How to deal with griefing survivors as a Killer

So I had this match yesterday where I was playing Cenobite.
I found a survivor pretty quickly and he ran straight to my box where I downed him and started the Chain Hunt. Then as soon as I put him on the hook he suicided, 3 escape attemts, no struggle skillchecks. He left his team with an ongiong Chain Hunt and on player less in an unwinable situation (5 generators up). Of course I reported that survivor.
I do not want this "win" and I do not care about MMR. I want to play a good game, have fun chases and land some sick chains around loops, corners and behind walls and stack my BBQ full. Also I want the survivors to have a good experience or at least one not tainted by unsportman like behaivor like this.
Now the question to all those who play survivor: What do you think? How should I as a Killer deal with this situation?
Kill them all. It's not your fault there's tilted baby that suicide on first hook.
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Honestly, as a survivor. Just end the game fast so I can move to the next game.
In this situation, ######### that DCer, but I don't want to farm now, just kill us quickly.
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Please do not use the report system in this manner....nothing that player did is against the rules. It takes the staff time to go through all these reports and therefore takes time away from genuine reports.
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But doesn't it attracts devs attention that there's something wrong with it? There's no surrender or remake vote to help players if someone rage quit.
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I have the same sort of mentality as yourself when i play killer, i like to think of myself as the host of the game, i want all to have a fun competitive game ie im trying to win but not sweating my ass off, in the situation you describe i would take my foot of the gas and allow them to get unhooks do objectives, hopefully have some good chases and after we all have a chance to play the game then i would start going for kills maybe giving hatch if there was dc or early suicide
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Support and the people who make the game are completely different people, the Developers (game designers etc), do not see Support tickets, we have separate staff for that. So no, sending Support tickets to report a player is only wasting the time of the Support staff.
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What Mandy said, but also the developers already know this can happen, so its pointless.
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There's nothing you can do about that, just continue to do your job as killer.
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Its not a job, it a game, its meant to be fun
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you're not supposed to make games fun for one side.
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Just for clarification: If someone suicides in every game on first hook, that would be against the rules right? If that's wrong and doing that is not against the rules please ignore the rest of my post, it's not relevant then.
What is the correct "process" to report someone suiciding multiple games in a row on first hook? The game rules page says that in-game reports are mandatory, probably because otherwise there is no proof the game actually happened (and videos / screenshots are easy to fake). If I see a Survivor who suicides on first hook in many games (maybe even multiple games in a row) should I make ONE in-game report after it has happened several times (+ a support ticket with additional video proof for example)? Or after every game?
Until I saw your post here I was legitimately under the impression that for such cases you should make multiple in-game reports (= every time it happens) + ONE support ticket with video evidence of multiple games where that player did that. The in-game reports would "generate" proof that the games actually happened in the support ticket system and then the video(s) would be further evidence.
I haven't had such a situation yet but if it ever comes up it would be great to know how I should handle that situation to not make unnecessary in-game reports.
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Suiciding on the hook is not a reportable offence at all.
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There is litterly a report category "unsportsmanlike" with a matching description of OP's situation.
Developers dont see the support tickets, that doesnt mean they dont get information about the reports right? are you saying it doesnt get communicated to devs when the support staff keeps getting the same reports over and over again?
I cant see how this is wasting time of the staff...
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where did i ever say that, it a game it meant to be fun for all involved
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Imagine if police got 100 reports per day about "crimes" like breathing or having your windows closed because it's cold. That's 100 reports per day that they have to sift through and throw out, without mentioning them to any of the higher-ups, because those things are not crimes. That's wasting a lot of their time for no reason.
Don't argue with mods or devs about the rules. They made the rules, they know them better than you or I. If they say it's not reportable, then it's not reportable.
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So intentionally ruining the game for others because you rage quit isn't griefing? Strange because in the in game report system under unsportsmanlike conduct there is mentioning of rage quitting as being included.
Because as someone that plays both sides, I sure can say that playing with people that just rage quit isn't fun for anyone.
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Thank you!
The in-game report descriptions are a bit outdated I believe. I think the last one (all the way on the right) says you can report for disconnects (or it did at least in the past - I think it still does but I'd have to check that), the game rules page explicitly says you should NOT do that (that even has its own little "section" in the rules page). Game rules page trumps in-game report descriptions (in my opinion).
Rage quits / disconnects are handled automatically already by the "auto-ban" / timeout system. There is no reason to make a support ticket / in-game report ticket for something that is already handled.
