Booning and DS

How is that DS doesnt get desactivated when booning a totem? Ohh its cause you boons totems when u are on a chase isnt it?
Boons are foul sorcery and witchcraft.
DS works to prevent you from being tunneled after unhooking. If you have time to find and bless totem (and that's foul act of heresy against the Entity) it means you aren't being tunneled.
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Did this no get fixed in the most recent update or am I remembering things from dreams again
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It was supposed to be fixed
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Its been patched
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Pretty sure it's fixed.
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Boons are blessings from gods from what I remembe. but it still should deactivate on blessing
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Lore-wise you're actually wrong here.
A "boon" in this context means "A favour from one more powerful than you"- think of the scene in Heather's: The Musical where Veronica asks Heather Chandler to sit at her table- Heather is the most powerful girl in school and Veronica in a nobody, so to raise her social status she requests a "boon".
It isn't witchcraft, it isn't heresy, it's asking for a favour and receiving it from the Entity, a being far more powerful than anyone else in the Realms
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Oh, please tell me, that source of the boon plague in the Entity's realm, the "patient zero", Mikaela Reid... isn't a Witch! So magic she is doing to the totems is not a witchcraft :)
Entity is displayed every time survivors escape. Entity hungers for sacrafice. Asking a favour? It's like getting a basket of food and meeting poor hungry children... just to ask them a favour of not touching the food.
When killer spends 2 minutes to chase survivors in hope to feed the Entity and they all just heal up instantly... it doesn't make sense.
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If it wasn't asking for a favour it wouldn't be called a boon totem...
If it was proper witchcraft it'd be something like a magic totem or a, shockingly, hex totem.
Like read the tag line for third seal for me okay?
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I'm glad I didn't imagine these patch notes.
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Ohh good.
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Yeah, people spend too much time talking about fake patch notes instead of reading the real ones.
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They had removed DS if you stopped to break a totem, so is it not the same if you're blessing it?
It might be a glitch, but they should hopefully fix it soon.
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Wait what? And if you stop repairing generator or healing survivor, DS should still be available?
Most just run around killer when they have DS ready. And if Killer don't take the bait, they are upset.
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No, no. Whatever it is that you do that is not running or hiding for the killer deactivates it. So it is used for tunneling situations. You can go in a locker or run, that's about it.
Which is how it should be, in my opinion.