DBD Post patch console rant.

The current state of issues on console can no longer be minimized by labeling them as "fps drops". These are game breaking issues that makes attempting to enjoy your product or even participate competitively a massive waste of time rendering it officially broken.
What really bothers me is consoles are one uniform spec of hardware, there is no way you had no idea this was going to happen with the release of the RE chapter patch unless you did not at any point play test the product on console before rolling out the update and then accepting money for the chapter from your entire console community knowing full well you was breaking the product which was only just hanging in there at 45fps, but workable.
When updates break on PC you have a million untested hardware configurations that could create problems, issues are expected, consoles do not have that problem, you had 5/6 preset uniform machines to test it on, all of which are suffering the exact same issue, did you not test it or did you just release it anyway to cash in at our expense ?.
To not have had the issue acknowledged for how game breaking it is and be given a proper apology/compensation is genuinely awful on your part. Coming back to the game from playing for the first year of PC launch I was very happy to see BHV as a company had blown up with success from the game and I'm very sad to see the weekly base touching indie dev team appears to be choosing the path of EA/Actiblizzard.
The BHV I remember would never have drowned the biggest thread in the history of your forums regarding performance in total radio silence, a real shame.
Here's just a few clips from this evening testing out post patch:
Playstation share smooths out the stutter a bit and makes it look more like lag than it stuttering, I guess it's from the hard drive choking when it happens, needless to say the game is no longer about skill but simply coin flips. For the record the footage was taken on a ps pro set to 1080p on a tv set to gaming mode.
Glad I bought all the killers in anticipation for the event...
Rant over, peace.
6 hours later my threads approved
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It's all good man, thank you
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thanks for capturing the problems that the developers dont give a crap about
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Given how there's no way they could have not known the issues they were going to cause consoles by pushing the chapter and selling it to us, it's very clear they didn't give a crap.
What bothers me is the people on socials defending them like their victims having to deal with all these unexpected bugs when that narrative is simply not possible.
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It's incredibly frustrating. Reading your take makes it even more obvious that this was just negligence. I know (I assume since I get almost all PC players in my lobbies) that this game is more popular on PC but I'm getting tired of this game so blatantly treating its console players like the red headed step child.
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PC doesn't fair any better either, this isn't a PC vs Console thing. THe game isn't that much better on PC, it's more stable yes but the same issues are still there, lack of optimization, lack of graphical options, lack of everything same as on console. same bugs same exploits. This is a BHVR being bad at their job Thing.
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I don't think anyone's making this an us vs them situation. The difference with consoles is compared to PC is you don't get to act surprised when these issues come up due to all consoles being the same, the hardware specs are the same and to play online they have to all be running the exact same OS version, its the only advantage of developing for console over PC.
If they roll out a patch for PC and it tanks the game you have to give the benefit of doubt because there's only so many different hardware set ups you can expect them to QnA the game on.
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It's been 5 years you can't keep giving them the benefit of the doubt, plus the PC version also has the issues, so they don't know how to develop to PC aswell. In 2019 Console performance promisses were made by BHVR and they've never been met and right now Console Performance is at an all time low... It's not about being hard it's about BHVR not doing their job. They already got the Money from the Chapter, they already got new players spending money without those players knowing how broken mess of a game it is before and after the Chapter.
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You just said PC isn't any better, and then you said it isn't much better, and said it's more stable. I'm not angry at PC players, but the devs absolutely treat them better than console players, and they always have. You said yourself it's more stable. So, there's that. There's also the fact that the PTB is only for PC. I guess their feedback is all that matters? How about the official Fog Whisperers? For how long did they only do give aways to PC players? I'm pretty sure when the Silent Hill Chapter came out, you could only get the secret charm on PC, which is ######### ironic because wasn't the game originally on console only? I don't even know if that eventually got fixed. It's a joke that you think PC has a problem with lack of optimization compared to console.
