i am survivor.. got a camping killer ;(
and he is toxic as well ... just following me ... for no f reason ... i did nothing to him ! no idea why he so mad at me
after 2 weeks of playing clean dbd ..no campers .. no toxic.. ( at least they not choosing me)
i was like thanks god .. no toxic killers no more
then baaaam ... 2 matches a row ! toxic + camping! me !!
tbh ... i closed app. on 2nd time ... so killer don’t feel so proud
What is the purpose of this thread exactly?
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Ok. Now what? Everybody has to deal with camping at some point. Its part of this game. Idk why this is such a big deal.
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if any camping + tunneling killer .. or toxic killers .. specially doing it for no reason
plz stop it .. u hurting our feelings;)
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I hope you realize that camping and tunneling isn’t anything personal, it’s just a logical tactic that killers have to do at some point. It’s not their fault, it’s the game’s fault for being designed that way.
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Camping and tunneling is never personal unless you bring a key or swich last sec. Its a tactical choice they use to bait the other survivor to him like that they leave gen alone. Camping and tunneling is not toxic imagine if killer start saying doing gen and opening the gate are toxic its their objectif ffs.
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oh no :(
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I've never seen a game where people complain so much about someone doing their objective. I've never seen a mortal kombat player complain about scorpion tossing his spear. Or a Star Craft player who whined someone did a zergling rush. It's not a mod or a cheat. It's a mechanic that's in the game.
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I like how survivors don't ever have to take killer's feelings into account when they genrush, tbag and save their teammates by using BT and bodyblocking. But as soon as the killer even has a tiny thought about camping or tunneling a survivor for even a second - it suddendly becomes such a big tragedy and survivors get all bummed up about it as if it was something more than a silly asymmetrical online videogame. Boo hoo.
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I saw it tons of time. One example complaining about people spamming or doing some attacks.
People trash talk all the time in pvp games and it is everywhere. When I played usfiv back in the day I got tons of hate mail regarding my playstyle and I played Vega lmao.
The only fighting game that has nice community is virtua fighter one but that is probably because it is a small one.
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I love that meme!
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To sound cute. These damn furries…
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you are playing a game vs killer. we have all been camped at one point if this bothers you then dont play. this isnt the game for you what is the killer to do go stand in a corner to suit you? lol
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Campers and tunnelers are on every level sadly and it's used by people who thinks it's strategic...maybe when 3 gens are done, but most do it all game and should lose EVERY game if they do. It only works in solo queues and never works against swfs. The players who say it's strategic just can't play the game the way it's meant to be played, and think they're in the right. Until BHVR actually punishes useless camping and tunneling this game is going to continue going downhill.
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I mean
Mortal kombat has ton of people about people not being able to deal with heavy zoning
And zergling rush was also complained about
All these cheese strategy's are complained about
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Well I don't mean I haven't seen people whine and complain. I see that a lot. What I meant was I have seen no other game where people moan and groan about "You should care if the other side isn't having fun". We competing against one another. Why should I adjust my play style if your losing? This isn't the special Olympics where everyone's a winner.
"You shouldn't play nurse because I know nothing but how to pallet loop"
"That's your problem"
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The few times I played SC online. If someone got me with a zergling rush or a quick dark templar build order. I don't scream at them for catching me off guard. I acknowledge I failed to scout and their tactic worked. When something doesn't go my way I try to find ways I can make it work for me. I don't cry for nerfs or assume the game should change to my needs.
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thats not true .. u can see that .. almost every game ... but different style..
p.s. u camp ? as killer all the time?
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world worst reply i ever read in this forum.. look like u love to camp- tunneling ;)
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I bet the guy that made this forum also camps and tunnels 🤣
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i am survivor Meg. main only ;(
i still don’t even have enough skills to be a killer
but .. one day i followed the daily killer tasks .. forced me to be a killer.. it was a disaster lol .. even 1 survivor keep teabagging me whole trail .. until i finally got him .. hooked him .. i was like full camp+ tunneling him until he died from 1st hook .. in fact i downed other survivor.. but i let them live .. and escape i got 1 k that game ! do u blame me camping him?
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Nope, but you can't come on the forums complaining about it if you're doing it too. Whenever they bring the MMR back, your matches will probably get better. I think the 2 weeks where you had decent killers was the week(s) MMR was on.
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see this kids? don't be this.
it is toxic because it's giving someone a 2min respawn timer into a 5-15min que. it's 1 person looking at that shiny game you bought, and saying "no you can't play it"
then it's always "just get good," or "just use a certain perk"
killing is not toxic, camping is. same thing in call of duty
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Why are those queues so long, I wonder.
