About David sexuality

I think BHVR could had let characters not to be defined, I mean "not defined" and add lore to represent others groups.
The game lore plays with universes so in one dimension David is gay and we represent it on the lore or in another universe is asexual.
I think on that way everyone could feel represented with a character and even with a specific david from one specific universe or maybe a bisexual kate.
I think that step would be the more adecuate so in that way every group would be represented.Maybe now is a gay David but next lore could be an peaceful David or bad person David.What people think about it?
That is how it was going and that is how the devs even said they wanted to keep it, as there was "no time for love in the realm of the entity" but now with the David reveal, imo they have to go the complete other direction.
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Indeed if they say David is on universe 0 ( canonically) gay i wouldnt mind but saying David is gay is like okay so my david cant be a bisexual photographer.
These little details I consider it trivial I play David Im not gay and I dont lose my mind for playing a gay character but you know... defining a character you are losing much potential
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Guys, you need to read the lore of every character, they already confirmed David had a girlfriend, where was the outcry of "David is being represented as straight at this point in his lore, but we want ambiguity". Exactly there wasn't because being straight is the "norm". None of you have the right to complain about David being gay if you didn't complain about his girlfriend in the lore or any of the other straight relationships currently being explored in lore.
Did you complain about Felix having a girlfriend and a child?
Did you complain about nurse being married to a man?
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Everyone exists in the same universe.
David is gay and it’s time people learn that gay people have the right to exist wherever they want too.
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I dont complain of gay david or felix being straight Im just saying that declaring that Y character to be Y conditions is losing much posibilities with lore.
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As far as I know the entity exist in all times in all universes so not all universes will have a straight felix or a David gay that what i mean.
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They're asking why you waited until now to bring it up instead of when you learned about all those other instances of heterosexual relationships.
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Becuz its the first time devs confirm sexuality of a character.
With Nurse or Felix who can confirm those are straight and not bisexual.
Its not cuz its gay I would say the same if the confirm David is straight becuz doing it so just chain creativity.
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We know that at least two different characters have been in heterosexual relationships. Why didn't you say anything then?
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Becuz being in a heterosexual relationship doesnt make you straight.You could be on a straight relationship and you are bisexual.Btw that is lore that can change thats what in my opinion devs are killing by saying X character is Gay
They could perfectly say in a lore piece that Felix got married and had a child but he later marry a man or better he never met that woman and had a child for example.
Thats universes plot
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But you didn't complain about there not being alternate realities where they are in a homosexual relationship. Why?
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Because people are hypocrites and unable to face the fact that maybe they're not as willing to accept people as they think they are, so they'll look for any excuse rather than confronting themselves.
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Becuz devs cant add lore for a gay felix,straight felix,bisexual felix,agoraphobic felix or whatever felix you wish.
I dont mind if they add lore of a character that says is gay,bisexual or whatever but I mind that you declare a character Gay.
Becuz that mean david is gay and thats it no more posibilities and cant be bisexual david,cant be straight david and cant be other davids so all characters can represent you.
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"Becuz devs cant add lore for a gay felix,straight felix,bisexual felix,agoraphobic felix or whatever felix you wish."
Why not? You just said:
"They could perfectly say in a lore piece that Felix got married and had a child but he later marry a man or better he never met that woman and had a child for example."
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Yeah ok but we’re all living in the same universe as David. If you want to live in a different universe, go ahead.
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I think you all should calm down as I said I dont mind they add X lore for whatever character you wish but if you wish so you have to not declare any character as X condition.
If we have later a lore of David that doesnt like men or woman are you gonna burn Behaviour enterprise to embers? Does asexual people doesnt deserve representation?
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Okay you can live in the universe that david is gay and what happen with bisexual David? Where do we live?
Becuz saying that david is categorically gay basically kicks out all other davids
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If we have later a lore of David that doesnt like men or woman are you gonna burn Behaviour enterprise to embers?
I mean, no? I'd think it's scummy and erasure but I wouldn't take it that far.
Does asexual people doesnt deserve representation?
You know, I really hope you stretched before that reach. Ace people are valid and deserve just as much representation, particularly due to the aro/ace erasure that's going on currently. Nowhere did I say that don't deserve representation- other characters exist, and other characters can be aro/ace.
Where did you even get that last statement from??
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What argument is this?
Now that he's gay, he can't be something else? I think you just have something against gay people, what's wrong with being entirely and utterly in love with men? It's the same for straight people, they're entirely and utterly in love with men or woman depending, you would never hear anyone argue against someone being straight because it means they aren't bi or gay, that's just... really weird.
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I don't understand your argument at all. Adding lore is fine, but adding condition X is not? Where is the line that is drawn?
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Becuz if david is categorically gay in all universes doesnt give any options for asexuals people or bisexual people.
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Why do you want multiple realities so that every character is all possible genders? That would be so confusing. No real lore could be told.
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UMMM?? You know more than 1 character exists right?????
Let's do some counting!
There are 30 playable survivors within DBD and 10 are licenced, giving BHVR 20 to play with. David King is gay, giving then 19 more survivors to confirm. One of them is allowed to be aromantic, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, trans, etc. New characters are also constantly added, meaning this number will only continue to go up.
I'm gonna be honest, it'd be way more insulting for David to be the token-LGBT+ character confirmed as every single letter within the acronym. That'd be genuinely disgusting.
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Who said they are only doing David?
They can easily say any other character is ace/bi or even trans. Ace as a sexuality in particular shouldn’t be hard to implement at all.
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The line is on categorically afirming a X character is Y condition.
Categorically:in a way that is without any doubt or possibility of being changed
Where is my asexual david?
we need dimensions alternate Davids the observer cam see between dimensions and entity can take from other dimensions too.Matches are done in different universes in different times with gay David,straight davids etc even can be 2 davids with different conditions or mentality.
