Uh oh, the boil over change made it live
Time to farm map wards.
Haha hey why would you do this
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I'd only be concerned on RPD.
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Yeah... bit disappointed with this. I can't see it becoming meta but the buff has made it highly abusable. They had an option to do a really cool rework and just... didn't.
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For those not in the "know," what does this mean exactly?
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Boil Over has been buffed from 25%/50%/75% to 50%/75%/100% wiggling effect, with the added bonus of granting an instant 25% wiggle progress when the killer falls from a "great height"
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Farm maps with the house will be an issue and red forest with a body block. Basically anything with a building and swf = no hook for you.
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I could say exactly but I really don't wanna give people ideas.
Just search up "DBD library of pain" and that should be significant enough.
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RPD can finally get disabled again! I consider this a win
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Yep. I've already had people try to use it on me even though the patch hasn't even dropped. lol
This Feng would go all the way to the top of the stairs in library and I barely got her to a hook. I did end up getting a 4k (3k) but I think they were just doing it to annoy me.
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You will only see it when there is a group of Survivors who want to be annoying. And those dont play to escape, so you can expect them to not do Gens efficiently or anything like this.
Most of the time you wont see Boil Over, since it does not help to win games at all.
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Of course it did; it was broken in Survivor's favor. I don't know why anyone expected it to actually be balanced.
Just look at CoH.
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Since every bump seems to count towards drop from a great hight I'm just gonna slug every boil over user if I see that it's impossible to get them to a hook. I'll wait and see how this will go. I expect that boil over will be used as often as lucky break in a few weeks so I'm not super worried.
I expect an increase in altruism tho so I'm gonna have some mad grit/agitation/starstruck fun while it lasts.
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It really seems they could have buffed it without the fall from great height stipulation.
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Sec, let me just download a12th perk slot on my killer to cover another failure from the developers.
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I'm more concerned with the Buckle Up change. That thing is officially busted.
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It’s just the devs continuing to show that they don’t understand the game. Not surprising at all.
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And they are already using it, although the patch isn't even out yet.
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And what a surprise to me. The complaining continues. Poor killers. :’(
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We are allowed to discuss changes ya know.
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YO HO HOOOOOO. My new favourite perk xd
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Thompson house is a guilty map too
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That is absolutely true and I also understand that you are cautious about balance changes and observe first. But a large part of the players and I who tested on PTB know that "boil over" was too strong there and we told you several times! several times. A buff ? very much so... but not so extreme ? Until changes are made, it will probably take weeks again. If your experiment with the perk (you can combine Boil over very well with other perks and offers like Petrified Oak) goes wrong, you will have to put on the shoe. I'm afraid there will be a lot of complaints in the future :(
14 -
So basically, even though it's already been illustrated that there is one map that has an area in which Boil Over flat out makes you unhookable no matter what, and several more where any combination of Breakout, weird hook spawns, petrified oak, sabotage, great wiggle skill checks, and even a single swing's worth of bodyblocking will make you unhookable too.
BHVR still wants to monitor the situation.
This isn't like Lucky Break where people were freaking out because a perk looked like it would be good. Boil Over isn't a good perk. It's unbelievably situational and that has never been appealing. I'm never going to run it legit because without a map offering it's almost always going to be a dead perk. But what it does do is let a troll squad bring a map offering and some oak and waste 40 minutes of their next killer's life abusing map design.
This was obvious in the PTB, it's obvious now, and I hope to god that the surge of people trying out that strategy in the next few days will be enough to convince the team that yes, this was a bad idea, because the surge of people doing it on the PTB evidently wasn't enough.
Because even when the initial hype fades and a Boil Over RPD squad becomes something you encounter once in a blue moon, it's still terrible for the game.
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Aura blocking range increased to 16 meters..... Effect of wiggle increased to 50/75/100%..... New effect: you get 25% wiggle progress when killer falls from high height... do you know how this feels for killer in indoor maps ?
Probably not.... try it, i guarantee you will have a lot of fun as killer :(
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I'm not too worried about boil over tbh.
If i see they have it and are in a place i can't hook them i'm just changing my strategy to slug all survivors instead of hooking them.
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After 3 month of "data" I'm sure devs will find a correlation between this perk and the escape/kill rate 🙂
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So basically, even though it's already been illustrated that there is one map that has an area in which Boil Over flat out makes you unhookable no matter what, and several more where any combination of Breakout, weird hook spawns, petrified oak, sabotage, great wiggle skill checks, and even a single swing's worth of bodyblocking will make you unhookable too.
That's an issue with a map, not with the perk.
I understand that people are afraid the perk will be abused, however if that's the case it's going to be easier to see this kind of results on a bigger scale than the PTB.
Again, I'm not saying you are wrong or that it cannot be an issue whatsoever, I'm just trying to see the thought process behind it.
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Boil Over + No Mither
Boil Over + Unbreakable
Boil Over + Soul Guard
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Isn't this literally why the killswitch exists?