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The game just runs but the issues are there, i play both since 2018, all the issues Console has Pc also has, it's the same moldy spaghetti monster of a game in both platforms, it's just a matter of hardware not software, the software is the same #########, it's a moldy spaghetti mosnter of a game. I understand my wording wasn't the best and that's my bad but it's the same as playing on PS4 vs PS5, the issues are still there, the PS5 just runs a bit better doesn't mean PS5 DbD is fine cause it's not. Same with PC, PC runs a bit better but the issues are all there still. The game is the same broken mess for everyone, just cause you can run it doesn't mean it's better. Think of this as a diseased patient being on the brink of death to recovering to a stable condition, they are still affected by the disease, doesn't mean the patient is any better and won't die, the risk of death is there. Same thing with Console DbD vs PC DbD, it's still the same disease, PC is just the somewhat stable condition and Console is the disease in full effect.
FEEDBACK DOESN'T MATTER, never has and never will, there's 5 years of proof, go search it. PTB's don't matter, they are just short early access previews for HYPE purposes, what did BHVR change from Twins PTB to live? what did they change from Tricksters PTB to live? They have no time to make meaningfull changes from PTB to live, that's why Mid-Chapter updates exist. They need the extra time before the Content is finished. They purposefully release unfinished content, go search for details on the 4 previous Chapters.
Who cares about Fog Whisperers? They are ignored, BHVR only listens to Casual players cause those are the ones that won't know about how messy the game is, they just throw money at BHVR on chapters and skins and that's it, they won't play enough to care about the game's health, they jsut want a quick match to detress from work or whatever. They'll shrug off any performance problems or lack of bare bones functions cause they are Casual DbD players.
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But BHVR said Game Health is very important to them in the 5th year anniversary stream.
They would never lie to us,would they? 😢😢😢😢
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While I agree with everything you're saying, especially regarding the core issues of the game being the god awful coding it's built upon, the real dividing issue from console to PC currently is the client stutters as shown in my videos, this game is based around the chase, the macro is meaningless is the chase doesn't work and that element is now broken rendering the game broken, the core it's based around no longer functions correctly as long as the stutters are there, it's like the survivors and killers all have dead hards that randomly fire off for either at any point in the chase.
This is very different to poor fps and all the other questionable stuff were used to, its still awful but you could at least play around it, and what makes it worse, there's absolutely no way BHV were unaware of this problem on consoles when they not only sent out the update but accepted the entire console communities money for it too.
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just wanted to say that I have had this same issue on PC for forever now....especially when a survivor uses DH or if I go into bloodlust1
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Out of curiosity do you use a HDD or SSD in your PC ?
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2 HDD's in a raid 0 setup
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That's interesting, listening to the sounds the HDD in my PS4 is making I'm quite convinced the issue is something to do with how it's accessing data as it plays, I'd be very interested to hear of anyone having these same issues on a SSD.
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that, but I would also like to say that 2 of my friends play on an single HDD and dont have these issues.
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That's actually what I'm suspecting also, so it's interesting seeing you post that.
I used to have issues on PC - playing as a Survivor I'd get a brief freeze once all gens were completed and the killer had NOED. My friend had the issue that he'd have a brief freeze when he reached bloodlust 1 - we both switched to SSD's and the issue stopped.
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Don't worry they'll release 4 hot fixes and at least 1 of those will fix the issue.. right?
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That depends on your hardware , my pc runs it in ultra just fine I don't have any issue but when I tried to hop on PS4 it was just a ######### show I agree with some of the above comments that they don't even test console before they release it they just assume its gonna be ok
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And they said the same thing in 4th and the 3th anniversary stream 🙂
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Also, important buttons such as healing and dropping pallets are the same…
They really don’t care about console players, and I don’t understand why
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That's proves your hardware is vastly superior to the software but it doesn't negate that the software is still problematic. That's my argument as to why PC DbD is stable but not optimized either. How manny people do you know that use Low or Mid instead just because they are prioritizing and preventing performance issues or just because those lower settings offer a graphical advantage because there's less effects? The graphical presets don't help all players, playing and streaming on Ultra requires potent hardware because the software is that bad. So Yes console is a shitshow because the hardware is much more limited hence it can't just overpower the software, same applies to XbX and PS5, better than previous Gen but still having issues cause they are naturally limited on Hardware and the game itself offers no options to minimize the problems. I'm not denying Console issues, i'm saying everything needs to be better. Yes PC is less impacted but still impacted, think about Cross-play, how playing PC killer vs Console Survivor feels, it's awful for Console Survivors but doesn't mean it's any better for PC killers and the same applies to Pc Survs vs Console Killer. The Game, without platform reasoning, needs a better foundation, needs more optimization and needs to give players basic options.
