Which 2 of these would you bring back?

1. The old rank system
2. The old hatch system (key escapes)
3. Old Billy
4. Old fog/tints
5. Old Coldwind
6. Old D/S (previous version)
7. Old Sabo (99%)
Pick 2 only. Not easy ....... or is it 🤔
Old Billy and old Fog.
Old Rank System wouldn't improve things and the others can stay in the past.
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Another vote for Old Billy. I'd make the second choice Old Coldwind -- I've never been a fan of how bright the map is. It doesn't feel like it fits into a horror theme because of the daylight.
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2, 6 and 7 were incredibly annoying to deal with, if they could be dealt with at all.
I’ll just take number 4, thanks.
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3 and 4
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8. Old freddy.
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None of this.
but Billy and the current fog need to be greatly improved.
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Old rank and old Coldwind. I dislike the overheat on Billy, but no thanks to having instasaw or crack Billy back. Daytime coldwind is gross, so I’d like that back. Finally, what old DS? I’d take the last version we had, but no to the first two versions.
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I'm going to question number 7...as we have a couple of "old sabo's" - the one where the hooks never returned or the one where the hooks would return but survivors 99'd hooks?
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Old rank system & old fog/tints.
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1 and 3.
The old MM was more fun than the one we have now, and old billy is old billy.
Everything else can stay in the past.
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Fog and Coldwind. Wouldnt mind old Freddy. Current Freddy is less fun than Artist.
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3 and 5
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I would pick Alpha Meg and Claudette as legendary skins or make them their own survivor.
From your list i´d say old Billy, even with the instasaw and Coldwind for the gloomy atmosphere it had.
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Old fog definitely. I miss the atmosphere
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1. The old rank system - No, I like MMR, I get better matches under this than emblems did.
2. The old hatch system (key escapes) - Definitely not. The old keys let multiple survivors escape with a single key use, it was totally broken.
3. Old Billy - Eh, the new Billy isn’t all that different from the old Billy and I’m not a fan of either.
4. Old fog/tints - I like the new maps better than the old maps in terms of aesthetics.
5. Old Coldwind - See above
6. Old D/S - Decisive Strike didn’t change. All that changed was hit validation and hit validation shouldn’t be removed. It’s just now that Decisive Strike is actually working properly it’s obvious how powerful it’s always had the potential to be.
7. Old Sabo - Couldn’t care less about sabotage
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I'd say old Billy and the old sabo where you could 99 the hooks , the old ds was just ridiculous you would run the killer for 3 gens and then use DS and run them the rest of the match and there was no way around it other than basketball dribbling a survivor to a hook lol the old ds is a hard no for me
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Gotta be old billy and old fog.
Game looked a lot better in the past in my opinion, it had a proper atmosphere.
And old Billy was one of, if not the best killers in terms of balance and rewarding of skill. If we had old Billy without the overheat and that stupid grunt, (something that no-one could ever take seriously,) but kept the current addons, I think that would be perfect. All everyone wanted was his insta-charge addons to be reworked.
Would like to add an eighth option though.
Old animations. Not just survivors, but for killers. Maybe if we get to a stage where you don't need to worry about every gen being popped if you take five seconds too long, it'd be nice to get them back. Old survivor animations felt better as well, survivors looked scared and moved their body in a more normal way, when they were injured they looked injured, now they just look constipated. In general, survivors look confident as though they know they're more powerful than the killer. Same goes for that new cover picture for the game. Makes it seem like survivors are bad-asses escaping from killers-
Post edited by AlbinoViera on3 -
Old Fog and Old Hillbilly god rest his soul Behavior spit on him for the smallest reason.
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Decisive Strike definitely changed. It went from multiple uses, to one use without qualifications, to now where it can be removed early by healing, repairing gens etc.
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If it's 99 hooks then that might have my vote lol
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3, 4.
New Billy sucks.
I actually liked a lot of the old lighting system.
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Only 4 and if I have to choose a second one it'd be 3. I don't really think Billy is nearly as bad as people say he is. Sure, he's weaker, but he was pretty strong before hand as well.
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Oh ok, now I know what you mean.
No, I like the current version the best, It was silly that the ability wasn’t cancelled when survivors worked on gens and healed.
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Old demogorgon. Because I didn't know the game before it disappeared
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I never played the "old" game, but I've seen videos...
I have to say it looks scarier and darker. Today, some maps are so bright, it's like what is the point? Also, the fog today doesn't even look like fog.
Finally, Pyramid Head should totally have a fog like the game. Maybe make the lighting and fog different for killers, like Freddy has set up already?
I play DBD for horror and fun. 2 years ago it was somewhat like this and only got less scary. I was thinking of leaving the game soon... But the Onryo is a fresh if breath air and I hope the Devs bring back the horror aspect and less competitive aspects. Including the dark, foggy, scary lighting. Even if it's an alternative game mode.
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8. Old survivor movements
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Old DS was incredibly busted. It often played out as a straight up extra life and was maddening to play against when everyone in a party had it.
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old rank and old deathslinger
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For info - Stranger Things is still available on PS and Xbox on the physical Nightmare Edition.
Old rank system. MMR is not the way.
Fog and colours - the reworked maps are fine - only more fog and darker colours for more spooky moods. + more wheater effects.
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Old Billy and old fog/tints.
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Old rank system is all i need
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3 and 4, that wasn't hard.
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Old 4 and 5
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Old Billy and Old Rank system cause SBMM sucks
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Rank system and old billy ez.
Any other choice is wrong
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Old sabo Im probably a small minority but the rework made sabo significantly more unfun to play against
And also old decisive
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I take old mori and old noed.
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I pick old fog and old hatch system.
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That was a creepy trailer back in the day.
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Thanks for the info. Sadly I don't own a console. I play on pc :l
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Old fog and old Coldwind. Daytime Coldwind is bad and the old fog made the game spooky.
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But I do think there may be some ST keys left from people who bought a lot of them to sell them after it's gone.
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Also sadly, I own the game through the epic store platform, got it when it went free.
I don't think it even has a code redeeming feature XDDDDD.
I would definitely get one if it was possible, though. Already spent a healthy amount on this game. What's a little extra?
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4 and 5. I mostly just miss the dark coldwind and aesthetically it was a little bit better - I liked every other rework (so far). I do miss the old foggyness as well
I am in the minority of the forum/reddit/etc that actually like mmr (my survivor games less so, but my killer matches I actually get survivors that give me a good challenge instead of old ranks) - also, I really like rank reset rewards
Old hatch never bothered me tbh as killer. From a survivor side, going for the all 4 hatch escape achievement in solo q was a fun challenge though, sorta sad no one can experience that again lol.
As a billy main, billy is honestly fine as is right now
DS is also fine as is right now, and I don't know I'd want any iteration of ds again
I was not around for old sabo, so I can't comment. But either perma-sabo or 99% sabo, I don't think I'd like that
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I choose Old Fog and dark maps.
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Old rank and old fog please.