Dead by Daylight board game just announced

Ooh, as a board game fan I’m interested in this Dead by Daylight announcement with Level 99 games as the developer. They also make the BattleCON series and Argent the Consortium both of which are games I like. 🙂 It’ll be interesting to see the details of what they’re doing with it, but from the screenshot it looks like every survivor has their own unique player sheet and the main board is a somewhat abstracted view of a level with a bunch of areas for survivors to visit.
The information is here for those that are not on Twitter.
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Wake me when there's a DBD TTRPG, that's what I'd want...
Nah, but I'm pretty intrigued too- I'm not a huge board games gal, but I've played the odd handful and it's possible some of my friends would be more interested in it. I'm very curious to see how it plays...
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Okay i'm interested
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Honestly I was hoping for DBD first person shooter. I guess I just need to use the trapper mask in PayDay still :(
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I wanna try that out
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By the way, it’s a little hard to tell, but it looks like the killer in the screenshot is Doctor with his baseball bat covered in barbed wire.
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Dead by daylight Monopoly when?
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They should make a dbd racing game lmao
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“I build Hotels over all the preschools.”
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WipeoutHD best racing game
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Lol, in all seriousness this looks more like an area control game in the screenshot.
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I remember I made a thread about it. Someone made this edit. Imagine lmao
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WipeoutHD still best racing game.
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As someone who plays a ton of board games (mainly Mansions of Madness and Cthulhu: Death May Die), I'M SO IN FOR THIS
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Will we be able to run around a piece of wood?
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Are we able to tbag and go clicky click with a flashlight to the killer?
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Could easily do a dbd version of cluedo. It was Dwight, in the locker
Take a chance ....
You got teabaged at the exit gate. Losing 200 bloodpoints.
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are you going to let killers camp survs? And use noed?
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Tbagging action in minis is probably a stretch goal. 😉
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Hooh, that's a beautiful model--hook and Jake both
I am incredibly embarrassed to admit that you sounded like a southern man in my head until I read this comment...
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Damn that's wrong on both counts, I'm from the UK lmao
Fascinating read, though.
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I have a feeling that I'm going to need to rely on homebrewed material to be able to play as The Pig. :P
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Don't mind me, I'm just going to assign "stereotypical British young adult female" to your voice in my head
I haven't read the blog post yet, but I'm more interested than I should be, heheh
Edit: thanks, autocorrect, well done1 -
Do people even kids play board games in 2022!?
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And the page for the game is on Boardgamegeek now. Not much there yet but the brief overview and that it’s for 3-5 players in 30-60 minutes.
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"Repair four generators and open the exit games to escape and win!"
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Is it bad that I want it for the little figurines? 😬
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Yeah, people play board games, it’s not as big as video games but it was a $12 billion dollar industry in 2021 I think.
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It does actually make me think of the idea that we have in our heads about each other...cos when I am reading posts I do assign certain voices in my head to people, based on what they've said or if I've heard them on stream or something.
Plus certain spellings give away locations - colour/color for example, which helps with the accent. I had already picked out that @jesterkind was a fellow Brit (I'm Welsh though, so don't have an English accent).
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The more you know 🙂
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must admit that thought crossed my mind as well
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I genuinely didn't realise that number. I wonder if pandemic had something to do with that as I need to go google again!
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I honestly had the same thought, they'd make for some excellent desk decoration...
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I don’t know if the pandemic increased or decreased sales overall, but I believe there’s been an uptick in the popularity of soloable boardgames since COVID hit since it put a crimp on people getting together for game nights.
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I'd wonder how you make a board game of DBD. But if you can make a board game of tetris and street fighter, then I guess anything is possible.
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Level 99 Games literally makes BattleCON which is basically a card game version of Street Fighter (and a good one too!) 🙂
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I'm so glad there are devoting resources to making a board game instead of fix there game. Forget optimization,some kind of balance,a declining playerbase but hey at least we got a board game.
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The programmers aren’t making the board game, it’s an actual board game company that is licensing the rights to make a board game about it.
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Damn. How in the world would you…?
wait. I don’t even wanna know..
yeah. You are right. They are directly taking resources (money and employees) from the balancing and other teams to create the board game. Sure.
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The boardgame is not being made by's being made by Level 99.
You can find more information here with regards to it.™-the-board-game/were-making-a-dead-by-daylight™-board-game
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Just because it's not programmer doesn't mean they aren't diverting resources. It still takes money,someone from BHVR had to be involved to make sure that it follows the main game. A company only has so much resources and adding a new product will enviable take resources from somewhere else.
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No it's not taking up any game related resources as we are not making it.
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What resources do you think exactly are being diverted from actually programming the video game?
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I'm 99.9% sure they just licensed DBD to a board game company. They don't need to be hands on unless they want to, and I don't see why they'd want to.
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Lol, that's not how licensing works.
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Can we please finally nerf Blight? He travels around the board too fast. It's not fair that he can pass Go almost every turn and collect $300
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just take a flashlight and shine it directly into the players eyes. They won’t see the board anymore, ez.
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Oh äh! Hang 'em higher!
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Don't forget to start repeatedly crouching over them while they are doubled over in pain.
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How many hours into the game until you’ve grinded enough for the DS perk card? Can’t let my mates tunnel me right off hook!