Did they nerf Pyramid Head?

Rites of Judgement feels SUPER slow compared to how it was pre-patch. I took about a month break from killer, but I know it wasn't THIS slow.
Is it a bug? I didn't see anything indicating a Pyramid Head nerf in the patch notes.
None I've seen.
They did buff his butt though.
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He has a weird audio bug on ps4 where the sound is desynced when he starts dragging his butter knife.
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Rites of Judgement really slower.
This is not an illusion
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There is a very large difference between the his animations and his sounds. It's very disorienting.
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It feels TREMENDOUSLY slower. I really hope this is a bug and not BHVR nerfing a perfectly fine killer for no reason.
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I heard it was a bug. At the very least there aren't supposed to be any changes to PH this patch according to the patch notes. So odds are he's bugged.
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Stop assuming unlisted changes are nerfs and not bugs.
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That's my bad for sure. Most of the time I play fighting games where unlisted nerfs can occur and are intended, so I wasn't sure if that was the case here.
Hence why I asked if it was a nerf in the title and again asked if it was a bug in the OP
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He's too thicc now. He can't snap off those snipes as fast anymore. It's either a nice, thicc backside, or proper animations. Make Your Choice!
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I just the thicc, screw his animations. Unless it involves dat cake.
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I haven't heard about this and didn't get a chance to play him yesterday because I was very limited for time. I'll try and see if he feels different to me in a game tonight when I get the time.
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I made a video showing what it's like right now.
Here's what it was like pre-patch
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Hello, when you want to report a bug, please check the bug report section (https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs) to see if it has been reported already and upvote it, otherwise open a new report following the guidelines.