No reward

The sad reality of the game is having no reward for rank. If a player is rank 1 he should have some reward for that like that maybe we will have less player who want to depip because they want a better game experience.
Honestly i cant blame the player for that specially the killer its not like having to sweat every match is fun or running the same 4 perk.
Survivor its a bit better you can do some nice build combo all that because you are a team so as long as 1 or 2 player in your squad got BT you are fine to do whatever you want
iirc we are supposed to be getting a reward system eventually but then again, bhvr also said that they will be reworking daily rituals, and doing console optimization, and much more
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At this point I just don't think BHVR will follow up on any of their promises.
I mean what's the point of going to their livestreams anymore?
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We have said rank rewards will be implemented at the time of SBMM/MMR being added into the game as it will be a total rework then and players will start off at Rank 20 and get a reward for the highest rank they reach...which is not possible to do now as it will put seasoned players against new players which is not fair for either side, especially not the new players.
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The problem is that they intend to give bloodpoints as a reward. If I'm not mistaken 250,000 for rank 1. And that's nothing, 250k is 3 doctor matches with BBQ and cakes. They should at least give some shards as a reward.