Developer QnA Stream Summary | 20th January 2022



  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 383

    The second one is actually a picture of my cat (Autumn) as opposed to one I found on the internet.

    Here's my other cat, Lucy

    Or her butt at least lol

    (Here's a proper picture of my void)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    i love them both with all my heart and wish for their ultimate happiness in life

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 383

    I will pass that on!

    Btw Lucy had definitely made me DC at least once by pressing the power button by sitting like that.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    That third picture is hilarious

    "Is that the best you can do hooman?"

  • ReaRouge
    ReaRouge Member Posts: 1

    Just made an account to let you know that I really appreciate your work, and this really helps me keep in the loop and understand what is going on in the community when people discuss the QnA. Thank you!!

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,926

    Imma take a guess and say that it was a reference to how Otz always says he's in fact not Otzdarva in his intro. I highly doubt Peanits doesn't know who Otzdarva is when the latter has been commentator and participant in various tournaments. I think there was a slight misunderstanding in this thread regarding who the community manager actually is.

    Also, it has been brought to my attention that donkeys are also appreciated. So hereby a small donkey:

  • Big_Tony
    Big_Tony Member Posts: 14

    Did they address the DDoS/IP leaking issue from November that was never fixed?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    no sadly not. But I don’t remember there being a highly upvoted question about it either.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,542


    of course Peanits knows who Otz is, that was kinda the joke of it.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022
    Post edited by Tr1nity on
  • silvio00
    silvio00 Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2022

    SBMM as a whole is a fail in Dead By Daylight, this isn't a competitive game.

    If they really cared about the player base they would have added a competitive mode shortly after SBMM. The player base is mostly casual so they wouldn't be "splitting their players" much at all.

    Slow at addressing in game issues.

    I started playing dbd in 2018 I have 6k+ hours. And this petty garbage they're doing is so sad.

    I wonder how long until the game dies🥲

    Just random thoughts that popped in my head :)

    I really enjoyed Dead By Daylight over the past 3 years. But within the past 6 months they've managed to push away a lot of players.

    It's just not fun anymore.

    I hope they listen to the community instead of ignoring constructive criticism.

    This isn't constructive criticism but more of a disappointing rant.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Karu the summary god, we respect

  • Big_Tony
    Big_Tony Member Posts: 14

    Yeah the community is unfortunately just ignoring the issue entirely for some reason, making it super easy for BHVR to brush it under the rug. It's a shame everyone's just ok with this game being a security risk every time they play it now.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    All this QnA boiled down to is no answers for any issues.

    Made ######### up to justify what they are doing is right .

    "boons are not over powered." Then why are they a better version of totems with no way to remove them permanently?

    "Twins needed the nerf due to the high mmr" Who's playing twins at high mmr right now only nurse and blight are viable there.

    Basically saying that killers are judged by high mmr and survivors are not. Really so why is the survivor meta still a thing a day doesn't go by where 8 times out of 10 the same pool of perks are used why not nerf them? "Let's Buff BOIL oVer"

    "Cross progression isn't something we are focusing on" Didn't stop them from doing it with stadia ,egs and steam so what's stopping them from doing that with consoles if smite can do it this one can too.

    "SBMM invites elitism" doesn't stop people from doing the same with iri grades

    Let's face it for as much as they try to sugar coat the issues it's starting to wear thin they have had chance after chance of making the game balanced only to make it worse so they need to stop trying to sell people stuff and fix their game or they need another line of work because being a pvp game dev is not working for them.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    "boons are not over powered." Then why are they a better version of totems with no way to remove them permanently?

    boons are not overpowered. It’s CoH which is busted and they reconfirmed it’s being monitored and the nerf was intentionally not super significant but was still given because the community wasn’t satisfied that there was nothing changed for it

    "Twins needed the nerf due to the high mmr" Who's playing twins at high mmr right now only nurse and blight are viable there.

    it’s really not only Nurse and Blight at high mmr. They may be most often seen on high mmr because they are the strongest/have highest potential, but Twins do have high potential themselves. It’s just that they take more time to get good at and are not considered particularly fun to play as by many (not all). Where is your data suggesting it’s only Nurse and Blight at high MMR?

