Killer Daily Rituals Too Easy

This is an overlooked issue you can easily do most killer challenges with level 1 killers. They usually go like this
Use your ability on a survivor 4 times: easy
Sacrifice 2 survivors: easy - camp/tunnel
Moro a survivor for a free 60k bp: easy - throw on a green and tunnel
However many survivor challenges cannot be done with level 1 such as escape trial or be chased for TWO MINUTES with a survivor who isnt leveled up is near impossible or will take so long to do it isn’t worth it.
Now there are easier one like co op action or unhooks etc but I just think rituals are killer side in terms of ease
Being chased for 120 seconds is a cake walk
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Not when you have to do it on a survivor with no perks are you kidding me
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tbf survivor adepts only require a survivor to escape while killer adepts are pretty demanding considering you can get a 4k and still displease the entity
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0277e39d-f183-4f5b-8b62-4162c9805b74 maybe wearing this snazzy outfit for Demo will make it a bit more tricky :)
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Should just ask for Survivor daily easier, not complain about why the other side has it easier.
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I dare you
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I remember having those daylies like "Chainsaw 15 Survivors" and then you got like 90k or 100k Bloodpoints. Surely they couldn't be done in one match back then, but the rewards payed off at least.
Or there was one "Open 5 Exit Gates" and it gave you 120k BP. I miss those daylies.
Now we have those challenges which give you 15k if you do 15 gens, which is stupid because if you look at it, 60k is the max you can get out of 1 challenge, and you also have to wait for weeks to get those 60k because those only exist at Level 4 of a Tome.
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ohhh I've got many more where that came from!
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(working :( )
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Are they console friendly?
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I just tried it with and without dashes, and told it was invalid. Are they timed or limited?
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they are time limited, they expire on the 16th November 11am ET, but they are one time use codes, so someone got there before you. And you do use the dashes when putting it into the Redeem Code section.
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I dont mind that the killer rituals are easy. It means I have a decent chance of leveling up killers I dont normally play. Like Pig or Doctor.
My issue is that i rarely ever see survivor challenges...been wondering if they're weighted to give more killer challenges
I need BP for my survivors too
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Its so unfair with consoles players. i need more time for write.
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I do fine without any chase based perks. You don’t need them to loop
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Thanks for the info, but once again the giant codes are not really fair for console players. But I guess that bit of feedback was ignored from the last time you guys did this
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We're also giving the codes away on our Discord, where it's the first person who reacts to the bot message gets the code - so please feel free to try to claim one there as well.
We're trying to make this as fair as possible, unfortunately the codes are long and there's not really anything we can do about that.
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Will they be evenly dispersed throughout the day? I'd hate to miss them all because of work- also what happens if its for a specific outfit we already have?
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Yeah the code giveaways are nice and all, but the fact that it's a one-time-use means everyone is mad scrambling to not only take advantage of it, but if you're doing anything remotely productive like working, then it's pointless.
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They're going to be random thoughout the day, I'll be dropping a lot within the new few hours because those are my work hours.
And if you get code for an item you already have, it will say the code is invalid as you already own the item.
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Is that a joke? "Power Move" is one of the easiest achievements to get, and you're not getting it without some chasing
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How many are going to be dropped in the forums?
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Please don’t commandeer my discussion with some random code that didn’t even work and now the whole thread is off topic so I have to repost it