Why is this game so toxic?

I have never been told to off myself so many times nor have I felt more unwelcome than within this community. I had horrible thoughts last night as I was constantly berated and belittled by the unfortunate company I find myself in. I actually have to quit this game because of the people playing it, and nothing to do with the base game itself. So why? What about this game brings out the absolute worst in people? Why is this game an abusive relationship that I have where I want to play because I have fun, but it only lasts as long as the community isn't involved. Why does it have to be this way?

The point is that I don't get why this game is a cesspit of toxicity and for my mental health I have to quit the game. It's really crappy that other people ruined this game for me just like people ruin everything.



  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Give some examples and your suggestions on how to solve them

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 583

    I’ve been playing both sides and I never get told to off myself unless I facecamp so it could be your playstyle maybe? You can also close chat and just move on to the next match. It’s just some random person on the internet, their opinion shouldn’t mean anything to you

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2021

    I can't answer the question without violating several forum rules, so let's just say it's (unfortunately) typical of PvP games and is why the vast majority of the games I paid for are either co-op or single player. If I play PvP, it's usually either a free game, a very cheap one, or one that offers co-op.

    Post edited by Orion on
  • I've never been told the suicide thing in this game either.

    Unlike other games like the god damned league.

    Most of my chats have been actually positive.

    People apologizing for unfun tactics, tips in post chat and genuine positivity have been more common for me than toxic replies.

    I do remember it being a lot worse when I was sweating in rank 1 and sinking a bunch of hours into the game daily though.

  • WackyDrGoblin
    WackyDrGoblin Member Posts: 4

    I'm just trying to get survivor challenges so I don't get how me opening a chest to get an item is a playstyle issue. And it isn't even that their opinion gets to me its the constant negative reinforcement from people attacking me. I went to a guy's stream and was like "I was trying to get an ultra rare item but the Jane let herself die on hook at 5 gens" and instantly he just started saying "I don't care about your challenges. F outta here with your challenges this is high MMR gameplay" like what did I do??? Literally in what way was that an appropriate reaction. A human being can only take so much of that before it starts making them depressed.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    It's not this game. It's every PvP game. People just refuse to admit they did something wrong, learn the mistake and become better or are mad enough to bring it on others. Every single game has toxic players and good ones. Difference is in punishment system and gameplay. If u have no time to bully others u won't irritate them. If u get 2 weeks chat restriction for being toxic in chat, well it also helps.

    It's all depending on what devs think is toxic and bannable and how they see their game.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    My advice: Disable the in game chat and make it so nobody can contact you via your steam page.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    That's just the nature of assymetrical games. Having two completely different sides (killers and survivors) is kind of like having a political spectrum. My suggestion is that you close the endgame chat or turn off the messages on your platform and just pretend the people you're playing against are bots. If you want to make friends in game places like Reddit or Discord are way better.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    I'm another one that has never came across these type of messages.

    Like others have said just turn off messages. GG EZ

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I facecamp and beat people on hook and have never had anyone suggest suicide. Back in Overwatch, my own teammates would do it while I was hard carrying them. To me, this game is like a pretty field of flowers and I am in bliss.

    Naturally, as I used to go through toxicity so much over the last 5 years, I understand and am not trying to downplay anyone's experience as I know other people did that to me all the time and implied I was, for whatever reason, lying. Or the one to blame.

    Some really twisted stuff just because tney hadn't personally experienced it to the same extent and quite frankly I am glad as you are correct : some random can suck my cattle hammer and stop projecting their insecurities. Or they can keep doing it. As if I care. I just laugh at them because I got bored of making fun of them. And also I was banned for "threatening" one of them when I didn't even do that. That might have had something to do with my mysterious lack of rebuttal over time.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    A lot of bad words can still be used,and if people really wanna say something they find a workaround,using similar words with the same meaning.

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    Playstyle might have an effect, but I've been called a camper that should get cancer or off myself many times while running Hex: Devour Hope and intentionally made my utmost to get away from hooks. To some people if they got killed you must have camped or tunneled.

    It's the same in games where I don't run Devour and I hear people running in to save while I'm hooking and I sweep the area and find them and chase them off, that's also camping apparently. The only right answer is to just let them unhook and heal before I start chase it seems :P

    Or if I down someone and I know there's people with flashlights around or they're under a pallet and I know there's survivors around ready to run in and pallet stun as soon as I pick up. If I leave the guy on the ground and slug the rest too while they flail around trying get in and heal that's apparently me being bad at the game.

    Most of the time there's no acceptable soulution other than to let the survivors farm BP and that I let them all go as they click and teabag at the exit gate until I physically force them out.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    The embarassing behavior of a large portion of the community has little to do with the game.

    These people make everything they touch trash and most likely need some type of mental help and/or therapy.

    Most times such behavior is a coping mechanism for other problems - it's often observable in the posts of various users, here, too.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    What have you observed from me, Mr. Raccoon? If that is even your real name?

  • Well, i don't know the answer to that question but i have had the same experience as you.

    So i ended up making my steam profile friends only and now i rarely engage with the end-game chat. You can also hide it with the arrows icon.

    I've still felt like i should quit the game sometimes, but despite the negative interactions i've had this is still the most fun game i know of right now.