    Basically saying that killers are judged by high mmr and survivors are not. Really so why is the survivor meta still a thing a day doesn't go by where 8 times out of 10 the same pool of perks are used why not nerf them? "Let's Buff BOIL oVer" 

    basically not what they said at all. They said that every balance decision has to be viewed from all skill levels. The community on the other hand (and from what I have seen you included) want survivors balanced from high skilled/high experience level but killers from middle ground. They also said they will look at Dead Hard and probably BT. And buffing Boil Over would affect high skill survs as well, doesn’t it? More variety if this gets used especially comboed with synergizing perks means less of the old Meta perks?

    "Cross progression isn't something we are focusing on" Didn't stop them from doing it with stadia ,egs and steam so what's stopping them from doing that with consoles if smite can do it this one can too.

    that’s totally not what they said. At all. -.-

    "SBMM invites elitism" doesn't stop people from doing the same with iri grades 

    not a good argument to show MMR but more an argument against showing the grade. Which is probably at least something they had considered.

    Let's face it for as much as they try to sugar coat the issues it's starting to wear thin they have had chance after chance of making the game balanced only to make it worse so they need to stop trying to sell people stuff and fix their game or they need another line of work because being a pvp game dev is not working for them.

    Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter what they do, you will complain either way. And evidenced by this post you will even make stuff up to do so.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    So COH is still a problem thanks to the core mechanic that changes nothing.

    For the Twins part explain then why then the least picked killer and one that was notoriously buggy needed a nerf? And for why I said it's only nurse or blight is that while everyone has gimmicks that can be fun why is it then that the number one issue is pressure which had to be band-aided by perks that everyone doesn't have. So In order to circumvent that the only killers that can are nurse and blight due to having rushdown since oni is useless for any map with a lot of debris.

    No they dont balance at all skill brackets if they did they wouldn't have gutted deathslinger without compensation, remove the only good perks to killers with bad basekit like clown and the biggest one keeping the pool of meta perks because they are too forgiving. Instead it make me think that the ringu dlc is just going to be another killer with some anti loop cause the map design got screwed and their perks are going to be countermeasure again to issues that the game made such as one for boil over cause multistory maps are now an issue. Another boon counter measure cause they don't want to rework it and another slowdown cause they can't fix that problem.

    Cross progression was told that they can't for some reason but ended with saying they are not focused on that atm which like I said did not stop steam ,stadia and egs so again why can't they do it for console. Smite started as pc and has it with Xbox and switch (ps4 got gimped) so why can't BHVR.

    I did not say SBMM should be shown I said it doesn't stop people doing that for iri grades so the reason they gave makes no sense since there are already "elitist" problems now if they wanted to make sense out of it it's either show it all or hide it all due to how it is now just like what they did with the mask it does nothing to curve ######### behaviour which has them now an easy candidate for the worst community due to the fact that while other games have ######### people they had more players and the devs didn't all but share that mentality other than maybe blizzard.

    And also apparently you never had games or products that you felt ripped off by cause it's not me complaining for the sake of complaining it's a pissed off customer trying to figure out what the ######### going on and being critical for a company that has shown before to ignore criticism, has thin skin, allows cheating and harassment due to a garbage report system, and as of late have shown biased and a care only to sell people cosmetics and trinkets.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    Yes CoH is still a problem. They said they are monitoring it. But that’s on CoH and not boon which you initially mentioned.

    They explained why those Twins addons needed a nerf. And frankly. You can’t prove them right or wrong on this one. There are great Twins players out there even on high MMR. They have great potential. They are not as accessible as Nurse or Blight but they can compete and that level.

    as for balancing: no they don’t balance for every skill bracket. Or they fail at trying to do so. But people are also always forgetting that soloq even on mid to high mmr is more miserable than killer experience.

    as for Ringu: I guess you won’t go back in your word if it doesn’t turn out like you are saying now? That’s also something I noticed by people like you, making assumptions and blaming the devs on stuff that hasn’t happened yet though even if it’s not actually happening still blaming them for it after.

    on cross progression: they have said it’s not only in their hands, why on earth would you want them to focus on something where they might not be able to do anything??

    on SBMM: I agree grades shouldn’t be shown and I think some dev actually said the same. It’s still a team decision and there will also be people in the community upset if it won’t be shown. Again a lose-lose situation no matter how you look at it.

    i am pissed off at some choices and voiced that as well. But I don’t see it in black and white. I am at least able to see good effort and choices as well. And ‚allows cheating‘ is really just a weak assumption as well, just because you don’t see everything they do in this direction doesn’t mean they are not trying. As to the report system, I have often voiced my opinion on that one.

    you really need to take some steps back and don’t get so worked up about this game. Try to see it from different perspectives, not only your own or the one from the loudest part of the online community.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    "Cross progression was told that they can't for some reason but ended with saying they are not focused on that atm which like I said did not stop steam ,stadia and egs so again why can't they do it for console. Smite started as pc and has it with Xbox and switch (ps4 got gimped) so why can't BHVR."