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lotta survivor mains I think. my ques are under a min, cause I'm a killer
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well if you buy call of duty and you're going 0-14 someone is going to tell you to uninstall the game which is the equivalent of saying "no you can't play"
But if my teammate or your teammate is going to camp in a corner and at least be able to get some kills to help the team then they doin' what they gotta do, assuming you're playing TDM. While I do not like it and think it's an unskillful tactic and extremely annoying, I understand it. Most of the time it's a noob or a random kid sitting in the corner that can't get kills like the other 11 people are that are running around.
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ok, cool. still toxic, but a toxic response to a toxic environment
the thing about killers is that it's not tdm, and they're still ruining the game for the first poor soul they run into
stop making exscuses for toxic behavior
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i like u :>
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You really need a clear understanding of what toxic really means.
Camping is not toxic in any game...
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Try to not be the one who gets chased or downed the first. There is 25% chance that it will happen to you. If it you are always the first to go down and get tunneled, then you are doing something wrong.
Hide better or just run away sooner when you see that the killer is coming.
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If thats true, why were there killers announcing they would camp and tunnel people wearing the pride charm? What tactical decision would that be?
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ah ... so hard !
sorry ... this happen to you ... but is just game!! !
it happen and ... maybe ... next time you will escape ...
camping hurts killer if team do gens ... ! they could leave !
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I mean sometimes it's not efficient at all lol and they are obviously mad at you. For example last night I had a game with a pyramid head, had lethal pursuer and came to me first so obviously I try to get away etc. I ran the entire length of the map TWICE, stunned him once and 3 gens flew during it because he didn't wanna drop chase. Once I was finally downed and hooked he stood guard right in front of me not letting anyone come come. So obviously everyone else ended up just doing gennies and left and I died first hook with PH just staring at me. What was efficient about that?
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I have one. It's being unable to play the game for about 15mins because one guy says you don't get to have fun. How is one guy ruining the experience for everyone not toxic?
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It happens for 25% of my surv games, but once you're down for any reason, that's it man.
Another perfect example of excusing toxic behavior btw.
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It's his objective. If he chooses to camp then so be it.
Camping, tunneling or slugging is not against the rules and as stated by BHVR; a viable strategy. Yes it may suck for the guy on the hook but either way it's not toxic.
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true not against the rules .. but u will lose people’s respect
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Most of the time it's obvious when the game is virtually over and you are just tryna secure a kill. I get it, that makes sense, I do it a lot as killer (coz my playstyle kinda sucks but that's a different issue) but this dude specifically had ample opportunity to drop chase and save his gens because eventually I kept running the chase TO everyone else on gens but he wouldn't bite. When he first hooked me the other 3 teammates all got off gennies (2 left) to try get me off but he wouldn't budge. Sooo once I got to second stage and it was clear he just wanted me dead and no one else they just went back to gens, even saw them cleansing totems around the map and then left. He may not have being mad, obviously I don't have a window into people's thoughts but he was definitely being toxic and arguably petty. When I need to secure a kill, ill proxy camp and what-not but this dude did the BM facecamp nonsense. Which is usually a response to a perceived slight in game. I wish I recorded it so you could see why I am 95% sure he was mad
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You overestimate the value of other people's respect.
It was survivors that caused me to turn my Steam profile private.
Most of the people I have reported for chat abuse have been survivors.
I used to be of the thought that tunneling, camping and slugging were bad, since I started off as a survivor, and these are un-fun tactics. Overtime I came to realize that survivors don't care about your fun, they will say and do things with the direct intent to get you tilted. Now whatever happens, happens. I'll camp if I feel it will be useful, tunnel if I want to, and slug occasionally (can't risk those unbreakables).
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😂🤣😂 I love noobs.
Anyone else tired of seeing these posts?
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The killer is toxic for following/chasing you..?
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Only if it's beneficial to my objective. Most of the time I hook and go hunting. The only time I actually camp is if the gates are open and I have no means of downing someone else. At that point I'm securing my kill. If you don't like that then tough #########. You didn't buy my copy of the game. I'll play how I want.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on0 -
I honestly have a problem with children and forums.
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Killers get abuse regardless of how they play so i doubt many people care about respect..
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Ok i never saw that in any of my game and if im not mistaken its call being an homophobic and its a banable offense. Now you need to prove you got camp for that and not say you camp me cause of my charm. Survivor did that a lot specially when the charm got release.
So the big picture you feeling target cause of your charm you cant report for that but the killer saying i camp you cause of your charm you report that with a screen shot and hope bhvr ban the guy
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Then why'd you try to compare it to TDM then? I just used your own logic against you. You're going to call my response toxic when your first response to someone else's comment is "see this kids? don't be this." OK LMAO you don't even know what toxic is apparently.
Tunneling and Camping are viable strategies, don't like it, play killer, or get better. No one cares how your experience is while playing the game they only care about their own, the sooner y'all realize this, the better it'll be.