Enough about NOED and complain about this

What people SHOULD be complaining about is all the weak ass killer perks that are sitting in the roster unusable in builds cuz they suck so bad. Let's talk about that.
NOED is the only real strong perk killer has, and if a survivor walks by a dull totem that gets it when it activates or does all the totems. You can't even use it. I swear survivors die to something so minuscule and then scream about it till they nerf killer more.
To me, matches are boring cuz everyone uses the same build. WHY? i wonder, it couldn't be that all the other perks just aren't as good
I disagree about noed being a problem but if people want to discuss it let them.
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No because it's a mass population of NOOBS that the devs need to stop only listening to, tis why my voice is trying to be heard
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If they were only listening to noobs Noed would be nerfed by now
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Imo buffing weak perks won't change the meta. If ruin/undying/tink & DH/Unbreakable/DS is working for most people I doubt they'd switch over to another build unless it was better.
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? How would it not change the meta tho? If Eruption has more than 6% pathetic regression reward id use it. That's just one example
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NOED is the only real strong perk killer has
Nurse's, Bamboozle, Corrupt, Discordance, Haunted, Ruin, Undying, I'm All Ears, Infectious, Lethal Persuer, Make Your Choice, Mindbreaker, No Way Out, PGTW, STBFL, Sloppy, Starstruck, Surveillance, Thrilling, Tinkerer, Whispers
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You got me there sir, i agree
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I’d agree with all but nurse’s I feel it’s kinda fallen down after it’s prime
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A lot of those are not powerful, like Im all ears, Mindbreaker SUCKS, nobody really uses whispers anymore, there's better perks and just because some of these are strong in theory doesn't mean they actually help
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I'm All Ears is a guaranteed hit on Nurse or Pyramid Head, and is very helpful on a lot of other M1 killers.
Mindbreaker is an amazing perk on a killer with mobility.
Whispers is still one of the best tracking perks in the game.
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I'm a survivor main (who will complain about camping and tunneling sometimes, so yeah, I do complain about stuff xD) but I sincerely DON'T think that NOED is a problem. It's a perk I can destroy during the game... where's the problem?
Problem is when all survivor wants to do is play 'time efficient' or 'optimal' - do gens, gens and nothing else, calculate each microsecond, don't care about totems, because that's a waste of time (like their favorite streamer probably told them) and then yeah - NOED becomes a problem to them. But, I think, objectively it's not a problem. Just engage in activities other than gens. I personally even like that there's another layer to it - do totems, or you might get screwed. It's fun, adds something to the gameplay.
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Maybe for whatever way you play this game, I never use whispers or any of those in serious builds. Also just because one sweaty who has every perk and can somehow make this crap work doesn't totally again mean it's strong. Majority of matches these perks don't help
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You think the only good killer perk is NOED, when in actuality it's one of the worst...
It's a solo stomping perk, only truly effective vs solo teams. VS coordinated SWF who are good on comms it's borderline useless. You don't need to be "sweaty" or have every perk unlocked to know that.
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I said it's a strong perk, i never said it's the BEST one.
That's why if you read my post i mentioned how people use the same builds. Corrupt, Bamboozle.
Most of that's common sense if you're a low rank killer so.
I'm saying you can't switch builds on most cuz most suck and need to be actually useable
You see anyone using HEX: Blood Favor? There's plenty more to name
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I said it's a strong perk, i never said it's the BEST one.
NOED is the only real strong perk killer has.
That is what you said.
The only real strong perk. Implying all other perks are weak.
Most of that's common sense if you're a low rank killer so.
So would you like an hour and a half straight of me playing killer and being rank 1 or are the images enough?
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Woah, the devs never listened to the players, however many complaints there could be. I'd like to remind you that Dead Hard is still not nerfed, and DS took 4 years to fix. They only listen to a few chosen streamers. So only when THEY complain about something - then, and only then will the devs change it.