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I am on xbox 1 with an external ssd hard drive and the game is near unplayable. In fact, i haven't played, other than a couple kyf, in about 3 weeks.
This is the first chapter i haven't bought, despite being excited for the Claire skin.
Killer chases are near impossible as every few seconds the game freezes and the survivor is gone and im walking into a wall facing the opposite way. Blight IS impossible, between sliding off solid objects and constant freezes.
We have been begging for a break in content for a health update for almost the entire time I have been playing. Instead each chapter its getting worse and worse and they are starting to make cyberpunk release look polished.
I love this game, but i cant bring myself to play it.
I read that hackers have made the original titanfall completely unplayable, and yet EA still sells the game for 20 bucks. While not as bad yet, each chapter gets this great game closer and closer to completely unplayable.
Last aside, i was going to get a series x just ao my dbd experience would be a little better. Was going to drop 500 dollars just to play this game. This game, the only game i played daily. Now. Im glad i couldn't find one.
Rant over
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Nah they would have most definitely tested it, they literally have to.
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The point I'm making about Fog Whisperers is just one way of illustrating how the devs have done things for PC people that they neglected to do for console players for what, literally years?
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While it's good that solved the issue for you both and not surprising, when you require a SSD to bandaid the fact that your client is so broken and convoluted that just its own functioning requires an SSD you've got serious problems.
I know it's easy now to say well old gen is old gen everyone should have an SSD but when the last gen consoles can have you in high speed pvp car chases in GTA online, coop hyper intense dino battles in monster hunter, running around in the visually amazing huge expanse of Red Dead Online or in massive raids in Final Fantasy 14 MMO with so many visual effects on your screen all applying buffs, debuffs, status effects and your screen looks like you took way too much acid I think we can agree that something is horrifically wrong when the tiny maps of DBD with barely any players is choking to death because the killer behind you got a minimal speed boost and a single status change.
I know what I'm saying is obvious, but DBD is BHV's golden egg and the client clearly cannot handle anything else bolted on to it without a complete and proper rewrite of the game engine, chapters need to stop, keep the skin makers adding stuff to the shop, make the battle passes shorter and more frequent and I'm sure you'll get a lot of support if the people know the engines health has become your primary and only focus starting from a total rewrite from the ground up.
All next gen consoles or PC hardware is gonna do is buy you a bit more time which will quickly be undone as more is tacked on to a base that can't support it.
I know you can't discuss such things, but I hope as community manager you can express to BHV how obvious it is that they would have known they were breaking consoles by releasing this chapter, and how still by this point then not releasing an official statement regarding the severity of the issues we have now are and not even offering an explanation or compensation after they sold us the chapter, just how bad this looks on them and how much Ill will they are making their community harbor towards them.
1 simple statement sent out from the games director acknowledging just how broken and unplayable it is on console and what their doing to fix it, stop calling it "fps loss" and "performance issues" when it's outright broken, if the chase in your game stops functioning your product is defunct and pointless, this is how we in the console community get to celebrate the 5 year anniversary and BHV need to stop stoking the flames with what can only be interpreted as denial.
Anyway, I hope you don't feel I'm aiming my frustration at you, I know you're working within the limits that are set for you and I appreciate you chiming in on the thread.
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What have they done for PC because of Fog Whisperers? Comestics? Charms? Charms won't make your Console Experience better...
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@Razorbeam I will definitely pass on the feedback, and don't worry I don't think it's personally aimed at me. It's pretty natural that because my job is to be here, that I will take the brunt of people's frustrations and I don't take it personally.
The reason that we've put fps/performance issues because that covers the whole issue as it seems to be a few issues happening at once not just one specific issue. I do understand what you mean though and I completely understand your frustration.
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Remember the early game mechanic? I sure don’t
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I want to compliment you with this post. Well said!
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I think i can get an ssd for my xbox one s, wonder if that woukd fix it 🤔
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They need to acknowledge that before the RE chapter update the console client had fps drops and performance issues, these current stutter issues have broken the chase aspect of the game as I mentioned earlier, without chase the macro element means nothing so the game itself is actually broken and unplayable despite the fact it can still technically be played, this is what needs to be acknowledged by BHV or this backlash is going to keep snowballing.