    And also despite the overwhelming toxicity you encounter in-game there are still nice people in the community like some twitch streamers. Sometimes this forum has nice discussions too, but a lot of the time it's just people complaining about the game.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    This community extremely toxic because there is little consequences for doing so. And some like to excuse it and even endorse it.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    I think PvP games can often bring out the worst in people,

    I dont think its because of PvP games though, the worst being a completely emotional or reptile response to actions and outcome of the game, its that we for the most part is as the playerbase is not very good at pushing an emotional response into a intellectual calm response. I dont see many young people being good at that and I dont see the game encouraging better behavior/ response either. I wish it did.

    I am not a psychologist myself, but I am taking steps into improving myself and through therapy I have learned models for thinking about controlling my emotional response. I can look up the names of the models and Psychologists who invented them, if you want to know.

    I think BHVR could do well in hiring council of some who can develop a function of the chat service to diffuse emotional Reponses into intellectual ones. An example I can come up with off my head would be asking "If you were the other side, what would you like to hear?"

    I would prefer to live in a world where games encouraged good chat behavior instead of only punish terrible behavior, Think about it.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    Honestly just ignore people in the community. they want you to play a certain way and you shouldn't have to, when people get angry and say that stuff ignore them and report them. being a jerk in the endgame chat isn't ok, but telling people to end there own life is going way over the line (farther then they already were) if you are told anything like that, take a snip or video of it and send it to somebody in charge of reporting. that kind of behavior is actually illegal in most places and they will be beyond big trouble.

    to sum it up just don't let people express there anger and opinions on you. IT'S JUST A GAME your meant to have fun not to use as a outlet for your rage.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    This should be intresting

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Because us humans are really nice and empathetic beings.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I think this game by design makes it extremely easy to do so

    If you wanna be toxic to incite reactions this is the game for you

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    People are entitled and do not like losing. This gets escalated when the game may not be balanced properly, or multiple people are playing and communicating with each other and are encouraging their bad behavior as a group.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,332

    The anonymity of being online mixed with competition brings out the worst in people.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2021

    But other games take severe action against players who are blatantly being bigots and encouraging suicide. I want to take this opportunity to bring up that a player told me to kill myself on Tuesday, October 5th. My report got a response that action would be taken, but they can't disclose information. Then I faced that player again Today October 7th. Not even 3 days later, just for me to re-open an update the ticket again.

    That's disgusting.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,601

    We do take action against harassment/communication abuse and whilst I naturally can't comment on a specific case, it's distinctly possible that a temporary ban was given out as per our Game Rules information shown here:

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Literally the game is like this because of the devs. The game is designed like s**t and does nothing but promote anger. Between imbalances with perks on both sides, SWFs, and killers, along with the devs just not really interacting and talking with the community about anything. Yes this also includes them refusing to give us a clear win condition for the game, (which in turn let's them skate by on not properly balancing out the game) and you can see exactly why the toxicity just festers and breeds here. It also doesn't help that their reporting system is absolutely horrendous and does nothing to actually try and prevent future issues.

    When it comes to it, us as the players can only go so far with trying to help with the toxicity. But without the devs, mods, and other people working for BHVR who actually have some kind of power steps in and works on it on their end, then it unfortunately will not get any better. So yeah, you can thank BHVR for helping create this mess and refusing to do anything about it.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,601

    https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/141-game-ban-escalation It's done on a sliding scale, so from one day up to a permanent ban.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539


    You don't act the way you're being expected to.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I get zero toxicity because I'm smart. I close post game lobby chat.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    That's not good. That is literally the response players got for the growing toxicity in World of Warcraft, and we all know what happened to them later on.

    Is that what we should of BHVR? Is it just a smaller version of Blizzard right now?

    Or would BHVR rather be like Square Enix.

    The comparison is really good, and pretty damn real. Dead by Daylight has two ways to go, and right now they are on the Blizzard path.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    This game encourages toxicity and bad manners on it´s own design.

    Bully one guy not allowing him to play is the best strat in game as killer and the way to go (camp tunnel).

    This game don´t encourage good manners or any type of kindness. As surv, u are more rewarded being selfish than helping your teammates indeed.

    So it´s what it is. When u want your community play in a certain way, u reward them for it. But we have no in game reward for having interaction between players, neither for distribute the hook. Besides that this game doesn´t reward people for their high skill on high difficulty actions like looping. On the contrary, killers feel forced to not loop on strong areas or with strong survs.

    Game is toxic on it´s own design, what provokes more toxic players and community.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I first started playing DBD last January as survivor when a friend suggested I try it. l had NO idea what I was doing, and my friend promptly stopped playing entirely so I had no help. Needless to say, I was a true n00b. I remember getting my first salty message from a survivor team mate (and it was literally maybe the 5th match I ever played lol); "You lost the entire match for us, you stupid expletive".

    I didn't even know people could message me on PS4 LOL. I quickly learned to make my messages friends only. Problem solved.

    That being said, now that I'm a more seasoned player, I've fully learned the heights that bad manners, pettiness, and unsportsmanlike conduct can achieve in the playerbase now, and I recommend you just grow a suit of armour, roll your eyes and move on. I don't care what some basement dwelling 15 year old spews at me after school in a fit of rage. I have a life. But I'd suggest you resist going to streams to explain yourself. Turn off your messages/chat and just send the screeching into the abyss.

    If it makes you feel better, I've been running Plunderer's Instinct for fun recently and open every chest I see lol. Not sorry about it.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    do the devs actually read the reports or are they like roblox and ignore everyone's complaints

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Maybe it's about their pride and ego, so that's why they are toxic I guess.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Honestly, I'd prefer post-game chat toxicity to survivors playing hide and seek on their final gen to stall out the game forever.