Any clue regarding the 6th anniversary?
Hello at @MandyTalk I understand that you are behavior dev so I wanted to ask you about any clue what the 6th anniversary could be obviously you are a community manager so I am not sure you get info regarding future chapters but I wanted to ask you because I am curious you don't have to respond I am just curious
Best Answers
I doubt we’ll hear anything until June. They’ll probably keep a lid on what’s being released until their anniversary dev stream.
Meanwhile though Ringu’s release date would be third week of March, so by end of Februrary or so we’ll probably get the PTB for it.
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I'm hardly likely to leak information prior to our official release announcements or teasers.
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I don't discuss my personal opinions on things of this nature.
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Oh, and the Hellraiser DLC was and is ######### dope. I don't care what anyone says; some people just like to complain. He's an A-tier killer with one of the highest kill rates in the game.
(Nemesis was legitimately a mixed bag.)
Could be late May, I don’t remember the exact timing there. A month before the anniversary would be third week of May I think.
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But what if in exchange you get cute pictures of Chinchillas? 🤔
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As much as I adore the Chinchilla pictures (and they've been incredibly welcome), not even for those pics would I say anything.
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Hey mandy thanks for responding I have another question what is your opinion regarding fnaf ( Five nights at Freddy's) in dbd?
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Understandable but is the license possible? forgive if me if I'm being rude
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Clowns make balloon animals.
Possibly Pennywise?
I'd also like to see Art the Clown make the cut at some point, but anniversaries usually feature big licenses, don't they? So if it's a clown, it'd have to be the biggest, baddest clown on the block, and only one fits the bill.
I can already hear the FNAF fans crying ("BuT wE aLrEaDy HaVe A cLoWn KiLlEr"), but I hope I'm right.
Also hope we get Skarsgard's version instead of Curry's, but I'll take what I can get.
No. DBD isn't appropriate for FNAF's target audience (children).
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IT is definitely a candidate, especially with that hint.
also i think you are vastly overestimating how old most dbd players are
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If they're any older than six, it won't be FNAF.
(Honestly, I don't know anything about FNAF, and I'm only ripping on it because I'm tired of hearing about it every other thread.)
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most fnaf fans now are in their early to mid teens as i understand it. i'd rather it just get added so people can stop requesting it, the initial influx of annoying zoomers will settle on its own
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My only issue with FNAF is that there are just too many other things I want to see added to the game. We don't even have Chucky or Pennywise, which seem like they should be major contenders for an anniversary chapter. And if we're going to go with something that's a little less mainstream, I'd like to see Art the Clown or Sam from Trick 'r Treat. Any time spent on a FNAF chapter is time not being spent on developing something that's actually good.
I think I have some of the FNAF novels on my hard drive somewhere, so maybe I'll give those a try.
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You know what else would be a waste?
Anything other than fnaf I'm not saying that to be a dick or to be a fanboy I'm saying that cause its true if the anniversary isn't fnaf there's gonna be a out cry and it will be a 1000 times worse than the Hellraiser outcry look fnaf isn't the only license in the game I want alien I want predator I want Jurassic park/world and the constant bullying us fnaf fans receive is outright ridiculous I'm allowed to want a license if you ask me pennywise doesn't make since for the next chapter we are already getting a movie license with the ring so another movie license doesn't make sense to me fnafs target audience isn't children fnaf is a dark story with a confusing lore plus I don't think pennywise is coming simply because Steven said no to behavior already why would he change his mind now? look I understand you don't know much about fnaf and that's okay so please educate your self on it also for some little background info I'm fine with pennywise in the game I just think Steven king is being stubborn and said no
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I mean, if the anniversary isn't FNAF, there'll be an "outcry" from the five or six people who keep shilling it on the forums incessantly, and if they do add FNAF for the anniversary, the five or six people who keep attacking FNAF for being a franchise run by anti-LGBT conservative Christians will be equally loud. I don't think BHVR has a winning option there, y'know?
I mean, I don't really care one way or the other whether or not Springtrick or whoever gets added to the game, but I can think of about a hundred characters off the top of my head that I would go for first if I was supreme emperor of BHVR.
Maybe if people keep complaining enough, they'll add it, but I wouldn't expect it for the anniversary. FNAF isn't exactly Resident Evil, Silent Hill, or Scream.
There's also always the possibility that FNAF doesn't want anything to do with DBD. The creator of FNAF made almost exclusively Christian games before that, and, from what little I understand, he keeps his horror games pretty G-rated. DBD is an M-rated game with gore, swearing, and a reputation for a toxic community. I don't know what country you're from, but in the U.S., a simple "damn" or "hell" is enough to scare most Christian media creators away. (They're a little bit more liberal when it comes to violence, but not to the point of slasher movie gore.)
I also hear the argument that FNAF doesn't feel right for DBD, but they did add a dorky purple-haired anime killer last year, so I guess anything is possible. (If there's any way we can trade Trickster for FNAF, I'm all for it.)
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haven't read them myself but i believe one of them has mpreg so good luck there
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What? They can't show that in a Christian manga.
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I mean, it would be our fault for creating expectations, there isn't any hints pointing towards fnaf right now. Yhe only thing that makes sense it's because it's relevant right now due to security breach.
But I also think people underestimate fnaf a lot, it seems that everyone has the mentality that just because it isn't a +20 years old license it's trash. I do believe it would sell a lot, even though it's not as big as RE or Silent Hill, the sale numbers would be similar.
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thank you my guy for being reasonable loads of people are already saying fnaf is the 6th anniversary although its likely it doesn't mean it is actually coming so thanks I need to hear that
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No problem, I will be happy if it comes for the anniversary, but if not, it might come later.