Or is it okay for survivors to literally exploit our gameplay?
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I mean honestly though how often are these combos gonna make an impact?? It's very likely a hook will always be nearby.
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Doubt peple will see more than 5 boil over users a day.
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You don't need monitoring to quickly understand the issue. Also, what are PTBs for if not for "monitoring"?
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Here's the thing though... Boil Over is a very problematic perk by design. It's theme is helping you getting yourself off the Killer's shoulder... but either it is too weak to do it consistently and never gets run, or it is strong enough to do it consistently and either Killers have a terrible time or anybody running it will get bled out. None of those options are healthy. This change to Boil Over isn't good because it doesn't fix those problems.
The thing is though there is what I would consider a healthy way for this to work. We already have a perk designed to let a survivor get themselves off a Killer's shoulder. It's called Decisive Strike and is finally in a position where I'd call it healthy. Honestly, a rework to Boil Over so it is an alternative to Decisive Strike like Tenacity is an alternative to Unbreakable would have been fantastic.
Something like this: Boil Over Suggestion — Dead By Daylight
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I partially get that, but then I don't understand why they didn't fix the map. It's been a problem since release and now it's being exacerbated even though this problem was already known. I just still do not understand the thought process at all why they would release something to live that they knew has at least one gaping abuse case, even if I understand that they want to test how impactful Boil Over is everywhere else and that they can't really take the forum feedback at face value when it's so prone to hyperbole. Like... why not killswitch RPD the same way a map gets killswitched if there's a door you can't walk through or an unsnuffable boon? Or at the very least, killswitch RPD offerings?
As for Boil Over and a wider sample - I do understand that, but at the same time I'm not sure how they'll actually see these results from the data unless one of the stats they're tracking is match time. Or DC rates. If I'm a killer and I get a troll squad with this perk - I'll get a 4k if everyone is doing it, because none of them are doing their objective and I'll attrition them eventually, it'll just take me ages because they're picking themselves up or they need to run out of resources to sabo/bodyblock. And you'll get a regular-ish match result if there's a few people doing it and the others are doing gens - either the killer has to commit to slugging and re-downing the trolls if they have something like No Mither, or the killer lets them go to maintain pressure and they keep running to the spot every time they get chased, so they escape or die to endgame collapse, and the other players also escape or die as per usual.
It's not something I expect to have a high escape rate. If anything, I expect the opposite. But I expect a lot of bleedouts, a lot of killer DCs, a lot of mysterious 'crashes' whenever anyone uses certain map offerings, and a metric ton of salt dumped on the forums in the next few days.
I appreciate you trying to shed some light on this' I'm just really dreading playing the next few days and irritated because this seemed so preventable. And I was looking forward to the event and the tome.
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same here, people need to chill.
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You will probably not see this perk when facing solos but SWFs are going to abuse the ######### out of it.
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I think a lot of people will use it now, but not so much later.
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Unbreakable is a single use.
For soul guard they need to hope i have a hex.
For no mither they have to run no mither
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Sure you can discuss as much as you want, I absolutely don’t care about this. But it’s getting super annoying to complain about everything and that’s exactly what’s going on here everyday, every time whenever I log on. Ppl “discuss” so much that they want everything nerfed to their favour. And that’s simply nothing else but complaining. ;)
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Concerningly less ppl as usually took part on the PTB. So there was probably not such a great monitoring as expected. But besides that, BHVR most likely ignored criticism and ideas anyways about PTBs.
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Boil Over on Ormond, the upstairs area with the long path that leads to a hole in the wall with a pallet nearby. If you get downed up there, the Killer has to drop down, as walking back to the stairs would give even more than the 25% of progress.
A totem spawned nearby that let me heal myself with Circle of Healing. If someone goes down up there as Killer you either have to give them the 25% progress hit from dropping, or go down, break the totem, go back up and then try and hook or leave them downed. I could have had a medkit, in which case the option of destroying the totem doesn't exist. If you ignore them up there then they can just heal.
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Oh okay, I see. It wasn't this thread in particular you were annoyed at, just the accumulation of threads and you chose this one to take it out on although most people were having an actual discussion and not acting like a bunch of whiny cry babies. (As per norm for some "nerf this or that" threads)
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Survivors can hug the ground, I'm not gonna entertain that scenario.
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This. I'm calling it now; we're going to see a wave of troll games in the week following the update, and then it'll become something you'd be exceptionally unlucky to encounter once in a month.
You'd be surprised how common No Mither is in troll builds. The point isn't to last, it's to delay the bleedout process as long as possible. That's often paired with Unbreakable for faster pickup speed and/or Soul Guard for some immunity while up.
Exponential's also an option. It has huge coverage in RPD and can be very far from the problem area in real distance, and only one of the players needs to bring it.
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Time to facecamp in RPD map. My first 2 matches all rpd offering abusing spots where theirs no hook and the new buffed perks witch behavior breake.