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Most of those perk are bad compare to the perk the killer need to bring. You will see some niche perk like bamboozle on bubba or im all ears on pyramid head but overall the majority of those perk cant compete with ruin, undying, pop and corrupt thats the sad reallity of killer
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DEAD HARD needs a HARD nerf, it makes you immune to dmg and can restart a chase because it provides 2 benefits immunity and distance which it should not be that strong. It's the new DS being abused and it's sad people cant use ANY thing else, they will still bring ds too cuz they can't play it without the crutch
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You don't need all 4 of those perks though. Ruin, Undying, Pop, and Corrupt is just major overkill; you can do perfectly fine with just 2 of them (ie. Corrupt + Pop, Ruin + Undying), leaving you with 2 open perks for free reign.
In fact, on some killers you don't need regression at all. I used to play no slowdown Spirit (then I stopped playing Spirit), Nurse is another who doesn't need them, and despite me begging him to do otherwise for his own sanity my friend plays no slowdown Huntress pretty often.
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To be fair, if you're looking at the Killer's set of general perks... that statement is almost true. Beginning Killers have NOED, Sloppy, and a handful of OK tracking perks to work with. That's it. And... it's a problem. Though if Surge does get added to the base set once Demo becomes not available for purchase it'll be better at least.
To be honest, the sad state of affairs with the base set of Killer perks is why I don't want NOED changed. Not yet at least.
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I know most of the time killer will run ruin, undying, tinkerer, and another perk most of the time bbq or they are going to run pop, corrupt, bbq/thrilling tremor depend if you need bp and another perk i see a lot of eruption.
But the majority of the perk he said cant compete with that. Not only the perk he said, take the top 20 killer perk and try to put 2 of them in the killer build and you will feel a lot weaker.
Honestly that kind of talk is a matter of opinion i can only talk for my game experience. And im sure killer dont have the luxuary of survivor for their build and i agree with OP that the dev need to do something about that. Killer should not have to derank themself only for them to try some new build or fun build.
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Yeah if others understood this and even if you get SURGE or the others, you wouldn't because POP is better than like almost all except corrupt and etc.
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Blood favor's fun. it just shouldn't have a cooldown.
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Whatever one is a hex, its trash though. It has a great idea but it should be on cooldown's not turned off the second the trial starts like any hex.
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Honestly Surge is underrated. So is Oppression and Eruption tbh. My main issue is that at present, there's zero regression perks available to brand new Killers. Also the perks they can use are just... not great. Seriously... what are you gonna do with Thrill of the Hunt with almost no other Hex perks? Or Distressing with no perks that do stuff to Survivors in your Terror Radius? Or Iron Grasp, Monstrous Shrine, and Insidious just... in general.
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I do just fine with Sloppy, Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers
On Pig of all killers
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But on that note, most general perks aren't great. Killers have the joys of Spies from the Shadows and Iron Grasp, while surivors get things like This Is Not Happening and Deja Vu.
Though, yeah, Stranger Things perks becoming generic will help this pool a lot.
Inner StrengthSurvival Instincts andSecond WindPush Through It will be very welcome additions, alongside Surge and Mindbreaker.0 -
Oh absolutely. Survivors have some stinkers on their side of things too. This Is Not Happening is terrible and so is Lightweight. However, they do have some pretty great perks in their base set. Kindred, We'll Make It, Spine Chill, and Resilience are all very good and make a pretty nice cohesive build for a beginning Survivor. I even sometimes run those despite having all the free perks and a decent amount of DLC perks unlocked on my main Survivor.
The base Killer side though... eeehhh... it's much worse. Most of them are stinkers. That's why you see bad Killers with NOED so often. They're new and have nothing else.
Oh are they renaming some of the Stranger Things perks? Weird.
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You don't know the definition of snide then which you are. Which is why there is nothing more to say to you
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And yet you continue to reply
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This is Not Happening and such of those i find work really good in No Mither builds. If you're daring enough
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Please keep your posts respectful on this forum and please do not insult others on this thread or any other.
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I personally only have two issues with NOED otherwise I feel the perk is fine.
- The initial surprise hit you get by NOED - The exposed effect itself is fine but it's the sucker punch of the perk I take issue with. This is supposed to be an ace in the hole perk for late game but it feels very cheap because of this specifically.
