS changes so definetely.
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Corrupt is taken so much because it's a band-aid fix to a massive problem in this game.
And it takes no skill because that's not exactly how killer perks are balanced. Survivor perks ideally must take some degree of skill because they are pretty much the only tools the survivors have to help them win (other than items, however items are balanced in the same way as killer perks because they don't require skill either) Killers, on the other hand, have to use their powers skillfully in order to win, so their perks lean towards more of stat boosts than abilities that some survivor perks are akin to.
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A perk that requires zero skill.....Like Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Iron Will, Adrenalin, Sprint Burst, Spine Chill, Inner Strength, Prove Thyself, Urban, Balanced Landing and as a bonus when in a Key SWF Left Behind?
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Hell no. It is a super-strong Perk, not OP by any means. But it is completely justified to use a Perk Slot for such a strong Perk.
It 100% should not be basekit.
I would rather nerf every other Slowdown-Perk instead of Corrupt Intervention. It is fine, not too strong, really. Also, you are not forced to do nothing for two minutes.
Either you can do other Gens (there are still 4), or, if you are a 4 man SWF, you can wait out Corrupt Intervention, which means it is a wasted Perk Slot.
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I use Corrupt Intervention because its consistent and perfectly jives with my playstyle, it gives me just enough time to set up traps, portals, stalk, make a check of the map, and get into a chase its a powerful perk but one that can be countered by simply going to another generator my friend
It just locks down a section of the map's gens if you are waiting at a inactive gen for 2 minutes its not the perk's fault it is yours. Simply move on to a generator and when the two minutes are up the killer is down to three perks, one of which is likely BBQ so he's probably just got one or two chase perks. Adapt and stop crouching around the edge of the map with urban evasion and learn how to optimally loop
Good gravy every thread I see someone mention Sluzzy and I still don't know who he is. What the heck did this one man do to you all that he burned himself into your collective memory?
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you don't want to know. But if you insist I'll hook you up with his works of art.
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All of the perks and mechanics you've named require certain skill or time to be used properly, no way you can compare them to Corrupt. And most of them are so weak, it won't help you downgrade the power of the killer perk during the discussion.
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Oh for pete's sake its not like this man's bad takes are an info hazard. I've seen plenty of awful takes and cataclysmically wrong balancing demands here and otherwhere
I doubt he's worse than a lot of people I've seen
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My personal favorite was the photo of him alive at first staring at a Huntress, then the second was him laying on the ground dying saying Huntress is too OP or something
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As long as survivors can spawn in such a way that gens can be done before you can physically cross the map to defend them, I won't be able to consider this perk OP in the slightest. I think that's a reasonable stance. Please tell me if I'm missing something here.
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How does the Left Behind + key combo a perk that takes skill..?
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Yeah, but what if survivor spawns are unlucky? Maybe the spawns should be fixed before making Corrupt this powerful in certain matches?
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I think there's a few perks that should be basekit. Corrupt and DS come to mind as a good starting point
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Why can't survivors play properly and run the killer to the Corrupted side to buy their team time to get on gens? It's requires minimal awareness.
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You can't handle that all killer perks are trash? I don't care. Thank u, next!
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You need to survive to the point of being able to use the key with the help of Left Behind. But it doesn't matter, a sole escape is still a lose for survivors, you killers will complain about something as minor as that
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Hah, his posts remind me of the folks I would often run into from the Battlefront 2 days, he's actually quite tame compared to many of them, lol
If he is troll this is very good, a forum needs something fun lest everyone get uber serious and lose all sense of entertainment
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when DS got nerfed he made posts that made me laugh so much.
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Haha, that's a pretty good joke
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me reading this:
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The perk will be toned down, it's the matter of time, it breaks the game too severely
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and you people will complain about something as minor as a 1k
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Most killers don’t even use it well, so it’s really not a big deal
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It's not a matter of time, because it isn't even in the devs' radar of perks to be looked at.
It's a perk that you can literally wait out by hiding and once it's gone it's gone for the whole duration of the match.
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Survivors put afford into escaping all together and you can deny that by standing near a hook. That's not fair no matter how you look at it.
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You're not Sluzzy. Stop trying to be.
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It isn't. It's decent but not overly strong.
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All of the perks and mechanics you've named require certain skill or time to be used properly, no way you can compare them to Corrupt
Since you said Corrupt involves no skill I'm just going to list a few things.
Dead Hard, congratulations you got injured but don't worry press a single button to undo a mistake. A killer mingamed you press a button to undo that mistake, you're going to a pallet that has a trap infornt of it press a button to ignore the trap, killer is about to hit you press a button and ignore that attack.
Unbreakable, you're slugged now you can get yourself off the ground.
Iron will, you got injured now you make no grunts of pain.
Sprint burst, allow yourself to get a speed boost to the nearest loop at fast as possible
Spine chill, oh look a killer is looking in your direction here is a speed boost to almost every action.
Prove thyself, you and another survivoracan work on a gen faster.
Urban, press the crouch button to go slightly faster than normal crouch.
Left behind, you're the last survivor match now you'll be able to find the hatch. Oh what's that the killer was able to get there before you and close it, don't worry since you already know where it is and have a key you can re open hatch.
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I have absolutely no problem with Corrupt Intervention either as a survivor or as a killer - it's a solid perk especially for killers that need that set up time early in the match (Trapper, I'm looking at you). I've used it on Legion in the past, but swapped out to Discordance now, as that suits my playstyle better.