Finally, my cries have been heard.

During the Q&A stream today the devs confirmed that Legion is one of the two killers up next that they are taking a look at. I am very excited, my months of crying on the forums has been answered and my cause is over. Really hyped about what they are gonna do!!
I hope it's a considerable rework and not just "legion has 1 seconds less cooldown" and call it a day.
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It only took me two years, but I will finally see Legion buffs.
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I'd be legitimately excited to see Legion buffed. Such a fun killer to play, but man - it feels like I'm banging my head into a wall.
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I'm both excitted and frightfull at the same time.
Legiondary is a amazing pun and i absolutly love it
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That is good news to hear actually
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You will reap what you sow.
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is he (they) really a killer? I keep thinking he is a survivor and try to coop with him.
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Looks like Meg with a Mask...
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That is some good news! Love me some Legion!
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Myers needs the ability to stalk multiple survivors again. A small QoL change.
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Would kill scratch mirror myers as that wouldn't be balanced at that speed.
Idk about you but scratch mirror is fun to go against and would hate for it to go.
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I’m happy to see Legion getting some love!!
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I could just play ghost face for that.
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All killers SHOULD be good/threatening like Oni and Blight. There should never be a weak killer on the roster.
To the OP, I’m really hoping Legion gets a rework. His power is so boring and underwhelming.
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Legion has half a second less cooldown... AND, wait there is more... AND a new skin.
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What do you mean not really? Ghost face's ability is literally called stealth mode.
I don't see how that would make him more accurate to his source material.
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I'm very excited! Legion is one of the killers I main.
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t1 being 105% isnt bad. It's his stalking movementspeed that needs a buff. Jewellery(his yellow movementspeed addon) should be basekit at the very least. That would buff T1 Myers, would make it easier to stalk mid-chase and makes a lot more creative builds possible.
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"today the devs confirmed that Legion is one of the two killers up next that they are taking a look at"
you know how Behaviour works right? "taking a look" could mean different things, for you, it could mean "buff/rework/fixing",....but to could mean "nerfing"!...and that isn't even that improbable...because, believe it or not, a lot of people(too many people) thinks and say that.....legion is OP
so, i wouldn't be so surprpised at all if legion gets nerfed instead of buffed...look at slinger, he got destroyed because "IT WaS NoT FuN To PlAy AgAinSt an HaD No CouNtErPlaY!1!!!" needless to say that's not true at all, or wraith, they really dared to say "it's Overpowered", i'm not jokying, they really said that!.
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I'm also incredibly happy about Ghostface getting a change too. I'm so happy
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Exactly. Some killers are wholly add-on dependent to be even worth playing which is terrible game design.
Myers is interesting. I don’t think he’s entirely add-on dependent, as he only has a few add-ons that straight up buff him without nerfing other aspects of him (J Myers Memorial, Memorial Flower). Certain add-ons like Tuft of Hair and Bow increase his Tier 3 time at the cost of stalking requirements. His basekit does need some QoL changes, though.
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You're not the only one that's hyped about this it seems. I love playing Legion and can't wait to see what will happen
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Yes I like it too and am really hyped^^ but I think you already know 100% what will come :p