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I mean if your just every game loading in and killing yourself on first hook then your refusing to participate in normal gameplay and ruining the other peoples time since they have to play a 3v1 basically vs the killer. Id assume repeatedly doing this would be unsportsmanlike. Its like in raibow six siege or overwatch just jumping off the edge over and over repeatedly. (Big surprise thats bannable)
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yeah because real life problems can be just solved by changing some code in a game... (this was sarcasm btw)
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- I can't DC (penalty), because that would screw up my team, it's not sporty behavior, I should play with the team, blah blah blah
- I can idle/kill myself
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hmm yeah, outdated rules in the game and the actual rules somewhere hidden on a forum site, classic bhvr i guesse
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I'll agree that many reports are waste of supports time.
Don't argue with mods or devs about the rules. They made the rules, they know them better than you or I. If they say it's not reportable, then it's not reportable.
But this is a ######### attitude to have in general, never question anything just obey it blindly? No way that could ever have led to anything wrong in human history, oh wait.
Sorry but laws/rules or whatever needs to be able to be changed because they are made by humans and humans are not perfect which means that they cannot create a perfect system either. If they could, the thought of an automatic ban system wouldn't put everyone on edge.
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Suiciding on hook after getting downed in the first minute of the game isn't covered by the timeout system. I am just honestly wondering how it's different from just disconnecting, it ruins the game for the other players either way.
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The Unsportsmanlike Category is for things like botting or lagswitching - not for suvivors suiciding on the hook, which is a not a punishable offence in game, so tickets like this are immediately closed. Which takes time away from actual reportable offences.
Feedback with regards to game issues are taken by the Community Team, and relevant feedback is given to the Game Developers (not just Game Designers, which is what most people think when they say Developers), we take our information from various sources, including forums, discord, twitch, twitter etc.
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But this is a [BAD WORD] attitude to have in general, never question anything just obey it blindly?
No, don't question a mod when a mod tells you what the rules actually are. You can disagree with the rules, and that's fine, but if you're telling a mod "No, the rules are actually something different", that's a little silly.
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I can't say for sure because I wasn't involved in making the rules but if I had to guess I would say it's because it is a game mechanic. And because it's a game mechanic you are allowed to use it. For example you could be trying to unhook yourself (low chance but it can happen). Just because it didn't work the first two attempts doesn't mean it won't the third time. You can't prove that someone who goes for that isn't trying to get a self-unhook. And in the second phase they could just be bad and missing the skill checks.
You can't prove the intent when someone dies on hook. There could be penalties / bans for failing to unhook yourself and missing skill checks in the second phase but then you would also punish players who are bad and being bad at the game is not something you should be banned for.
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That's pretty much it.
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you made it sound like you're supposed to make one side fun, and please check your grammar.
Post edited by Nathan13 on0 -
While I do not want to wast time for the support team this is quit a bad situation for me as a Killer.
The game is ruined by this persons behaviour and it was clearly intentional the way he ran to the box. There was nothing to loop around or even play around in that area, it was a completly empty hallway. The survivor did not have anything like "Slippery Meat" or any luck based perks. And that player had over a thousand hours into the game.
Sure this is not an absolut proof as the person did not confirm that she griefed. But there are some clear indicators. Also it was not even a disconnet, which I would take as "bad things happen". I saw bad survivors getting placed into my match and I saw stupid decisions being made especialy against me a Cenobite (trying to solve the cube right when I chase the survivor as an example).
But back to my toppic: So most people seem to agree that I should just go on as a Killer and murder them, maybe play for hatch with the last survivor?
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I'm on PS4 and I was never aware that was the case. I always clicked on the report screen when people DC'd under "unsportsmanlike - Rage Quitting". Sorry for some of the spam then.
Could we possibly get a message to the Devs asking them to update the in game report screen to prevent some confusion and lessen wasteful report spam?
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Do you do anything against serial false reporters? seen some twitch streamers that just report for anything they don't like.
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I checked my grammar as requested, i cant see anything that even looks like this "you may it sound like you're supposed to make one side fun"
Check your own grammar please.
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Good point, thanks for clarifying about intent, didn't really give that part too much thought.
I am fine with questioning the rules if you find them unclear sometimes. I do agree the last part. Thanks for clarifying.
I'd say, just do what you feel like. But try to have some empathy. Don't forget that they are affected by the situation as well.
And a bit of a tangent.
No where in his post did KrazyKatFTW ever imply that is was only supposed to be fun for one side. If you had actually read the thread you would have seen this post.
Where KrazyKatFTW clearly states that they wants everyone in the game to have fun. I don't think it can be clearer than this. You on the other hand just tell people to go do their "job" and then complain about their grammar?