With it being so bad calling them fps issues or performance issues can only come across as downplaying and when a company starts downplaying the severity of the facts people loose faith and confidence. Are we going to have to wait for every Tuesday to pray we get a playable game ? How can we not be compensated for this ? How can it be this bad and there not be an official statement put out from the Devs ?
It's a terrible look and it's following in the footsteps of game companies that people despise.
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I thought this is just about the games with or against Nemesis, but is this a general problem ! Seriously, console people have to be the first to boycott skins. The game has been like this for 15 days for them, it's unacceptable !
Question: can Sony or Microsoft do something about this? Like when Cyberpunk 2077 comes out ?
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I flashbanged a killer behind me (I had the prompt to say he was blinded), next second he was infront of me on the left! I couldn’t do anything but just laugh else I’d lose my mind honestly.
Nemisis matches are the worst for me. Any time he gets his tentacle out it lags like crazy. So many missed skill checks, so many times just running in to walls or being completely turned around so I’ve lost my bearings and I’m actually running towards the killer.
RIP to us console players. I hope the event doesn’t treat us too badly
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Imagine being a fog whisperer on console.
Oops. Wont ever happen.
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In anticipation of the upcoming event I bought up a ton of killers so I have them leveled up on my PS4 pro as my PC died and most of them can't use their power without stuttering and all of them have a 50% chance of stuttering on lunge.
Edit: I'd much rather believe BHV will do what's right regarding this issue than their hand have to be forced, but that hope is certainly dwindling.
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I can't advise that, cos I don't even know if that is the issue - it's what I suspect is the issue and some of the videos I've seen seem to confirm that - which I have passed on to the team to investigate. Also not sure about external drives because there might be input lag, there's no way would I tell you to go and spend money on something that might/might not help to fix the issue for you.
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Not unless people mass report it. Sony wont even give refunds for the newest DLC once it is downloaded, tried to get one yesterday, unless the publisher sends them notice it is faulty. I made a suggestion in a comment on another post replying to at @MandyTalk that the devs should send this notice so people can get refunds if they desire.
I made the point that if they actually believe they can fix it then give the refunds and let people buy it again when it works. I know I would.
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I honestly can't blame them for avoiding this path, doing so would trigger a games media chain of events, the happy medium whilst they try to fix it is transparency and compensation, it's most certainly not what their doing right now.
It should be operation hearts and minds for the console players not operation Baghdad bob.
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They have to step into the fog first.
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I feel you. I think thats probably part of the issue, there also seems to be something going on occasionally in how the console interacts with the server.
So for example im playing as a survivor and a status effect gets applied to me like sloppy butcher, screen freezes for a couple of seconds but only i see it, not the killer. Thats probably the ssd like we talked about.
BUT sometimes the killer can also see me skipping around on the screen. If the killer can see it, it cant only be on the console side, but how the server is interacting with the console. These seem to be 2 different issues that probably have a root cause. Obviously im guessing here i just know enough to know theres a difference between when only i can see it and when both players can see it
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+1, this has been a pc problem for atleast a couple years. It has actually costed me games.
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Didn’t the same mess happen last year for consoles and the event?
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Fun fact about the degree of issues on PC, if you have a slightly faulty power supply the initial loading screen when you open the game would either kill your power supply or force your pc to restart due to the sudden rapid increase in frames causing your power supply to suddenly switch the rail the voltage was on in ways no other game does, on a static loading screen, running at uncapped frames, literally overloading your psu.
Now one might say well sucks for you having a faulty power supply, and while that's fair, you could have gamed on that PSU for another year before you even knew you had an issue.
To this day years later there are reports of people having to replace their thermal paste because of that loading screen in their playstation. A loading screen toasting PSUs, burning out thermal paste on consoles, a loading screen with a static image.
I guess the point I'm making, is it's time for a total rewrite, not just a health check.
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Maybe it is over for last gen.
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The SSD helping mask the reality of the problems might buy you 4 more chapters balanced on top of the spaghetti monster before even that's not good enough. A playstation 3 could run the graphics of DBD, the issues have nothing to do with hardware specs.
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Couldn't agree more.
They literally need to dedicate like a whole year of optimizing and rewriting the problem areas of their code.
I dont think the majority of the community would mind waiting on new chapters if it means better performance and less bugs.