    This one I can comment on because it involves fun contract stuff.

    Full disclaimer: I am not a qualified Lawyer.

    Basically, during the lawsuit between Apple and Epic they were forced to reveal a lot of documents, and within them were some related to Fortnite and cross-progression between Sony and Microsoft.

    Essentially, Epic needs to make up all lost revenue through sales on another platform to the other platforms. Say someone bought some Vbucks on Xbox, Sony would be entitled to the same revenue as per the contract. Its entirely possible, therefore, that Nintendo has a much lower rate for this (and we don't know about Stadia or EGS itself when Steam is involved), which is why they felt like they could enter an agreement with Nintendo and not with Sony/Microsoft.

    Nothing is ever free.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Ok I'll buy that if they just said it was for legal and financial reasons and right now we can't do it I think this wouldn't have been another curtain jerk around the question.

    So ok thanks for clearing that up even though your not a lawyer.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    if it helps im planning on being one, im just not yet officially in training; currently in the process of applying for as many as i can and hoping and praying things work out

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Let me say this for boons and Twins. First they did say COH is an issue but forgot to mention that the main reason for that is there is 0 permanent counterplay for it making boons another time waster for a side that already Has issues for map pressure now as it is unless with perks which is something everyone doesn't have. And for Twins yes there are some good players with her I'm not denying that but the twins were notoriously buggy especially with Victor which leads to a lower pick rate so then why nerf them and much like Nemesis make one of their only good perks suck now instead of things such as due to saw being the next tome give her some buffs cause she's in a bad situation (and I mean actual ones not what they gave her).

    For ringu of its different yes I will accept it but it's hard not to think that given the last two killer had perks for specific problems killers were having slowdown for ph and slowdown and a hex totems to try and combat boons for artist if they do something different I guess so but given how boons are still a problem at its core and now boil over is an issue its hard not to think that now.

    As for balancing well let's see if it was taking account into everything then it would fail because of swfs and right now they need to account them, the only thing they really mentioned is boosting solo to swf the boosting killer accordingly but then let me ask you what would that entail? Hit and run is kinda useless thanks to boons, some maps now made hooks useless and if it is to believe bt is becoming base kit now camping and tunneling is gone which leads to the 12 hook setup which most killers can't do.

    As for SBMM they could remove grades being shown saying that it lead to "eliteism" much like this and if they are going to go after mask that has be out for years for racist remarks why not say "removing grade visuals due to harassment"

    I do not try to see it black and white mind you but given the current state , the most recent updates,the last couple of weeks being nothing but hocking cosmetics and the QnA it's hard not to think "survivor is becoming too forgiving and the devs are catering to them so they can sell more stuff"

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    CoH is problematic. Their official reasoning for not changing it more drastically is that it’s relatively new and players should first get accustomed to it. I agree it’s overpowered. But that’s not a boon problem but a CoH problem.

    Twins being buggy (which was definitely the case and was one of the worst chapters because of this) does not relate to them deserving buffs or nerfs. They need QoL changes. Some addons getting tweaked is not hurting or helping them that much either way.

    As to perks: just out of curiosity, what is your opinion on survivor meta perks consisting literally of anti-tunneling and anti-Camping perks? You are making this out to be a killer problem but it’s a general one where perks are being used as bandaid fixes to problems on both sides.

    on balancing I can’t really say much, I am not a game designer. But I can see how many suggestions by the community are just busted and even worse than what the devs come up with. And balancing is definitely one of the current biggest issues the game has. Hit and run was btw already useless in high level plays before boons came into the game and again you are blaming boons when the major problem is only CoH and not boons in general. BT is not confirmed to become basekit. Please stop with these assumptions.

    I already agreed that I think grades shouldn’t be shown, haven’t I? But there WILL be players that will curse the devs if they do it.