I will conclude my part in the topic here, since it has pretty much been answered.
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As per the information here, yes it can get your Support Account suspended...this is in rare occasions though.
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Definitely this is something I can bring up.
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As a survivor, I usually just run up to the killer and let them kill me if someone suicides on hook right at the beginning of the match just to get to the next match. If the killer wants to go easy on me, then I'll play.
As a killer, I'll play around with the survivors but let them escape. I don't want my MMR as Killer being boosted because of DCs. Why would I want to actually try and play a game that's so lope-sided and screw up my MMR because of it.
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I had a match yesterday where someone dc'd early. The killer was nice enough to let us do gens and farm with him a little bit. I don't know if farming isn't against the rules but I know a lot of people don't like to do it. I tried giving him a free kill as a thank you but he didn't want it.
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Basing your play style on what other people want will leave you tearing out your hair. You can't make everyone happy. Play in a way that makes you happy and upholds the spirit the of the game (I.E not cheating). I can't tell you the amount of times I ran into someone DCing because I decided to play Freddy or DeathSlinger that match. Why should I stop playing characters I bought with my own money because someone doesn't like/isn't good playing against them?
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You can deal with it however you want. A trial like that becomes meaningless as soon as that players forfeits.
You can play normally, you can farm. Really, it's up to you.
Maybe don't hardcore camp and tunnel, if you want to be nice. But, again, it doesn't matter.
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Wait. Doesn't tickets that don't directly break the rules get sent to Feedback anyways? At least that's what the support team responds with. Which makes sense. If a player reports something that they found unfair, or unfun, but that incident isn't breaking the rules. The report gets moved to feedback so it can be considered among other feedback when deciding future changes to the game.
Personally I would never suggest to players not to use support function for any reason. It's helpful for more than just finding players that break da rulez.
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yes Support do take feedback as well, but not those that are reporting players - as that's dealt with by a slightly different team. We have ACM's that deal with player reports for example.
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Honestly, trust yourself to deal with it as you see fit, given your own set of morals. Personally, I would have waited out someone stopping the chain hunt, let them get a free gen, and then resume as normal if the survivors aren't running to me so I can whack them and let them move on.
As a survivor, I tend to try anyway, there has been more than a few 3 people 5 gen wins in my playtime, so I tend not to throw in the towel right away in those instances.
The only thing that sucks in this instance, is the killer taking it out on the rest of the team with a slug bleed out or one by one hard facecamp.
At the end of the day, you know the type of player you want to be, regardless of anybody telling you that you 'should do it this way', so roll with the punches and when this occurs again, use your best judgment.
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Whatever happened to the auto ban idea?
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If you are doing challenges, dailies or achievements = no mercy. Kill.
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It's an analogy meant to show how false reports slow down systems. If it were an identical situation, it'd just be an identical situation.
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I am fine with questioning the rules if you find them unclear sometimes. I do agree the last part. Thanks for clarifying.
You can certainly ask for more information regarding the rules, but when you tell a mod, dev, admin, whatever "Nuh-uh! The rules are totally different!", it's kinda like telling the creator of a board game that their game is actually supposed to be played differently.
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Does this mean that AFKing as a killer to lower MMR is also permitted?
If not, wouldn't that mean that survivors are permitted to smurf down their MMR, but killers are not?
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I see a lot of this especially when I play Legion and the survivors all swarm around 1 gen and I am able to bleed them all in the first moments of a game. It is frustrating when an entire com team DC's leaving only 1 or 2 survivors to pick up an entire game.
When it happens I will leave the gens alone and just chase, working on my anti loop and goof off with them, though I have a couple of instances where the entire team discos.
Voluntary discos should have a minimum time block of 10 minutes since most of the time the player has to quit the match while in-game. Harder to deduce if they disconnect their wifi or internet connection.
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I'm honestly shocked to see that killing yourself at the beginning of the match isn't considered a bad thing by the devs, why is there a DC penalty if DC'ing is ok?
If throwing the game as soon as possible is ok for survivors, shouldn't killers be able to open the exit gate and begin the endgame collapse if they're not having fun?
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League of Legends basically eradicated this problem with LeaverBuster. Essentially, one DC (or a handful over a short time, as in the game is glitchy) won't punish you all that much. However, if you have a pattern of frequent DCs on your account, you'll get rapidly escalating bans.
Right now it's so frustrating to see how many games I have at least 1 DC, or a survivor AFK/suicide in, specifically to smurf their MMR down.