- The movement speed you get from the perk makes patrolling exit gates and defending your totem easier than it should be. I feel the exposed effect alone is perfectly fine for this perk. I know the movement speed is only there for BHVR to have something to scale the perk with but honestly I'd prefer if they just went back to when this perk wasn't a hex totem and instead had a duration. That way it could keep the exposed effect and remove the movement speed making it more fair while having something to scale the stats on. Survivors wouldn't need to worry about doing totems and instead could focus on their own evasion skills to survive.
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I feel your struggles, but i think you're missing some factors that come into play here like, if there's a lot of pallet loops to evade the killer long enough to get the lit totem.
You also have a lot of time, you can just 99 the door.
if i use the NOED perk i really don't feel the movement speed difference, its like one stack of play with ur food +1%
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lmfao I love your name
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Thank you, I think it's the best one I've had so far
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OP seems like a frustrated killer main... (I get killer is frustrating sometimes, I play it myself, but keep in mind both sides have their OP and weak things)
"NOED is the only strong perk killer has". How can you even say that unironically. It's a cheap perk (like dead hard for survicors) mostly used by bad or new killers but I wouldn't call it the only strong perk. Ruin, pop, bbq,... are all very good perks and a good placed ruin alone can win the game for the killer sometimes. People need to stop sleeping on whispers. It's a very useful perk and gives a lot of information. I'm all ears is bad you say? It happens to be pretty damn strong on my main killer (Deathslinger) and Pyramidhead.
If you want to be sweaty and steamroll games you must use meta perks yes (goes for both killer and survivor) but no one is stopping you from trying out chiller builds. Me and my friends love to experiment with non meta builds when we're playing survivor (because full tryhard builds are lame in our eyes) and I think it's fun to try off meta builds on killers too.
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I am a very frustrated killer :) but i don't main it.
I mean i can't think of another perk that can drastically change the game and is a big threat, maybe devour hope.
With ruin i can't say that any hex perk is that useful because a survivor can find it within the first 10 seconds of a trial then you're stuck with 3 perks for the rest of the match. I don't see how that's labeled "strong". Why should i have to rely on the trash totem placement to randomly give me a good one when there should be things to take care of that like, not being able to spawn near a certain distance of a survivor. You have to have some chance to protect it. Undying helps but then again, if they get found very early then you're shin kicked for the whole match.
Survivor is a little easier to get away with going off meta builds. If you're a good looper then perks sometimes don't even matter at that point.
If you go to the other side on killer i think there's a lot of little things that can give so much bonus time for survivors to do gens.
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Actually you're 100% right on the hex perks. I see them as a sort of the strongest perks in the game but with the risk of it being cleansed before it pays off. Believe me many times my ruin gets cleansed in the first minute of the match but other times it wins me the game. It's high risk high reward.
I think the survivor equivalent would be exhaustion perks but they're not really risky or removeable like killer hex perks. They just have a cooldown.
Also I am sorry if I came off as snarky in my previous comment. I had a rough day and didn't think twice before typing lol.
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Nope, it's not high risk high reward at all, when the hex pops the regressing gens stop regressing. Then you're down to 3 if not 2 cuz usually you wanna protect it. That just makes me not wanna play the match anymore, as would others. who would? Like i said killer 80% JOKE
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I feel it makes a difference in chase but I feel the issue with NOED is just with the specific effect BHVR doesn't know how to balance it because it has nothing to scale on. One stack of PWYF makes a difference in a chase - Granted by a few seconds but it's still noticeable. Granted that's the only tell of the perk is the killer is moving slightly faster.
99'ing the gate doesn't really come into play most of the time unless the killer was already really far or they're preoccupied somewhere else. You can pretty well just open it but my grievance mostly comes from observation of which killers seem to get the most responses. Typically it's just M1 killers.
I don't really run the perk unless I'm planning on upsetting the survivors tbh I only play Nurse and Blight so overall the perk is useless for me.
Regarding evading the killer - Most of the time the frustration of the perk comes from the surprise hit - Most of the time once gens are powered a killer will typically get a whack on a survivor because they don't expect the perk to be in play and the one survivor can't really control when gens pop if they were already being pursued. Usually not enough time in between that 5th gen getting done and the survivor getting hit for the survivors to cleanse the totem unless they were focusing on totems already.
Either way - I still feel the perk is fine but that's what I'd address based on complaints.