Why cutting this out when universes make it infinite and definetely a tool to make everyone happy
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If they categorically say David is gay and Ace is bi categorically will be okay but I mind they lay to waste so much posibilities becuz hey surely someone would like Kate to represent her being lesbian and Nea becomes the lesbian representation with multiuniverse we will have Kates of all senses and everyone would be happy
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They are all fictional characters in a computer game that really has no story outside the small bit of cohesion fluff written to sell rift subs.
Who gives a ######### is my point.
If people weren't melting down about it on the forums I wouldn't even know what his backstory was. Its not like DBD is built on a rich narrative. Its an after thought at best.
If you feel represented great, if not well whatever dang, if offended then you need to prioritize what's really offensive in your life and honestly everyone else really just doesn't care. Because its a side note fictional head cannon nothing more.
Just play the game.
A pragmatist view of things nothing more.
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Because it doesn't make everyone happy? It's incredibly disrespectful and would kill most of the good will with the LGBT+ community BHVR have gotten from David being gay in the first place?? More characters than David King exist within Dead By Daylight, more than 1 person is gay in the world???
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Babes if you don't care about the lore just stop talking about the lore. It's there to be talked about but if you, yourself, don't care about it then please stop telling everyone how little you care about it
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I will just repeat it one more David,dwight,felix... all can be gay, all of them can be bi, all of them can be asexual... but they wont if we say that David is categorically Gay thats what Im saying.
What happen if I dont want david but instead but Felix?
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David is gay and not bi
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Rizzo for what I read Behaviour was avoiding to give hints about sexuality thats fine allowing players to imagine it its okay but now lore gets more detailed and I see correct to release lore of a gay david but categorically saying david is gay or X character is straight is cutting the wings of imagination.
I dont mind behaviour release 50 tomes of other sexual orientations but saying this character is X orientation is like okay now my bisexual david is lay to waste becuz you wont release bisexual david lore later isnt it?
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On your universe, on mine is asexual on other player universe is bi.Remember that entity travels trought dimensions.
But now all davids are gay while my david was asexual.
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The David we play with is gay. Whether his multiverse versions are any different in that aspect is up to you, but to claim he is bi is not going to be accepted by everyone.
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Yeah but the others david may be bisexual or other conditions and with caategorically saying is gay you killed them all. Thats what im saying.
Everyone would be right to say david is gay david is straight or david is trans is devs says Terra World 456 gay David, Terra world 0 david is asexual...
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Okay and what about if entity takes another david from another universe that is bisexual.
Could that be? Not now but in the future lore?
Why would you discard that idea?
All discussion can be summarized in why closing multiverse to only one universe while multiverse gives infinites posibilities
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You are making a huge fuss over something that you did not make a fuss over in the past when it could have been equally relevant. You are holding things to a blatant double standard.
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Keeping in mind I do not work on the game and have no clue what the future plans are, I find it a bit unnecessary to make a copy of a character, David or anyone else, just to give them a different sexuality when diversity can be done in more meaningful ways.
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Excuse me the "fuss" btw its not a fuss just an opinion is about that Ive tried to say it throught the posts but you all saw it as an attack.
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You've been running around in circles for two pages trying to defend a position that doesn't make much sense when compared to your lack of speaking up in the past over similar situations. I'd say it qualifies as a fuss.
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you're literally suggesting to put all of the representation into a single character which is absolutely not the way to handle lgbt+ representation and is honestly just queer erasure at this point. that's why people are so against it, because it's not a good idea
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Okay if the enterprise feels is better this way instead of making all characters able to represent all groups is okay.I dont share it but its their game not mine.
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Not in a single i said everyone can represent every group
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i mean, freedom of speech and all, but, like you're wasting your limited time on this earth arguing with people about a fictional character's confirmed sexuality. sexuality or snack preference, it's all part of a character, so let people enjoy these reveals, especially when they mean so much to people that wish representation of this kind was more common :)
no hate intended by the above comment, just adding my thoughts
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Indeed i will take the previous advise, dont mind a f*** of a fictional char its not my enterprise so GL with the idea
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I'm here for the comments
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If you have a problem with BHVR's decision and have to create a longwinded idea to play down the fact that he's gay, there's an issue. David being gay should be no different than everyone ASSUMING the rest of the characters are straight, no one should have an issue with that. And just because there is no time in the entity for relationships or love, DOES NOT MEAN THAT HE'S SUDDENLY STRAIGHT BECAUSE OF THAT
That logic makes no sense and I'm a bit disappointed.
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You missed the point but ok.
The lore isn't what's being discussed here, nor my opinions on the lore.
Its a side note at best, there really is no central narrative to DBD it could be non existent and we'd still have the same game. It exists to sell rifts and give a semblance of setting that's all. Lets face it its computer game writing, it's not great.
They may have had no plans to give characters sexual orientation but its inevitably implied by the little rift story subtext. i.e. "Mr X lost his wife" etc.
Any character could have been gay at any point... the point is it wasn't explicitly stated till now because its largely irrelevant to the game given how little story actually influences it.
Lets postulate a hypothesis here, DBD kinda bleeds players slowly but sustained (not dying but interest may be waning), new content causes spikes but overall game interest is down. We need a big PR move to get folks talking about DBD again what can we do hmm?
Now you have DBD reddit posts about representation, twitter buzz, forum activity that isn't just people going "camping DH boo hoo" over and over, Gamer bloggers writing lil articles about it. Eurogamer has an article about it. There is a group trying to get the LGBT+ steam tag added to the game (what about this game has anything to do with LGBT+ issues or even representation? other than an irrelevant blurb for fluff purposes).
I'm not saying its bad or shouldn't happen, just that people need to see it for what it is.