FNAF fans are so delusional.

BHVR literally spelled out "HELLRAISER" across their socials and there people who STILL claim that its springtrap.
I didnt like fnaf before but do i despise it now.
These types of people are creating a toxic environment.
Every chapter is just a spamming speculations with no evidence.
Hope fnaf never comes to dbd tbh.Dont want people like this in our already crappy community.
no i dont want this crap either
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5 Hells at Freddy's
Thank Christ it's not Chucky or Springtrap...
Glad the underdog won.
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I'd be embarrassed to talk about this game with my friends if they could look it up and see Springtrap is in it.
Hate that lazy children's horror slideshow
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I don't know why people like you get mad at people for beain passionate
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Not saying i want FNAF but the hellraiser hints could be a red herring like they did with Candyman and then it happened to be Silent Hill.
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This is not being passionate.They say everything that is not that robotic rabbit is lame.
This is toxic.
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Because there's a difference between being passionate and keeping it to yourself and being passionate and screaming it everywhere, for example, these forums for the last week or so...
Every time a new chapter is due, there are instantly 3-4 posts pretty much every week about Springtrap, candyman & Chucky. It came to a point that it became very obnoxious...
Not just that, but every time I come on the forums I'm delighted to see discussions about Springtrap and the other 2... I can't escape them for the life of me... Even when the killer is original, discussions like these STILL APPEAR.
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They literally spammed the forums
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FNAF is a jump scare horror game for 10 year old kids... Iconic horror movie/video game characters are what I personally want. I have wanted hellraiser for a VERY VERY long time. I'm so excited. I hope all our assumptions are right.
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How is this thread not toxic?
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Sure... a game about a psychopath that murders children and is possessing a animatronic that has his corpse inside it, truly a game for little kids...
People claiming FNAF is a little kids game are more delusional.
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I don't mind that they're passionate. I think it's good to like things if they don't harm other people. What I don't like is:
- Nonstop thread spam. Despite people claiming Candyman fans do the same, we do not. We don't open threads damn near every day advertising Candyman. We (mostly I) may comment about it in threads asking what killers/licenses you want, but that's an appropriate context. FNAF fans, on the other hand, constantly spam threads, usually by a new account that was created minutes before opening the thread and hardly - if ever - posts again. I think we can all extrapolate from that.
- Misrepresenting the community's desire for it. They claim FNAF is "very requested" or even say "most of the community wants it", but the fact is, if you actually look at the forums, the reaction is invariably overwhelmingly negative. I know the forums don't represent the community, but I wouldn't trust a streamer's audience to be objective when it comes to voting for/against something the streamer wants.
- Misrepresenting their own community. It is a fact that FNAF was marketed to children (literal kids' merchandise was created), but they can't be honest and just own it. I can admit that Candyman isn't as well-known as Pennywise or even FNAF, so why can't they admit that their game was marketed to kids?
Just a few things that bother me.
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Bruh I was playing beta rust when fnaf came out.
You know who where raving about it. little kids at the day camp I was working at.
I'm not saying the story etc isn't cool. It doesn't fit this game imo.
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And how is my thread in any way toxic?
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At this point I want Fnaf just so people like you would have meltdown over it.
Either way I couldnt care less which killer we get
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Pretty sure you said you weren't a FNAF fan in your other thread that got locked, but alright.
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A story can have mature themes in it and still be marketed towards children. Most Pixar movies have themes and jokes that can be appreciated by adults, but they’re clearly designed to appeal to kids.
I don’t hate FNAF or anything but let’s not pretend it didn’t have a huge (and loud) fan base among children.
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Its marketed towards kids.
There are literal official DRAWING books for kids.I dont care if its canon to the stoy what kind of adult will buy that for himself and not for their kid?The games are PG13 and DBD is has M rating.
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And why are you here to tell me im stuck up?Just pointing out the very alarming behaviour of the fnaf fans.I dont want it in DBD.
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I wont have a meltdown.I will simply leave.Sorry i made you mad for some reason.
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Not addressing you.
I know you weren't. I'm addressing you, though. It's an open forum. You don't have to reply if you don't want to, though.
And as in not a fnaf fan, I mean I'm not crazy for it. I like it yes.
I wouldn't be upset if it wasn't fnaf though.
Fair enough.
Maybe it's a poor choice of words on my end, however there no need to jump on my response and repeat things I've said before.
I was curious because I remembered you made (seemingly) contradictory statements. I could've been wrong, I didn't check the thread.
Are you a detective?
No, but I do like detective games.
Pretty sure you've also defended the Devs with the whole optimization issue, while also in another thread, you said you haven't played for a while.
I haven't played seriously in a while, no. I do play occasionally, despite the lack of a proper matchmaking system, but it's enough to see whether or not the game is optimized.
And "defended the devs" is almost always what people say when I don't echo their denigration of the devs, even if I'm literally just giving out information.
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Uh, because most of them are?Not all of them but most.
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First of all you wont leave even if its FNAF and secondly, Im not mad I am being entertained by tantrums like yours over nothing
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We haven't had the final 'R' yet so it still could be RAISE HELL or even I ARSE HELL (which sounds like an unpleasant Mori).
I don't want to get my hopes up and expect Pinhead and then it turns out to be somehow still Springtrap.
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Maybe its been a typo & they're too embarrassed to fix it. Springtrap has just as much of a chance as lets say Candyman
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Yes i will.I am burned out.And Back 4 blood looks amazing.When FNAF gets added it will be a monstrosity and i will NOT be there to witness it.
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It seems that way because people who bash the devs (or anyone, really) perceive anyone who doesn't engage in the same vitriol as "defending". I literally cannot repeat what the devs said on a subject in a thread bashing them without people saying I'm "white knighting" (remember when white knights were a symbol of chivalry, honesty, and other positive attributes? Pepperidge Farm remembers) the devs.
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if trickster can be put into this game then fnaf is perfectly capable of doing so, you're calling people toxic yet look at how toxic you're coming across to fans of fnaf.
Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.
Just incase you think it, I am not a fan of fnaf. I just don't care if it's added lol I think it has potential to be cool.
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You're engaging in the same fallacy as everyone else, assuming I'm "defending" them. I share information, that's all. I rarely express my own opinions, except when asked or in the appropriate threads.
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You're the reason i've got my fingers crossed.
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Because, like I said, for most people bashing the devs, anyone not bashing the devs must be "defending" them.
Anyway, this is getting off-topic.
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I have absolutely no idea what FNAF or Spingtrap is. Literally never even heard of it.
I've Known Hellraiser & Chucky for a very long time, Candyman too. Since those were also mentioned in this thread. But yeah, whatever the other stuff is seems too new for me.
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I dont care for FNAF.Its a bad game imo with childish looking characters that got popular only because of lets play youtubers and has one of the most vile and rabid communities out there.If it gets added good riddance.I will leave DBD.I dont want to play a game that has springtrap or any other fnaf character in it.I dont want to deal with little kids that will send death threats almost every match.They will ruin DBD.I will find a new multiplayer game.
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I'm going to close this now, there's been enough of this kinda talk and attempting to judge others for what game they like to play. That's not what this forum is about and people are entitled to like what they want to and it's up to them if it's something they want to see in DbD. Not everyone is going to agree with everything, about what they think is suitable etc and that's all well and good - but the comments about hating on people who like things like FNAF are going way too far.