Just something I wanted to say

xRam40I9 Applicant Posts: 55
edited December 2021 in Off-topic

I apologize if this is off topic but I just wanted to say this because I feel like I feel like even if this doesn't reach anyone I want someone to read this and it to help them.

I recently going through a really hard time I didn't really see a point to doing anything or not having anything happy in my life and I recently got out of that and I realized something.

No matter how sad you feel no matter how bad it was going to how life gets someone cares about you and it doesn't matter what you think or how bad it is things will get better for for you and for everyone no matter what goes on don't ever think that you have no one because someone always cares.

I again apologize this is off topic or the wrong place for this I just I wanted to put this here for anyone who feels like that just if you if you feel like that don't feel alone.

Happy times everyone and I hope your life is going great!