    Solo survivors are still suffering more than killers can even imagine. You are only looking at matches were survivors are experienced and well coordinated - which is a very small amount of all matches.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    They literally said it’s not in their hands. They can’t say more because of legal reasons. You can’t expect them to say ‚well we want it but Microsoft/Sony are asking for way too much money‘…

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    No but they could have just said it was due to legal and financial issues saying it's out of our hands work if it wasn't for the fact they are know to say one thing and mean another much like how many intemperate they will not make ds base kit to mean bt will be base kit. Along with times where they were trying to be nice but came off as condescending. You can't take what they say at face value any more.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    Okay. But then you couldn’t even believe them if they said it’s due to legal and financial issues (which if you can read the lines they actually did)

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Ok for boons I will say one last time it is but I will ask you this.

    "Why are boons able to be relit continuously with no permanent counterplay?

    It's not that I am saying get rid of the perk entirely but as long as these things can be lit, snuffed,lit,snuffed,over take hex totems it is an issue I said it before if they made them single use placable hex totems and when they're gone they're gone since it was a machine to be survivor hex totems basically why not make them work similarly to them.

    Yes because twins are buggy it does effect nerfa and buffs cause it is still a part of the character "even if qol changes are made why play them if the character sucks?" that's what I mean by trying to understand why they nerfed the when they get the bugs tweaked if it fixed and they suck then they still suck.

    For perks to be honest I can agree with you it's an all around issue but since A. They won't buff base kits much it's got to be said especially when one side is literally just a perk build with a pallette swap it is an issue and B. Look at the list of major issues that each side has and it's hard not to see the issues I have with certain perks.

    -survivor issues with Killer (actual ones): camping,tunneling,slugging, noed ,slowdown builds (because of map design),certain killers (not going into much detail because some are pathetic while other are legit),constantly facing the same killers or killer types (dev issue)

    -survivor issues with team mates: to me alot of this yes is solo queue and the teams acting like rats in a maze however that's what the game is marketed as so it's hard not to see there being some challenge.

    -killer issues with survivors (actual ones): the meta (usually DH,DS,UB,BT COH, BO dead hard can easily be chalked up to as a safety net thanks to not what it is ment to do but what people can use it for the rest just need some tweaking such as BT and DS still being used ironically in ways that encourage camping and tunneling UB is a an anti slug perk which is fine but due to another reason it's an issue...,COH while it did get nerfed the issue isn't mainly the nerf but the mechanic as well, Boil over reason explained later), swfs,comms,bully squads ( all three of these have been brought up and have been showed to be a major issue and the reason why many want perks nerfed there's only two real reasons to fix this make a swf only mode or start banning them cause much like cheaters it's a thing outside the game that is ruining the balance especially since the game isn't factoring them),weakened killer base kits (some like deathslinger,trickster,legion, any m1 or stealth killer have been gutted to a point where people who invested into them have to switch or basically restart to square 1),mmr itself (now yes both sides suffer from this but it's mainly effecting killers cause all the swf,comm and bully squads are factored into it as well) ,map design (same as mmr)

    For the grades yeah it would suck to get them removed but much like the unlockable mask it's a situation of "we can't have nice things"

    For balancing I'm not a designer too it's tough I can agree but remember these devs have had a history of certain issues that have been brought up for killer and basically either saying the wrong thing,scoffing it off or in the case of one where someone said the maps were too big "don't protect the outer gens and go for the three gen" so it's hard not to get upset when they do or say questionable stuff and on the case of bt being base kit like I said you cannot take what these people say at face value any more.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    I guess to a point sure but, I swear they gotta choose theirs words better.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    Just responding on the boons because in the others cases we either agree or it’s actually a subjective matter.

    Boons are not meant to be the survivors equivalent of Hexes. They have similarities being Totem based sure. But otherwise they are different and should be treated that way. CoH is busted, the others are not OP and not on the level of Hex effects.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    The effects I agree with but like I keep saying it's not the effects it's the mechanics cause right now boons only have two options to deal with them "waste time or ignore them". I agree only COH is an issue as an effect but the reason it's still is an issue is due to the mechanics of the boons themselves.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Shadow Step is kinda busted, at least from my perspective as a newb killer. Giving 2 free perks to every other survivor for zero cost to them is a big power shift. Completely blocking both the primary tracking system of scratch marks (yes I know about blood but it's harder to track, especially on some maps) and blocking every Aura perk makes it damn tough, and if they're running multiple Boon perks it's an added multiplier for an additional zero time cost.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    Shadow Step is definitely strong especially compared to other perks like Lightweight or Distortion (both needing buffs btw)

    but it’s still very limited with it being only in a specific radius and you still have blood and noises to track survs as well as direct LoS.

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